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Yet another one bites the dust.

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medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago
Thats now 3 people who was paid accounts that have not only not renewed their subs, but also just quit the game..


Because the CORE part of the game is STILL throwing up issue after issue..

Sorry but this NEEDS to be said..

WHY WHY WHY bother with rubbish like iphone or ipad usage when the route of the game has so many flaws..

For me and I know 100% fact for many many others.. The main core of this game is not right yet and STILL needs more work done on it.... not adding a ton of rubish that the main user doesn't need or want... Is it just to line more pockets and not bother about the gamers???? Thats EA and Codemasters attitude!!!!

I have just renewed my subscription and now i'm really wondering why I bothered tbh..

Sorry to be rude and blunt, but losing 3 subscription members in our league due to game issues is not good.. esp when you read that the Q2 patch is not really aimed at fixing all the core issues, but to make it wider for others to play this, complain and then not bother with it again... As that is what is happening..

Listen to the comment about other things and it all adds up.. To many leagues... Why??? Because people come on.. Play the game for a week or two and then not bother because the Live timings is boring and not worth sitting there when you can't see what is going on..

GIVE EVERYONE the 2D a.s.a.p.

I've just signed up to something called Goal United and it's an example on how to install payments to enhance the game.

I have posted about this before and I'll say it again..

Paid accounts should have bonus content !!

1 or 2 % extra per development....
1 extra slot for a full time test driver...
10% extra KERS..

All of these and many many more for the paid accounts and give EVERYONE the 2D.. As it should be!!!

PLEASE PLEASE Listen to your gamers, as you're going to keep losing more and more each week.

Again. Sorry if it's rude, but it's the truth and it's to the point!
medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago
Is it just to line more pockets and not bother about the gamers???? Thats EA and Codemasters attitude!!!!

You have no idea how far off the mark that comment is - if only the devs had the kind of money EA or codemasters have!
The only think they are lining their pockets with is holes.
medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago
You've read that wrong... I mean make a game with flaws and instread of fixing the main parts that need fixing. Lets just add more stuff to it without fixing the main parts.. Just to get more money.

Like the tablet market is going to make a huge difference to the bulk players... It's not. It will help about 2 %... Then the 98% want the core part of the game fixed before anything else is added.
medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago
You say fix the 'core' of the game, is that just giving everyone 2D? Can you expand on what you think the core is and what you think is the issue then maybe they might be able to do something about it...
medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago
You say fix the 'core' of the game, is that just giving everyone 2D? Can you expand on what you think the core is and what you think is the issue then maybe they might be able to do something about it...

^ This.

After reading your entire post Rob, I don't have the slightest clue what you mean by core problems.

"Thats now 3 people who was paid accounts that have not only not renewed their subs"
"I have just renewed my subscription and now i'm really wondering why I bothered tbh.."

Then you've said

"GIVE EVERYONE the 2D a.s.a.p."

Some what contradicting, so I don't entirely get the point you're trying to make?
medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago
Yeah, I'm not sure what specific complaints you have, Rob.

The only thing I can think of is that the "core problems" might refer to how gameplay can get stale with only one truly good engine/tire/fuel combo and the rigid way you have to approach design in order to succeed. But those are being addressed by the Q2 update and the new design system, IIRC.

I know one or two people who got to high enough levels that they maxed out their facilities and cars and such and felt like there was no further challenge; aside from resetting their teams and starting from scratch, they felt like they had hit the enjoyability limit. I'm personally not at that stage (I still need to get out of rookie level!).

I think as long as development continues and the devs keep building on and shaping this game, the experience will only improve. But it's not going to happen immediately or out of thin air, man, so if that's what you're expecting you're going to be disappointed.
medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago
As am a new IGP racer and a Subscriber, I'm willing to endure patches and upgrades as long as I know admin is working hard to advances game play. Internet games are developing a bad reputation in the last few years. IGP has to be transparent as possible and PR is going to be a pain. The big Mistake is taking racers for granite and bloviating nonsense. I bet we all can list a bunch of sites NOT to emulate.

Although new, all seems to be on the level thus far. And I email all the problems I see with the game. Like level11 drivers in rookie tier to name one.

medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago (edited 12 years 243 days ago)
Ok. Basic issues with the game.

Tyres to Track issues / Heating / Wrong tyrewear on a few tracks.

Staying on rain tyres when it's dry 30 mins before qually.

I'm reading a lot of crashing from standard PC issues. Yes some are issues with the end user, but alot seem to be on going issues with flash / game crashing / No lock down and so on.

