New! Driver & Staff Editor

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Mon, 01 Mar 2021 21:51

Today’s update to iGP Manager introduces the ability to fully customize the appearance of drivers and staff. Ethnicity, hair styles, facial hair, hats, glasses and more can all be customized. Prior to this update, any customization was limited to picking from predefined appearances.

Also, the major update scheduled for Q1 2021 is still set to arrive before April. We’ve been working hard on this all year. The next few updates, including this one, are laying the foundation for a bright future for iGP Manager. Once they are all released, the possibilities will have expanded tremendously.

In the meantime, we hope you will enjoy this new update.

Hair - Dozens of new hairstyles and facial hairstyles have been introduced for this update, and we’ll be open to your suggestions for more to add.

Hats - A new item for iGP Manager, a wide variety of hats can be added to drivers and staff.

Glasses and other accessories - Glasses and sunglasses can also be added, and we’re open to continually expanding the range of accessories available.

If you have any suggestions to expand the list of cosmetic items available, let us know in the comments below!


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Rayan Perera 3 years 293 days ago
In addition to this, could we also have the ability to fully customize uniforms? And some more designing features for the cars.
Lee Wood 3 years 293 days ago
Rather than the look and what a driver wears it would be better if we could customise the vehicle more like aero packages suspension packages basically let us the manager design and build our cars from scratch I think this would be the best upgrade to the game you could possibly do
md-thumbs-up  6  
Amelia Lyons 3 years 293 days ago
This is at the moment a side step in regards to what we're asking for the game to be provided.

We need League rules, Slipstream mechanics, and actual worth from stats other than the big 3.
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Simon Lin 3 years 293 days ago
Typical sign of a game about to die is when the devs release features aimed at monetising the game which no one asked for whilst the game continues to die. Who in racing has ever seen a pirate driver? I thought after the car dev and set up update that finally the attention was in the right place but yet again, here we go with useless updates. Whilst we continue to wait for updates that player/fans of the game have been asking for for over 2 years....
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Jim Clark 3 years 293 days ago
your kidding right...... fix the glitchy game before money grabbing with this sort of thing people are walking away from the game due to game issues.....
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Paul Skyeladder 3 years 293 days ago
I like the addition but why, after I select a hairstyle, if I then choose a hat, even a baseball cap which most drivers wear, does the driver, even a female driver, go bald?
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Kali Hernandez 3 years 293 days ago
now i can change 30 details from my staff yet i can’t do a gender swap. why not? i can turn their ethnicity but not their sex. also way more hair options for men than for women. let me guess how many women are on your dev and product teams...
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Giorgos Konstantinidis 3 years 293 days ago
We want cockpit camera in races and crashes
md-thumbs-up  4  
GT Automotive 3 years 293 days ago
Make the car battery charge when braking
md-thumbs-up  7  
Jonatan Souza 3 years 293 days ago
Muito boa essa nova atualização
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