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Reviving 2-car Leagues

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medal 5239 CEO & CTO
11 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 11 days ago)
The launch of iGP Manager 2025 was aimed at building a stronger community and future for iGP. I’m happy to say it has been successful: signups are currently at their highest level in four years, Rookie and Pro are alive again, and we haven’t even started marketing yet. While this is great progress, I’m aware that the higher tiers have felt the impact of all the game economy and balancing adjustments, so I want to address that.

As development of the new platform is ongoing, I’d like to return to our commitment to the higher tiers and our long-standing Elite managers. The first step is to look at imbalances and issues faced by managers in two-car leagues. I’d like to dedicate some development time to this.

We welcome your suggestions and feedback. Let us know how you think we can make 2-car leagues more viable or what issues you've encountered trying to run a 2-car team that is not faced by a 1-car team. If you’ve got a specific example or story to share, please include your Team and League IDs so we can dive deeper into the data.

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to your feedback.
medal 5226
11 days ago

The launch of iGP Manager 2025 was aimed at building a stronger community and future for iGP. I’m happy to say it has been successful: signups are currently at their highest level in four years, Rookie and Pro are alive again, and we haven’t even started marketing yet. While this is great progress, I’m aware that the higher tiers have felt the impact of all the game economy and balancing adjustments, so I want to address that.

As development of the new platform is ongoing, I’d like to return to our commitment to the higher tiers and our long-standing Elite managers. The first step is to look at imbalances and issues faced by managers in two-car leagues. I’d like to dedicate some development time to this.

We welcome your suggestions and feedback. Let us know how you think we can make 2-car leagues more viable or what issues you've encountered trying to run a 2-car team that is not faced by a 1-car team. If you’ve got a specific example or story to share, please include your Team and League IDs so we can dive deeper into the data.

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to your feedback.

Hi Jack, during this season it has become impossible for me to compete, this due to the high price of repair, which in leagues with a single car is an acceptable price, but in leagues of two it does not make sense, in many races it asks you for more than 30 parts to repair (above the level of parts that you can manufacture thanks to the factory) so in the long run competing in leagues with two cars will force you to use tokens/buy them, so the only option left if you do not want to spend money on buying tokens is farm as it was in my case. 

So for this problem I have the following proposal and it is: 

that the number of parts that are requested for you to repair your car per race is based on your level, for example: if I am a level 30 manager, then the game cannot ask me for more than 30 parts to be able to repair it, therefore in two-car leagues you would be asked for a maximum (if you are level 30) 15 parts per car to be able to repair it, and as I said this will depend on your level, let's change the example, if I am a level 22 manager, there should be a limit of Since the game cannot ask you for more than 22 pieces, this way you do not make the task of constantly repairing your car impossible, and you encourage the managers to have to improve the factory to the maximum level to be able to repair their car constantly.
medal 5415
11 days ago
Parecería que con la condiciones actuales solventar el gasto de piezas para reparar los autos en ligas de 2 sería imposible de abordar con las producción que se puede tener al máximo. 
Hoy fabricó 30 piezas y es necesario 38 para reparar ambos autos. 

It would seem that with current conditions, paying for the cost of parts to repair cars in leagues of 2 would be impossible to address with the maximum production that can be had.

Today he manufactured 30 parts and 38 are needed to repair both cars.
medal 5091 Super Mod
11 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 11 days ago)
2 Car has been struggling for a long time now. Ever since the levels update and the introduction of driver abilities really.

The Fundamental issue is that it costs more to play 2 car than it does 1 car. So even if it's a players preferred format. A lot of them have moved away.

The factors that unbalance 2 car compared to 1 car:

  • You require an extra driver, which out of academy with a legendary ability will be 270 tokens.

  • You then have to pay a second drivers salary also. Which gets expensive over time. Even more so now that people can't control salary by releasing their driver and rehiring them.

  • You require double the number of parts compared to 1 car

  • If you change engines every race, you need double the number of engines again (you also receive double the number of engines, but this does not fully close the gap. 1 car you receive 10 every 20 races. (10 extra required). 2 Car you receive 20 every 20 races (20 extra required)

  • You do not gain any additional income in 2 car to help offset these costs.

From a game balance perspective, it's probably the case that 1 car and 2 car need to come and meet in the middle somehow. Choice of format should be a choice of personal preference and not a financial decision.

But the problem with enhancing 2 car rewards, or reducing costs, to balance it out with 1 car. Is that it opens up more abuses of the system to accrue resources at a greater rate. Maybe by not repairing cars and so on. So checks and balances will be required on that front.

