New Circuit: Canada

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Thu, 05 Sep 2019 11:21

Following on from the recent launch of the French circuit, we are happy to announce that another new circuit, Canada, is also available in iGP Manager now. Canada will be in any new league seasons that are generated from this point and is available to race immediately in Quick Races.

After a recent poll on the suggestion forums created by managers, it was clear that Canada was the most popular choice for the next circuit.

Have your say

As we continue to add more new circuits we will be running polls on social media, so make sure to follow iGP Manager on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to have your say in which circuits come next.


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Berny Senna 5 years 189 days ago
What I'd like to see, along side new circuits is more attributes for our drivers. I think that having attributes such as "speed on dry" speed on inters" speed on wets" also perhaps "first lap speed" or "start" and "single lap speed" to help have a driver that is faster at qualy, "race pace" and "tyre economy" maybe a driver is better at saving tires than others as well as push levels. I say this because with 19 races, all cars will be maxed out by singapore so we need more management in drivers.
Ilkoko chilva 5 years 189 days ago
le falta generar empleados y poderlos mejorar, tambien algo mas en carrera como accidentees o fueras dfe pista y penalizaciones ,en muchas ligas se penaliza para emparejar y eso lo pone mas divertido , tendrian q agregar eso de las penas.
Izaias Carneiro 5 years 189 days ago
Avante com minha equipe.
John Doe 5 years 189 days ago
Sidiclei Silva 5 years 189 days ago
Robert Smith 5 years 189 days ago
Sounds good :) any plans to add xp levels above 20?
Im Done 5 years 189 days ago
James Yerger 5 years 189 days ago
We need virtual cautions and safety cars
Pietro Federstaller 5 years 189 days ago
Montréal? Hooray!
Claudio Ferrara 5 years 189 days ago
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