Driver passing the pits with less than the ammount they need for a complete lap and running out of fule 3 corners from the pits (and no they didn't change from backing off to pushing)

Weather system crashing. (I know this has annoyed the devs, but would it not be better for them to work on their own random weather program rather than relying on an outside one that can crash and they have no reset control over? That happened when someone pitted for wets from dry and 2 laps later, it crashed and they needed to re-pit.) ending with more than one person closing the game in annoyance.

2D is a huge advantage. I don't care what any body says and to be honest, alot of the ones who moan about it not being an advantage are subscribers. (I have been a subscriber from the 2nd week I joined and I pay it per 30 days. I joined a while ago.)

The live timings are pointless unless you are being told by a subscriber what is going on (Yes. I do inform the ones who turn up what their tyre temps are.)
You don't know the heat, the fule ammounts. These things are the parts that turn off the free 2 play players... Added with the other issues as well.

They in the end bring others in as well or have been told about it and will end up playing it for a few weeks and then just quit the game. Why? Thats not good business sence.

With the 2D F2P Players will stick around a lot lot longer and will tell others about it. Just say between ever 5 to 10 F2P players bought in 1 that is a subscriber. It is worth giving them the essence of the game (The 2D) because I, like others won't turn up for every race to see some timings going up and down.

You want your members to not only log on to the site, but to stay logged on for as long as you can keep them on.

So more web development and depth in to the game is needed. If this game is using flash, then lets see it. Subscribers should see their factory and facilties grow as you add more building and then improve them to a higher level.

These (as a paying member to this game) are what things I would like to see added and not to use a (Sorry to be blunt) some what flawed game on an tablet or what ever.

I would like the main issues (in which there are still quite a few.) sorted firstly, then more levels of depth put into the game for subscribed members. Once they have been added, 2D given the F2P.. Once they have been sorted. Then move on to the other parts, like tablets, mobile apps and so on.

I have had about 6 F2P players join from the community I run and have left it because watching times and dives names in text and not knowing if they are doing things right or not if not fun at all. So they don't bother coming back. I ask them if they have been on and I get back. "Oopps. I forgot about that game, I'll do it now." or don't even bother and give it up.

I've had 3 subscribed players quit the league since it started with them being annoyed with the issues and I have 1 at the moment who is really annoyed that he spent the £25 for the year, as he would of quit the whole thing by now if it wasn't for that.

I'm just giving feedback from 1st hand issues, what I read in the league chat, what I'm told by others in steam or our TeamSpeak and what I read on the forums.

I signed up on the 17th Dec 2011 and it's the 10th July 2012 and to be blunt. I don't see a huge amount of change looking back after nearly 8 months.

I pay my subs ever month to help the development of this game and to see it grow.

Players quitting after they have been playing it for over 6 months because of continuous problems is not good, esp when you have been sitting there 3 night a week chatting to these people.

I for one do not and will not care about mobile versions of this game, other than a PC and a Laptop version until the main bugs are sorted or at least being dealt with.

Sorry to rant, rant over. :)
medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago
Rennie Fox, 1 hour ago

I know I have inters on for weather strategy but I found it'd be too wet on inters. On live timing scrren I chose full went and then order the car to pit but the pit crew instead fit the soft tyres on my car! Very frustrating!
medal 5000
12 years 243 days ago
I just don't see how giving 2D to f2p players is a good idea. I don't see how you can make it worth subscribing if there is no advantage. You'd still run into the same problem with f2p players getting bored if the paying subscribers did have extra advantages (like the ones you suggested earlier on) because there will simply be less chances for them to win, which is exactly the same as the current situation. There is no way to keep the playing field level and expect people to keep paying if they don't gain anything from it.

I mean don't get me wrong, I for one don't think f2p players should be put at a disadvantage, but I just don't see how they can gain subscribers if there is no advantage in subscribing, so I can see why it works the way it works now.
medal 5000
12 years 242 days ago
Ok. Basic issues with the game.

Tyres to Track issues / Heating / Wrong tyrewear on a few tracks.

Staying on rain tyres when it's dry 30 mins before qually.

I'm reading a lot of crashing from standard PC issues. Yes some are issues with the end user, but alot seem to be on going issues with flash / game crashing / No lock down and so on.

Driver passing the pits with less than the ammount they need for a complete lap and running out of fule 3 corners from the pits (and no they didn't change from backing off to pushing)

Weather system crashing. (I know this has annoyed the devs, but would it not be better for them to work on their own random weather program rather than relying on an outside one that can crash and they have no reset control over? That happened when someone pitted for wets from dry and 2 laps later, it crashed and they needed to re-pit.) ending with more than one person closing the game in annoyance.