On the parts issue.

It is hard to judge right now, and more information is required. In a 75% 2 car league it seems close to how parts consumption was before the levels update. There were no problems back then, you just had to stop and think a little bit on how to manage everything.

My main concern is for 100% leagues, If I remember correctly parts consumption scales with race distance. If so they could be seeing 40-50 parts a race being consumed which would be too high I fully agree.

At 75%, I'm using about 36 per race currently, I believe I can sustain that without many problems.

medal 5396 Community Manager
11 days ago
Related to parts:

  • Halve the cost for 2-cars leagues. To avoid exploits, if a team leaves a 2-cars league to join a 1-car league, the stock of parts gets halved too.

  • Tweak the Reliability formula so it has a greater impact. This would give a better meaning to this attribute and make it useful.

medal 5493
11 days ago
Buenas ... bueno , quiero opinar un poco sobre este tema.
Porque la verdad es bien sencillo de analizar...
Por un lado los managers que jugamos sin gastar dinero (90% de los que conozco) y por el otro lado el desempeño del trabajo de IGP que debe recaudar y tambien es valedero...
Dicho esto ... si yo fabrico 30 piezas y gasto 38 , es obvio que tendre que gastar dinero real para correr competitivamente o perderé con los que lo hacen ... lastimosamente es y será asi , o gastas plata real , o pierdes con los que lo hacen.
Llevar mas arriba el nivel de FIABILIDAD para gastar menos piezas no te hará competitivo tampoco , todos sabemos que a los items de FIABILIDAD y REFRIGERACION no les asignamos puntos de diseño porque no son los que te hacen ganar carreras...
Si no bajan los costo que subieron muchisimo en esta actualizacion se seguiran yendo de ligas de 2 monoplazas a las de 1... creo q debe IGP reever los consumos de piezas y tambien entre otros temas lo de diseños de los monoplazas. Un despropósito tener que gastar 40 Tokens para cambiar diseño y colores. Gracias ... att Ismael .
medal 5084 Super Mod
11 days ago
If the cap for parts storage were to be made MUCH lower it would help remove the exploit of people farming parts in 1 car for a few seasons then moving back to 2 car. The cap for 2 car needs to be lowered and 1 car should be half of 2 car. The current cap for parts storage with a L30 Manufacturing facility is 1200 parts. The ability to stockpile this number of parts is ridiculous. I know it won't be a popular suggestion but I would be happy to see the cap reduced dramatically even though this would personally hurt my accounts.

This is a management game, managing resources shouldn't be easy whatever race format you choose. But I appreciate the difficulty the Devs face in trying to reach a workable solution when we have so many permutations of race format and season length, all of which affect the resource requirement:

All these affect the balance

  • 1 car or 2 car leagues (the biggest factor)

  • 100%, 75%, 50% and 25% race distance.

  • Season lengths anywhere between 15 and 22 races long.

If my math is correct that's 64 permutations you need to cater for. All this before you account for the fact that managers at lower levels have additional challenges because they're frequently needing to spend game cash and tokens to develop their HQ facilities. 

Even worse, to remain competitive, lower level managers constantly need to replace staff because they become ineffective as the manager levels up and, unlike drivers, they can't be trained.
medal 5165
10 days ago
Related to parts:

  • Halve the cost for 2-cars leagues. To avoid exploits, if a team leaves a 2-cars league to join a 1-car league, the stock of parts gets halved too.

  • Tweak the Reliability formula so it has a greater impact. This would give a better meaning to this attribute and make it useful.

Increase all rewards (all of them) by 1.7 to 1.1% (With Diminishing returns)
You have two cars showing R&D Data, meeting sponsor targets and so on. 
Costs can remain the same. It's suppose to be more difficult to run two car teams. Don't take that away.

medal 5455
10 days ago
"managers at lower levels have additional challenges because they're frequently needing to spend game cash and tokens to develop their HQ facilities." 

Correction: they don't 'need' to spend tokens, you only 'need' to spend tokens if you want a quick fix. 

"My main concern is for 100% leagues, If I remember correctly parts consumption scales with race distance. If so they could be seeing 40-50 parts a race being consumed which would be too high I fully agree."

I need 14 per car, 28 total. I've always done 100% 2-car. 

End of season is the best. If you understand what this means. Managers need to be able to budget, some seem to be fully focused on trying to win rather than surviving as a team, aside from that maybe there is a real issue.. 

