Skid Solo medal 5295 2 years 277 days ago (Last edited by
Skid Solo 2 years 277 days ago)
It doesn't take ages to change tyre performance, it was done across the board about six months ago.
How many full wet races do we get in a season? In my experience not many. Then you take into consideration that this is a new problem which only affects non-refuelling races and the question is for what reason should they change it?
Before implementing any changes in the live environment it would require a substantial amount of testing which ties up both IGP Staff and Volunteer resources, that's what takes the time.
So do the perceived benefits outweigh the considerable investment in time and resources?
This thread is a great example of why everyone who wants more realism in the game is wrong. Wet races with one pit and sometimes none is more realistic to how F1 used to be, but in a game environment is boring for some and realism diesb’t equate to entertainment. However, I’m with Kevin on this