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medal 5000
7 years 94 days ago
Que en la proxima actualizacion pongan banderas amariillas que puedan ocurrir toques entre pilotos,sanciones y todo lo relacionado a eso porque en el juego no hay emociones en cambio si hay una bandera amarilla, y estabas casi acabado puedes cambiar tu estrategia y ganar eso le daria mas emocion sin duda
medal 5000
7 years 94 days ago
I agree, pls write in english next time but it translates to,
That in the next update put yellow flags that may occur touches between pilots, sanctions and everything related to that because in the game there are no emotions instead if there is a yellow flag, and you were almost finished you can change your strategy and win that would give more emotion without a doubt
medal 5000
7 years 87 days ago
Agree too, maybe crashes, safety car o car damage will improve the game
medal 5000
7 years 85 days ago
That would require managers to choose from very aggressive drivers, more likely to win a battle for position and be involved in an accident, to a very conservative driver that would loose the position but not get himself into an accident.
medal 5000
7 years 85 days ago
escribe en ingles... es una norma del foro
medal 5144 Super Mod
7 years 85 days ago
Here we go again LOL. This subject gets raised every month or so and usually sparks plenty of debate. Below are two recent threads...
132 days ago iGP big cheese Jack Basford commented on the subject, he said quote...
"About the realism factor, it's something people will always ask for until they actually get it, and then they will be demanding it to be rolled back. There's almost never a perfect middle ground with such features. Particularly when you put other things aside to sit down for a 2 hour race on PC, you don't want to then have your car randomly fail 1h45mins into the race. It's also demoralising when you're in a championship with friends and it maybe gets decided by something like that.

If such features are implemented to occur fairly often, a lot of thought needs to be put in to how they work. The new "reliability" attribute was the beginning of moving in that direction in the long run, but for now it's not really implemented fully. If the manager can control how random it is, then it can be enjoyable. When the manager themselves can be held accountable, e.g. because they were prioritising performance over reliability, then it is fair. It's when it's random and/or unfair that it can really spoil things."
medal 5088
7 years 79 days ago
Thanks Kevin for that, this will allow me to close the thread since this topic is already being discussed.
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