Patch update

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Fri, 14 Sep 2012 19:35

We're still working hard on the next update for iGP Manager, though unfortunately we are delaying release. There are several reasons for this, some of which are good for the future of iGP.

The good news entails business developments that provide iGP with a platform to branch out in to more forms of motorsport in future. Until contracts are in place I can't be any more specific about the terms or scope of the arrangements but I can tell you that we are all excited about them.

We also had an unanticipated setback in June with a database rollback. Development energy that week was redirected in to ensuring that a seamless service was maintained, rather than developing new features. The rollback was brought about by routine maintenance going awry. Essentially it was a human error, something all companies have to live with and build strong safety nets for. Thankfully the fallout from such events is minimal with a strong backup system. It's containing and minimizing the butterfly effect from such events which consumes time. Based on experience, we're building a better system to manage these situations after they occur in future. Once that is in place, a lot more of that work can be handled automatically, rather than manually.

The combined effect of all of the above has led us to delay the release of this update. The extra time will allow us to thoroughly complete and test the upgrades and new features before deploying them on the public service.

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Seb Vettel 12 years 252 days ago
Sounds good Jack & Team, looking forward to it!
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