New Circuit: Canada

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Thu, 05 Sep 2019 11:21

Following on from the recent launch of the French circuit, we are happy to announce that another new circuit, Canada, is also available in iGP Manager now. Canada will be in any new league seasons that are generated from this point and is available to race immediately in Quick Races.

After a recent poll on the suggestion forums created by managers, it was clear that Canada was the most popular choice for the next circuit.

Have your say

As we continue to add more new circuits we will be running polls on social media, so make sure to follow iGP Manager on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook to have your say in which circuits come next.


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Diego Santos 5 years 190 days ago
Good morning every time it is getting better to play IGP and innovating making it more competitive this is top keep it up
Sheep Racing 5 years 190 days ago
Noe Moreno 5 years 190 days ago
cuando realizara para el circuito hermanos rodriguez de mexico
Grand Rush 5 years 190 days ago
Great job, cant wait to see all the track in the future
Reza Ramadhan 5 years 190 days ago
Well done iGP ??
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