Jaxon Voom medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
Not sure why, race is 100% finished and spying has registered but training hasn't reset to enable me to do it again.

Arthur Akopyan medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
I guess it has something to do with fixing the league-hopping exploit...

Jaxon Voom medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
Can't be fixed right then cos i haven't switched leagues in 6 months.

jovi hilaria medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
same prob here just finished ffsca race,

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 200 days ago
I've updated the message to reflect the new time limit on training. It should be clearer now when you can train these drivers.

Jaxon Voom medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
Problem is the training hasn't updated so i can't see that new message. Still just says, 'You may train this driver again after the next race'. Will i be able to train my guy before that race?

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 200 days ago
You may train this driver again in X hours
This is the new message.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
I have the same thing Jack. Just logged on for the first time today, and I can't train my drivers after the last race (it doesn't say anything about training after X hours). This is what it says.
Trained: Mental
You may train this driver again after the next race
Trained: Attacking
You may train this driver again after the next race
Trained: Health
You may train your staff again after the next race

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
Ok now I can train my staff but still not my drivers? Wtf lol

Amelia Lyons medal 5165 12 years 200 days ago
It appears to be working for me. I believe it works in the following way.
If staffTraining <24 hours then, set remaining time and if staffTraining = lastraceID then set cooldown to last race start ELSE
training = available
It would be a complicated algorithim but it appears to be working.

Ryan Ware medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
It now must be locked to a 24 hour thing to stop cheating.
I have: You may train this driver again in 22 hours yet my next race is in 15 hours.
It is not a problem though, as I should still be able to train every day without it getting too close to the race :)

René van der K medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
Same problem for me. Can't train my drivers

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 200 days ago
Same problem for me. Can't train my drivers
What did the message say? I just emulated your account and could train the drivers. I'm thinking perhaps the race-based message is showing instead of the time-based one.

James Young medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
I received different messages on both my accounts. On this account, my driver training says I can train again "in 12 hours" and my staff training says "after the next race". On my second account, both driver and staff training say "after the next race". On both accounts I believe I did the staff training before the exploit patch went in, but my driver training on both teams was definitely post-patch. The driver training sessions for both teams were done within a couple minutes of each other, as well.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 200 days ago
To clear up any confusion, it does both the next race and a 24hr countdown, not one or the other. Whichever is more appropriate given when the training was done and when the next race is coming up.
If it's time based though it should say how long, if it's race based then it will say after the next race. It was necessary to add this time limit after people were exploiting league-hopping.

Awesome Asim medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
You may train this driver again after the next race
This is the message am getting cant train them.

Tim Lewis medal 5000 12 years 200 days ago
Raced at 16:00 but it appears the traning has not released after race so appears as showing as already trained fopr next race.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 199 days ago
And now? It should show a countdown instead for those of you who had a race pass but still can't train.

Jaxon Voom medal 5000 12 years 199 days ago
Works fine for me now, got the timer on both team and driver training. Although i'm a little concerned with the timer tbh. If it's a 24h limit, then we'll only be able to train after a day and a bit, so over time we'll lose a training session. It's also switched now so i can't train after the race, which i prefer to make sure i don't forget. Could we do a training point style thing? Where every account get a training point for drivers and team each day at the 1pm processing. Or on each race day at 1pm if they're in a non 7 day league. That way we can keep up with training even when we go on holiday, just come back to a few stored up training points so we don't fall behind.
Either way though, good job at least fixing the exploit.

Neil Robinson medal 5000 12 years 199 days ago
i dont think its a 24h limit, after i trained it said 22 hours until you can train, which therefore would soon work in the other direction