2D is a huge advantage. I don't care what any body says and to be honest, alot of the ones who moan about it not being an advantage are subscribers. (I have been a subscriber from the 2nd week I joined and I pay it per 30 days. I joined a while ago.)

The live timings are pointless unless you are being told by a subscriber what is going on (Yes. I do inform the ones who turn up what their tyre temps are.)
You don't know the heat, the fule ammounts. These things are the parts that turn off the free 2 play players... Added with the other issues as well.

They in the end bring others in as well or have been told about it and will end up playing it for a few weeks and then just quit the game. Why? Thats not good business sence.

With the 2D F2P Players will stick around a lot lot longer and will tell others about it. Just say between ever 5 to 10 F2P players bought in 1 that is a subscriber. It is worth giving them the essence of the game (The 2D) because I, like others won't turn up for every race to see some timings going up and down.

You want your members to not only log on to the site, but to stay logged on for as long as you can keep them on.

So more web development and depth in to the game is needed. If this game is using flash, then lets see it. Subscribers should see their factory and facilties grow as you add more building and then improve them to a higher level.

These (as a paying member to this game) are what things I would like to see added and not to use a (Sorry to be blunt) some what flawed game on an tablet or what ever.

I would like the main issues (in which there are still quite a few.) sorted firstly, then more levels of depth put into the game for subscribed members. Once they have been added, 2D given the F2P.. Once they have been sorted. Then move on to the other parts, like tablets, mobile apps and so on.

I have had about 6 F2P players join from the community I run and have left it because watching times and dives names in text and not knowing if they are doing things right or not if not fun at all. So they don't bother coming back. I ask them if they have been on and I get back. "Oopps. I forgot about that game, I'll do it now." or don't even bother and give it up.

I've had 3 subscribed players quit the league since it started with them being annoyed with the issues and I have 1 at the moment who is really annoyed that he spent the £25 for the year, as he would of quit the whole thing by now if it wasn't for that.

I'm just giving feedback from 1st hand issues, what I read in the league chat, what I'm told by others in steam or our TeamSpeak and what I read on the forums.

I signed up on the 17th Dec 2011 and it's the 10th July 2012 and to be blunt. I don't see a huge amount of change looking back after nearly 8 months.

I pay my subs ever month to help the development of this game and to see it grow.

Players quitting after they have been playing it for over 6 months because of continuous problems is not good, esp when you have been sitting there 3 night a week chatting to these people.

I for one do not and will not care about mobile versions of this game, other than a PC and a Laptop version until the main bugs are sorted or at least being dealt with.

Sorry to rant, rant over. :)

Ok so lets break this down.

"Tyres to Track issues / Heating / Wrong tyrewear on a few tracks"

Can you expand on what issues you are getting or some of your league members? But wrong tyrewear, just to be clear this is not based on F1 seasons 11,12 more based on 06 to 09.

"I'm reading a lot of crashing from standard PC issues. Yes some are issues with the end user, but alot seem to be on going issues with flash / game crashing / No lock down and so on"

There has been some issues that I have had were the race server has crashed, but I have played on MAC and PC and all the different browsers with no issues.

"Driver passing the pits with less than the ammount they need for a complete lap and running out of fule 3 corners from the pits (and no they didn't change from backing off to pushing)"

I would put this down to users not putting in the correct amount of fuel but that's imo.

Weather system crashing. (I know this has annoyed the devs, but would it not be better for them to work on their own random weather program rather than relying on an outside one that can crash and they have no reset control over? That happened when someone pitted for wets from dry and 2 laps later, it crashed and they needed to re-pit.) ending with more than one person closing the game in annoyance.

Ok so that would take alot of man hours in imo, so that would be a bit crazy it would make more sense to use the google API but remeber that there are leagues every day in different parts of the world so it might not even be google's fault.

2D is a huge advantage. I don't care what any body says and to be honest, alot of the ones who moan about it not being an advantage are subscribers. (I have been a subscriber from the 2nd week I joined and I pay it per 30 days. I joined a while ago.)

I would say yes and no to this I have a few of the guys in my league run with 2D and have won races but when it comes down to weather changing in the race the lose out.

