Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 12 years 190 days ago
iGP announces a new price and an expansion of the reward point system plus free one month iRacing codes for championship winners.
Jeroen Ursem medal 5000 12 years 190 days ago
Seriously? Why did you remove a month and the 3 months subscribtion option?
Nice to see changes happening, but these changes just feel to get your wallet just a bit heavier if I'm honest.
iRacing looks like a nice bonus, but as I'm (and others) allready a member of iRacing, it doesn't add anything.
I'd rather see Q2 than the changes you made now.

Jaxon Voom medal 5000 12 years 190 days ago
Bad money grabs are bad.

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 190 days ago
£29.99 is a full price PC game is this a full price PC/web game not yet IMO. Nice to see rewards for people that win leagues is that in rookie pro and elite or just elite?

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 190 days ago
It is surprising that you have removed the monthly payment plan. If I had needed to pay £30 up front, I would not have joined.

Jonathan Palmer medal 5295 12 years 190 days ago (edited 12 years 190 days ago)
As far as I can see free-to-play still exists and so do the 3 trials.
I remember seeing a post a while back saying they lost virtually half of a £5 sub in fees to the tax man and paypal... so it's a fair compromise IMO. Lower rate per month/race (less than half price by my calcs), but higher minimum entry, I'm guessing so they don't lose half of it in fees.
...at least I think that's why they couldn't sell £2.50 subs on a monthly basis. Maybe a dev can clarify.

Marcus Caton medal 5000 12 years 190 days ago
This is dissapointing.
Something like this should come after Q2-Q3 patches when the game has significant tweaks and extra content to make it worth anything close to a purchase price.
I understand the iracing partnership might of been a once in a lifetime grab but the game isn't solid enough for market tricks like this however necessary.
As far as i'm concerned we're all paid in beta testers.
Allot of changes must be made as this current dynamic isn't friendly to new people and filled with frustrations.
The league/ promotion system in itself needs to be improved greatly to ensure new people aren't stuck in development lymbo being forced to develop for a full season etc just to get a chance at winning in the next season only to then miss out and have to run rookie/ pro lvls over and over.
A rethink is necessary, i can understand what they're aiming for but it's a bit premature.
Content first, build the community and grow this sub genre.
Only then when the game has lasting enjoyment throughout multiple seasons can such big market thinking be implimented.
P.S: the only reason i'm here is to support this game like i said on day 1.
It has great potential and i hope the Devs haven't lost their way and truely intends to get back to work at the comp and away from confrence calls.

Stefan Muller medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
I do like one of the new rewards very much. How often do you come across a pretty good driver and think about hiring him/her, but their health is down to 50% and you don't want to spend ages rebuilding it.
Training it up to a 100% for the cost of 100 reward points is a good idea.

Neil Robinson medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
I agree with the changes, this is now not going to work for me as i only put aside so much money per month for things. So now i cannot renew my subscription as i dont have enough money to do so. I dont see why it has to be a 1 year subscription as the 1 month and 3 month subscriptions were popular, and it would make you ore money in the long run

Gary Collyer medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
+1 with Neil, no more subs with this team, was renewing it 2day for another month & find i can't.

Neil Robinson medal 5000 12 years 188 days ago
Should IGP stick with the monthly subscriptions, or so a yearly one as planned?Monthly choice (100%, 8 votes)Yearly only (0%, 0 votes)
just thought id show peoples comments to the designers of the game

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 188 days ago
how many reward points you have neil?

Neil Robinson medal 5000 12 years 188 days ago
299, will breach 300 tonight

Uncle Albert medal 5000 12 years 186 days ago
Well. I paid per month and I'm not in a place to pay for 1 year... So thats another 2 accounts going to be leaving the game and a league with acitve members being closed down...

Jason Walker medal 5000 12 years 186 days ago
Don't even know if my league will even be around in a year, not wasting my money.

Ethan Bass medal 5000 12 years 185 days ago
Fixing the stuff that frustrate us existing players should've been a much higher priority than handing out reward points and changing the subscription system which as clearly shown, is only making you lose paying customers and people on F2P aren't going to commit to paying £30.00 or your regional equivelant in order to continue using 2D after their three free runs unless they know enough people in one league that ALL use 2D.
The more days pasd, the more I think this game will never be a MMO version of Grand Prix World.

Kodie Chapman medal 5000 12 years 185 days ago
Dissapointed that they have removed the 1 month subscription.
Definitely not going to pay for 1 year as i think this game could easily die within the next year or so.
"There are only so many chamionships you do until you want to retire as a manager"
Also i think it would be good to reward championship title winners with say..5 free 2D races (A thankyou for custom and commitment)
My advice:
Be more customer friendly,
Bring more people in and stop scaring us away
Listen to our idea's.

Luke Frost medal 5000 12 years 182 days ago
29.99 for a YEAR is fantastic. Thank you Admins, I will be re-subscribing now :)
Butthurt people should realise that the game will expand massively in the next year, and your subscription will allow that to grow even more.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 182 days ago
Thank goodness someone has posted something positive.
I am sure there are heaps of people quite happy with the new rate but don't post anything as it is seen too trivial a matter.
I have found that most posts are alway something negative - such is the way of things i guess.
I too think that £30 is a snip - can't get a half decent pair of jeans for that (and then they don't last a year!)

Neil Robinson medal 5000 12 years 182 days ago
Im not saying its exspensive or anything Jake, but at the minute im Unemployed and have to manage my money wisely, So i put £6 a month away for IGP. To suddenlt be told you need £30 with only 9 days until i run out is not good for me. I would rather have been notified first so i ould have restricted my funding