I don't know what the deal is with 1 car leagues but maybe the scaling is wrong for 50/75% for example. F1 title if you do a 50% race the tire wear is increased to promote pitstops, is this the case in any non-100% distance races for part wear that it is scaled higher? 
medal 5084 Super Mod
10 days ago

Yes I didn't explain that very well.

There are a number of newer, lower level managers, in 2 car leagues who created their accounts after the L30 update when the balance between parts wear rate and manufacturing rate wasn't scaled correctly to the new levels. As a result they haven't developed their Manufacturing Facilities in line with their team level because there was no need to, neither do they have a huge parts stockpile.

After the iGP2005 update the parts wear has increased so they are now operating with a big parts deficit per race. Build time for HQs also takes significantly longer. These people "need" to spend tokens, either to accelerate the development of their Manufacturing HQ or to buy parts to fill the gap. Unfortunately, there is no option to partly repair your car, so they either spend tokens or DNF until such time as they have developed their HQ to the same level as the team.

I appreciate it's a short term issue with HQs and has been brought about by the low parts usage in the period between the L30 update and the iGP2005 update.

Your question/theory about scaling of parts wear is very interesting. FYI
I race in a 50% league and use 18 parts per car per race
I am informed by someone who races in 75% that his wear rate is 16 parts
You report a wear rate of 14 parts per race at 100%
All the above at Level 30

Thanks for the observation, I've fed this back on the volunteer server.
medal 5455
10 days ago


Yes I didn't explain that very well.

There are a number of newer, lower level managers, in 2 car leagues who created their accounts after the L30 update when the balance between parts wear rate and manufacturing rate wasn't scaled correctly to the new levels. As a result they haven't developed their Manufacturing Facilities in line with their team level because there was no need to, neither do they have a huge parts stockpile.

After the iGP2005 update the parts wear has increased so they are now operating with a big parts deficit per race. Build time for HQs also takes significantly longer. These people "need" to spend tokens, either to accelerate the development of their Manufacturing HQ or to buy parts to fill the gap. Unfortunately, there is no option to partly repair your car, so they either spend tokens or DNF until such time as they have developed their HQ to the same level as the team.

I appreciate it's a short term issue with HQs and has been brought about by the low parts usage in the period between the L30 update and the iGP2005 update.

Your question/theory about scaling of parts wear is very interesting. FYI
I race in a 50% league and use 18 parts per car per race
I am informed by someone who races in 75% that his wear rate is 16 parts
You report a wear rate of 14 parts per race at 100%
All the above at Level 30

Thanks for the observation, I've fed this back on the volunteer server.

I'm only lvl 28, I don't know if 2 levels would make that much difference. 

"After the iGP2005 update the parts wear has increased" i assume you meant 2025. 

I have to wonder though how much is bad management and how much is the coding/scaling. I can't ideally see from a fresh post-update Rookie perspective but they're supposed to be like Minardi making their way up to Redbull, not Minardi trying to fight with Redbull right off the bat, which in the past quite a few of them even Pro's coming into Elite at say lvl 15 are trying to do. 
medal 5092
10 days ago
I also want to add something that I think needs taking look at.

I run in a 100%/2 car league/once per week. Level 27

After the new update, and the influx of players (hopefully that last) Sprint races are packed.
Last week I did my league race on Saturday, then did a total of 8 sprint races during the week. Total parts used was 50 for 1 car, plus another, I think another 14 for the second car for the actual league race.

I enjoy the sprint races, but just doing 1 per day during the week is just not sustainable. 

I don’t know what a possible solution is, but a situation that a player purposefully skips playing the game to save parts is probably the opposite effect that the developers are going for. 
medal 5084 Super Mod
10 days ago

Yes, I meant iGP2025.

Where did I mention competitiveness? I agree a low level team shouldn't expect to beat established high level Elite teams.

This thread is about balancing the one and two car formats of the game.

The costs of 2-car became way higher when the Level 30 update and driver abilities were introduced. Two T30 drivers with Legendary abilities cost 540 tokens, added to this you have double the salary and a higher engine requirements in 2 car racing. 

Since L30 a number of well established daily 2 car leagues have disappeared because managers abandoned the format due to cost. The increased parts usage that was introduced with the latest update, has further highlighted the imbalance.

