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iGP Heavyweight Showdown League!

Who do you think will come out ahead after 3 seasons of racing?

49.23% (32)
Nik B, Lvl19
26.15% (17)
Peter Man, Lvl19
24.62% (16)
Another Manager..comment below :)
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medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago (Last edited by Peter Man 5 years 89 days ago)
So the time has come! xD No more popcorn munching (for the race managers anyway! xD) the time has come to race! :DD

For those who do not know all the background to this, there have been 2 rather heated threads, which have culminated in this league creation, to finally settled my and Nik B's difference's in opinion! :D

Popcorn show threads:

Showdown league!

iGP Heavyweight Showdown Division
Popcorn? ✔️
Beer? ✔️
Great racing? ✔️
The best and toughest iGP Managers in 1 league!
Let's race! ^_^ ?️?️???

League not found or inactive

Due to real life commitments for Nik B, the league is provisionally to start on the Monday 30th September! This is a provisional date, and may be subject to a slight delay, depending on how busy Nik B is :) 

The race schedule will be for 4 days/week, Mondays to Thursdays, with racetimes at 16:30 BST (15:30 UTC)! (*This racetime may be subject to a +1hr change, if European players in the league request it..myself, I can do either time ;) )

The league is scheduled to run at least 4 seasons, and possibly longer if there is enough popcorn around then!


If you would like to race with myself and Nik B in this league, sign ups are now open! ^_^

Please reply to this thread, with the account you intend to use! Preference will be given to managers who have expressed a prior interest to this league in previous threads!

There is also currently a reputation minimum of 8000 for new managers!

And this will be the first time myself and Nik B have raced together! We will both be using Level 19 accounts!!

Confirmed managers

Boomer Kid, Level 19, 9947
Peter Man, Level 19, 9554
James Atkins, Level 19, 10000
Simon Dba, Level 20, 9698
Giuliano Queiroz, Level 20, 9567
Евганяй Первый, Level 18, 9582
Yuri Bareev, Level 19, 9222
Andrea Testa, Level 19, 9617
Mirwi Zerki, Level 20, 8348
Johnny Cooper, Level 19, 9916
Lucas Senna, Level 19, 9389
Paulo Di Giovanni, Level 20, 10000
Iury Marques, Level 17, 9550
Bernie Monroe, Level 18, 8758

Managers Championships
1. Boomer Kid
2. Peter Man
3. TBC

Drivers Championships
1. Boomer Kid
2. Peter Man
3. TBC
medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago
Great that we're able to work this out. ? I've pushed the silly drama aside, not my proudest moment to say the least, and I hope to get back to some great racing as that's where my focus lies. September 30 is the earliest I can do. 

Will be using this account btw. Should still work out fine. Looking forward to having another exciting challenge.
medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago
Sounds great Boomer! ^_^ Shall we both join the league now to get the ball rolling? :) Was hoping to squeeze out some extra Experience on my 2nd driver, but fine to join now, if it helps attracts the other iGP Heavyweights! ^_^
medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago
I'm in. Balls have been rolled.
medal 5004
5 years 159 days ago
Hey, I'm down to have a good go. Will be good to go against you two:)
medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago
was looking forward to join this battle, but saidly can't race at 6:( 
medal 5488
5 years 159 days ago
I am interested =).
medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago
was looking forward to join this battle, but saidly can't race at 6:( 

That's a shame Bastian..I am sure you would give myself, Nik B, and everyone else a good run for their money in the races ^_^

We could add possibly +30 mins to the race time, if everyone signed up so far, is okay with that, and if the time could work for you. Boomer Kid may lose 30 mins of his sleep though, but I'm sure he will be fine! ^_^
medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago
I would like to join the league( great work Peter and Boomer) but I have race in other league in 17:00 GMT, if the time be on 30 minutes or 1 hour early, I would join.
medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago
Seems ok, without passsword to have the ability to watch  your races 
medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago


We could add possibly +30 mins to the race time, if everyone signed up so far, is okay with that, and if the time could work for you. Boomer Kid may lose 30 mins of his sleep though, but I'm sure he will be fine! ^_^

When the Start are at 18.30 i'm interested to Join

medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago

was looking forward to join this battle, but saidly can't race at 6:( 

That's a shame Bastian..I am sure you would give myself, Nik B, and everyone else a good run for their money in the races ^_^

We could add possibly +30 mins to the race time, if everyone signed up so far, is okay with that, and if the time could work for you. Boomer Kid may lose 30 mins of his sleep though, but I'm sure he will be fine! ^_^

would need an hour, i come Home at 6.30-7 Berlin time so 7 would be the earliest starting Time i can, that is 6 BST.

Don't plan with me, in case the Time fits to my real life
i will join if not i will follow the results:)
medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago
Seems ok, without passsword to have the ability to watch  your races 

That's a very good point..hopefully we can get 16 top managers before the start, and then everything will be visible! ^_^ Good start so far..5 confirmed in a few hours ^_^ But need moah!! xDD


Regarding the race time, this is currently being discussed in the league :-)) It is quite a delicate timing, as I'm sure many of you race in other leagues throughout the day. Balancing act! xD And of course, we have to give considerations to Boomer Kid's sleep! Hahaha!!
medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago

Seems ok, without passsword to have the ability to watch  your races 

That's a very good point..hopefully we can get 16 top managers before the start, and then everything will be visible! ^_^ Good start so far..5 confirmed in a few hours ^_^ But need moah!! xDD


Regarding the race time, this is currently being discussed in the league :-)) It is quite a delicate timing, as I'm sure many of you race in other leagues throughout the day. Balancing act! xD And of course, we have to give considerations to Boomer Kid's sleep! Hahaha!!

Lol, hope you beat down Boomer, in a very satisfying way lol
medal 5675 Community Manager
5 years 159 days ago

medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago


medal 5000
5 years 159 days ago
dang too high rep requirement. 

Best of luck to all participants, this will be great fun to watch.
medal 5000
5 years 158 days ago

dang too high rep requirement. 

Best of luck to all participants, this will be great fun to watch.

Lol you should have 1000000 reputation 
medal 5000
5 years 158 days ago
5/16 teams confirmed, with another 2 managers showing high interest! ^_^

Still another 11 spots available! ;))

Reply to this thread, or pm myself or Boomer Kid for the password invite! ^_^

Thank you, and have a nice day! ;)
medal 5000
5 years 157 days ago
30 minutes earlier no? 
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