Im not gonna go through the whole list I do see your ideas, but I think when people are complaning/make the devs aware about the game they need to make it really clear and give exapmles to what they are seeing otherwise the devs cant make a change or change the gameplay. About the whole lets give 2D to F2P yes good idea but this is still a startup website and company the guys that are making this happen cant give away there biggist selling point for the game yet that might come down the road.. this is all imo just saying how i see it.. :)

medal 5000
12 years 242 days ago
''Tyres to Track issues / Heating / Wrong tyrewear on a few tracks.''

Wrong compared to what? This is a stupid comment.

''Staying on rain tyres when it's dry 30 mins before qually.''

It's called dynamic weather. This means it can change. Preparation locks for everyone 30 mins before the race so everyone is in the same boat.

''Driver passing the pits with less than the ammount they need for a complete lap and running out of fule 3 corners from the pits (and no they didn't change from backing off to pushing)''

Don't run bingo fuel then, add 1L to your stints or find a better way to work out a strategy.

''2D is a huge advantage.''

Nope, Bahrain Monaco & even Italy can be won by people not even there on the night, 2D subscribers or not. Advantage yes, huge no.

''They in the end bring others in as well or have been told about it and will end up playing it for a few weeks and then just quit the game. Why? Thats not good business sence.''

Right so it's iGP Developers fault then that people stop playing the game? Please show me a game where 100% of the initial 2 month signups are still playing 6 months down the line.

I really don't understand the logic of people who play a game (assuming it's because they like it) and then sit on the forum crying about how shit it is and flawed and the iGP Developers aren't focusing on what YOU want them to focus on.

These guys are tiny, tiny developers in a world where other people at companies who do the exact same work are paid shitloads more. The subscription fee is tiny and what's the point of making all the features free like you suggest? Should they work for free then?

The speed at which some of the fixes and countermeasures have arrived cannot be overlooked, also with another update around the corner it's quite fair to say this game is always going to be tweaked and improved, because no game is perfect right off the bat, is that what you were expecting?

medal 5000
12 years 242 days ago
i always find this amusing, someone complains about the game and the loyal fans basically say hes wrong, i agree with some of what he says for example at the moment as a 2D user you get more info then a live timing user info i personally think should be given to everyone not just 2d users, look at other F2P games in all of them there is the option to subcribe and in all of the ones i have played subscribers have been given benifits such as increased income and increased xp along with premium features, in no F2P game is any essential information witheld from you and i personally feel fuel levels, tyre wear and tyre temp is essential information im not calling for everyone to have 2D what im saying is everyone should have that information.

if this was my game i would personally add more depth, such as double the amount of suppliers/sponsors, i would also make a change to the strat for the users 2d and non 2d i would allow them to set where they want the drivers to use kers for example "only use kers on stright"  or "only use kers for attacking/defending" could be options for people who either dont want to controll kers or people who cant make every race.

i would also have "premium" facilities/functions such as being allowed a junior team and i know this has been suggested already but having the ability to produce your own engines/fuels and tyres and the ability to have more staff and a discount on facility costs for premium users.

i do enjoy the game but theres clearly some issues which is understandable, i dont think any of my suggestions are any differnt to what the vast majority of F2P games i've played allready do.

Dont bite my head off :P  
medal 5146
12 years 242 days ago
£3 is equivilant to a bottle of alcohol. which 90% of our community consumes regularly. Maybe if you got your finger out and stopped drinking or smoking, you'd realise you had more money than you claim you do.

2D will always be subscriber, we arn't losing anyone if you decide to leave mate. These posts are tiring to read as it's repetitive. You play the game for free and want everything for free. If you want to use these features, get your finger out your arse and pay for it like the rest of us.
medal 5000
12 years 242 days ago
£3 is equivilant to a bottle of alcohol. which 90% of our community consumes regularly. Maybe if you got your finger out and stopped drinking or smoking, you'd realise you had more money than you claim you do.

2D will always be subscriber, we arn't losing anyone if you decide to leave mate. These posts are tiring to read as it's repetitive. You play the game for free and want everything for free. If you want to use these features, get your finger out your arse and pay for it like the rest of us.

+1 :D. But on the other had I think they are correct that there needs to be a bit more for F2P. If you give more design % and more money to pay users that will tip the balance to subs even more and lead to more complaints from f2p users saying how subs are overly powerful. I think that the devs have got the correct balance with subs and F2P but as said above a bit more for F2P wouldnt hurt.
medal 5000
12 years 242 days ago
Suggestion: Once a "next generation" 2D system comes into play (car shapes, better weather effects, etc.), then maybe the current 2D becomes the F2P version. That way, new subs will have a better in-race experience while still giving perks to subscribers. Savvy?
medal 5000
12 years 242 days ago
Suggestion: Once a "next generation" 2D system comes into play (car shapes, better weather effects, etc.), then maybe the current 2D becomes the F2P version. That way, new subs will have a better in-race experience while still giving perks to subscribers. Savvy?

