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Changes to when League Hosts can kick players

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medal 5088
5 years 310 days ago
Hello all,

Today we have implemented a change in how league hosts are able to kick players.
Players can only be kicked from leagues if they are inactive for 48 hours or more.
This is to curb down abusive behavior from league hosts, such as kicking players who are leading championships or kicking players who offer views opposing a host's in a civil manner.

If a player presents serious trouble, league hosts can post on the forum requesting assistance.
medal 5045
5 years 310 days ago
hopefully everything goes smoothly with this change!
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
Damn terrible change. Dont you play The game?

What can we do if we play with two componds  and a manager break the rule?
Or will we be hostage of manager that logins just to dont be kicked?

Awful change. 
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
Very bad news! 

Who created this rule doesnt get the game.
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
What are the precedents of abusive league hosts and frequency of them?

Rather difficult to think how all kicking of "active managers" would now have to go through the iGP mod team/staff, unless the player base is quite well-behaved and there aren't actually many issues. Hosts may also want to clean up the league of managers with multiple teams (whether it's to fill up spots for promotion or whatever reason), those not conforming to agreed-upon league rules and regulations that may not be related to any general codes of conduct, etc.
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
Bad move from the developers, as you can't kick players who access their account but don't fix their cars and make their strategies.
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
Very disappointed with this change! There are many serious leagues in igp, which make this filter to players who do not care about the league in which they enter. There are league with rotating managers in the rookie tier and malicious people from other leagues that can screw up one League!
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
What a bad move guys ??‍♂️
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
Also, this allows players to start messing up the leagues, and every time this happens, we'll have to contact the support...
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago (Last edited by Johnny Cooper 5 years 309 days ago)
Would at least appreciate it if I could kick managers between seasons and for the first few races of it. Maybe with the exception of the promoted ones. 
What if there are new managers joining your league who aren't appropriate, like lvl 7 elite managers and I am not able to kick them? Or like some others already mentioned managers who log in daily but don't do setup? I also understand the concerns from hosts who have a tyre rule in their league which they'll also not be able to enforce. All in all I think it will concentrate a lot of the iGP staff's time if hosts ask regularly to remove such players. I also do understand iGP's concern about bullying league host, but I'm still opposed to this change.
medal 5004
5 years 309 days ago (Last edited by James Atkins 5 years 309 days ago)
This change works well but also doesn't work well. There is quite a lot of leagues with a tyre compound rule and now you won't be able to kick someone out for continuously breaking the rules. A better option is to keep the kicking system as it is, if there is a league host kicking you for no reason then it's your job to report it

Edit: Another option would be to add a setting in the league options, enabling or disabling a two-three tyre compound rule. If this is enabled if you choose only one-two tyres you will be disqualified after the race. If this rule is applied two-three compounds could be used for default strategy, to stop people from being disqualified from the race if they didn't set strategy.

Edit 2: another way to solve this is when hosts kick someone from the league, they have to type a reason to why they were kicked. The player will recieve this when they were kicked saying
You were kicked from league.
Reason: what the host wrote.
Appeal: link to igp manager email

If the player feels that this kick was unfair or the reason why they were kicked is not true, they can appeal to the decision by contacting igp manager email and type why you feel you shouldn't have been kicked. Igp manager will then respond to the email and if they feel it was a valid appeal they will email the player asking whether he/she wants to join the league again. If the player says yes they will be added back to the league with the same amount of development and design points as they had before they were kicked. If it's a new season the player will have a brand new car design obviously.
medal 5421
5 years 309 days ago
@Yunus, I understand there are cases of league leaders being kicked (and accused of hacking).
But, would it not be more practical to punish the administrators of these leagues than to restrict the control of the others? (especially of the leagues that work with "extra" rules, of 2 tires for example)
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago (Last edited by Andres Santana 5 years 309 days ago)
Change badly done totally at odds with that. I mean, in my League we have Internal Rules; as Regulations of Tires, as Regulations of Names of Equipment, As Norms of coexistence, Therefore the failure to comply with these rules gives penalizations, and if they are not met, the Expulsion of the Infractor Manager remains. Otherwise the Managers will not comply with the above. I believe in two things regarding this issue, they are violating the organization and the Independence of each League, Some like mine unique in their organization style where we even played an Alternate Tournament. As a second I think that, the one that should enter to prove that it was unfairly removed is the Ejected Manager, and not the Administrator of that League in my case I think it is not difficult to prove an unjust cause since in my League a process of regular conduct is made with images of each notification, we also have a Committee of Sports Stewards who carry out said process. In summary, its measure is counterproductive and illogical that favors Manager Infractors. Regards
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
I think that before any measure should be analyzed cases. And if possible listen to the parts. There are cases where there is a lack of good behavior and respect.

Not to mention that even without Hack, there may be unfair practices in the game.

For example, it has managers with very old accounts that keep it "inactive" out of League (not to pay wages) with more than 70 DCs accumulated buying and selling to their other accounts and also favoring friends.

It is very complicated to deal with such situations and the leagues must have autonomy to deal with such situations.
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago (Last edited by Thiago Vidal 5 years 309 days ago)
I think that CDs have nothing to do with this topic... ? If you want to have a good car then get your CDs and done!
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
Muy malo esto!!! Creo que perjudica mucho a las ligas que tengan reglas internas... Una muy mala decisión a mi parecer
medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
I just set an example. It was not the focus of the argument.
medal 5045
5 years 309 days ago (Last edited by Leo Yeo 5 years 309 days ago)
hopefully everything goes smoothly with this change!

and it looks like I jinxed it :D

Looking at the response from the rest, think this change is one that has brought more harm than good...

medal 5000
5 years 309 days ago
This implementation may seem nonsensical to some but as a manager of a new league it greatly effects us in so many ways! To keep things fair, I have implemented a level cap. This is to prevent high level managers coming in to our league and well, “stat pad/boost”. I can NO LONGER prevent this from happening! Of course, I could ask them to leave, but do you think they will listen to a manager/host that is powerless? Of course not - okay, some may be respectful and leave but I suppose the vast majority will not...

Recently a manager had left the league, he was a disruptive influence who made the league a less enjoyable place to be, shall we say. Now, as a result of this, a discussion was brought between myself and a few fellow managers that if history repeated itself then that manager would be swiftly removed. I can no longer do this as a result.

Just the other day, I had to remove a second team from a manager in the league as I do not allow this, purely because it takes up a space of a potential active manager! Of course, I can ask them to remove the second team, but, if they do not comply or heaven forbid I get an influx of managers who spam the league with second accounts  (my worst nightmare btw ?); I am in a word, stuffed.

All this just means that I can no longer govern the league, efficiently and effectively.

Of course the only answer to my (potential) problems is to create threads, ask mods, whatever, to remove managers or extra team from the league. But, isn’t this just a bit tedious? If the answer is no then, great, you’ll be having plenty of threads from me! ??

I don’t expect you to listen to someone who doesn’t hold any “weight” here but, I felt my point of view was needed to be given. 

Thank you for taking the time to read this ?


medal 5045
5 years 309 days ago
If this isn't going to be reverted back I suggest iGP creates a thread specifically for handling the requests of league hosts and a few people should be assigned to managing the thread, otherwise this'll be a mess
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