Yep that would be cool but is that not a lonnnnng way of?
medal 5000
12 years 242 days ago
''Tyres to Track issues / Heating / Wrong tyrewear on a few tracks.''

Wrong compared to what? This is a stupid comment.

''Staying on rain tyres when it's dry 30 mins before qually.''

It's called dynamic weather. This means it can change. Preparation locks for everyone 30 mins before the race so everyone is in the same boat.

Ok these 2 comments show that you don't know this game at all then.

Monza for example... It states it's the one of the lowest tyre wear tracks. We raced it within the last week and from the moment we pitted on softs, we was on fully backing off to make sure they didn't over heat!!! Thats not pushing for even half a lap. Full backing off from the moment they put the tyres on and by lap 4 or 5, they already started to overheat and carried on until they was red. Oh and the temp that day was 18 degrees.

As for the weather. Have a look at my account. 100% races complete. I have never ran out of fule, but other have and I ask in my league, what happened, did you push and bits like that. I ask and get reponces. So I'm not talking for 1 person here, I'm talking for the ones I get feed back from.
medal 5000
12 years 242 days ago

''Tyres to Track issues / Heating / Wrong tyrewear on a few tracks.''

Wrong compared to what? This is a stupid comment.

''Staying on rain tyres when it's dry 30 mins before qually.''

It's called dynamic weather. This means it can change. Preparation locks for everyone 30 mins before the race so everyone is in the same boat.

Ok these 2 comments show that you don't know this game at all then.

Monza for example... It states it's the one of the lowest tyre wear tracks. We raced it within the last week and from the moment we pitted on softs, we was on fully backing off to make sure they didn't over heat!!! Thats not pushing for even half a lap. Full backing off from the moment they put the tyres on and by lap 4 or 5, they already started to overheat and carried on until they was red. Oh and the temp that day was 18 degrees.

As for the weather. Have a look at my account. 100% races complete. I have never ran out of fule, but other have and I ask in my league, what happened, did you push and bits like that. I ask and get reponces. So I'm not talking for 1 person here, I'm talking for the ones I get feed back from.

Ok now for Monza if you take a look at the temp its like between 17c-30c that make a big difference in tyres going red and cold... In the winter when the temp is less you get less heating up...

So I'm not talking for 1 person here, I'm talking for the ones I get feed back from

In that case get them to come on forum and post. You cant speak for other people as this is crazy ie they might have have pressed off the pit button??

Btw Im not  fanboy as seen in other post just using common sense.
medal 5000
12 years 242 days ago
As for other comments.

2D like I said. Will mainly be argued about by people who pay in to it.

As for the Advantages. Please read it again.

Subscribed players should not be the only one to have the core gameplay of this game, take other genres of gaming, MMO's. I have played a lot of different types of games from Ikariam, Need for Speed World, Goal United, Shot Online, Lord of the Rings online and others that have a free to play setup and I have paid in to all of them on more than one occation except Lord of the Rings.

You get the EXACT same gameplay as F2P and Pay Per Month.. The differences to paying in is simple. Faster leveling, more items, bonus content, special items and so on, the list is to long to put down...

The point is. Things like Ikairam and Shot Online. I've played these for years and seen how a game grows and how they impliment payment features.

Take this for an example. (Not fact.)


You want to copy a part. Ok as a free to play player, It takes you 48 hrs to come up with the part. As a paid member, you get an instant upgrade with a click of a button.

On your normal design upgrads, as F2P you'll get 4 or 5 % to your next part, as a Paid member, you get 6 to 7%.

As a paid member, you as supposed to gain advantages, that is the whole point of paying in to it in the 1st place. but once the lock down has happened and you're on the track, then it's game on and supposed to be as balanced as possible.

Yes the paid account will still have an advantage, BUT then that is down to you paying in and getting the bouns bits and not because they have been backing off to much and running around with cold tyres or the very oppisite and not knowing if they are doing the right thing or not..

As a paid member, I dont find any joyment beating someone because they have flown off into the distance only to destroy their tyres and end up 8th when they had an actual chance of winning.

I don't find that fun at all and tbh. I find it more off putting. I want to win by 1 or 2 seconds and have been pushed all the way rather than winning by 1 min and lapping the field up to 6th.. Yes that has happened for about 70% of the seasons.

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