One car / two car cost imbalance is a fact, it is not a case of "bad management" on the part of two car players. Season length plays a part, as does race length. Players in leagues that only race once or twice a week will have a much easier time than those who race daily and long term players will likely have built a stockpile of tokens, game cash and parts. I am one of these fortunate players who isn't greatly affected. I'm concerned about newer players who won't have the opportunity to enjoy 2 car racing unless something is done to balance costs.
medal 5092
10 days ago

I agree, longer term players and once a week makes it much simpler. 
I have so many parts in reserve and we only race once per week, so it makes it simpler to grab a few extra parts with adverts. 

But once you add a 2 car league, with wanting to maybe do a few sprint races during the time between. It becomes difficult.
If I did my weekly league race and 1 sprint a day in between, I will deplete my reserves of parts, roughly 1000, in short time. 

I really do think that any solution really take into account players wanting to run sprint races otherwise we may end up with a solution that makes it more difficult to also solve that issue.
medal 5455
9 days ago


Yes, I meant iGP2025.

Where did I mention competitiveness? I agree a low level team shouldn't expect to beat established high level Elite teams.

This thread is about balancing the one and two car formats of the game.

The costs of 2-car became way higher when the Level 30 update and driver abilities were introduced. Two T30 drivers with Legendary abilities cost 540 tokens, added to this you have double the salary and a higher engine requirements in 2 car racing. 

Since L30 a number of well established daily 2 car leagues have disappeared because managers abandoned the format due to cost. The increased parts usage that was introduced with the latest update, has further highlighted the imbalance.

One car / two car cost imbalance is a fact, it is not a case of "bad management" on the part of two car players. Season length plays a part, as does race length. Players in leagues that only race once or twice a week will have a much easier time than those who race daily and long term players will likely have built a stockpile of tokens, game cash and parts. I am one of these fortunate players who isn't greatly affected. I'm concerned about newer players who won't have the opportunity to enjoy 2 car racing unless something is done to balance costs.

I didn't say you mentioned competitiveness.. i mentioned it due to other posts I've seen and from having Rookies and Pro's in my league that struggle to compete and then struggle financially trying to, and then leave. This was pre-update. I always tell them to try and meet their race target to get the bonus money from sponsors rather than say a lvl 5 Rookie buying up T20 drivers and staff, and if they can (they sometimes can't avoid it) to try and stay in Rookie and Pro longer rather than moving up, throwing the kitchen sink at it to still not be able to get podiums and wins and then get into more debt. 

I also said i agree with the notion of bad scaling if that's what it indeed is.. i just don't think it fully is the problem. 2-car league doesn't mean you have to run both cars every race fully fixed, with a new engine and a top level driver now does it. 

medal 4913
9 days ago

The launch of iGP Manager 2025 was aimed at building a stronger community and future for iGP. I’m happy to say it has been successful: signups are currently at their highest level in four years, Rookie and Pro are alive again, and we haven’t even started marketing yet. While this is great progress, I’m aware that the higher tiers have felt the impact of all the game economy and balancing adjustments, so I want to address that.

As development of the new platform is ongoing, I’d like to return to our commitment to the higher tiers and our long-standing Elite managers. The first step is to look at imbalances and issues faced by managers in two-car leagues. I’d like to dedicate some development time to this.

We welcome your suggestions and feedback. Let us know how you think we can make 2-car leagues more viable or what issues you've encountered trying to run a 2-car team that is not faced by a 1-car team. If you’ve got a specific example or story to share, please include your Team and League IDs so we can dive deeper into the data.

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to your feedback.

Of the 6 leagues managed by me alone, no new managers enter Pro?

medal 5103
8 days ago


The launch of iGP Manager 2025 was aimed at building a stronger community and future for iGP. I’m happy to say it has been successful: signups are currently at their highest level in four years, Rookie and Pro are alive again, and we haven’t even started marketing yet. While this is great progress, I’m aware that the higher tiers have felt the impact of all the game economy and balancing adjustments, so I want to address that.

As development of the new platform is ongoing, I’d like to return to our commitment to the higher tiers and our long-standing Elite managers. The first step is to look at imbalances and issues faced by managers in two-car leagues. I’d like to dedicate some development time to this.

We welcome your suggestions and feedback. Let us know how you think we can make 2-car leagues more viable or what issues you've encountered trying to run a 2-car team that is not faced by a 1-car team. If you’ve got a specific example or story to share, please include your Team and League IDs so we can dive deeper into the data.

Thank you for your continued support, and I look forward to your feedback.

Hi Jack, during this season it has become impossible for me to compete, this due to the high price of repair, which in leagues with a single car is an acceptable price, but in leagues of two it does not make sense, in many races it asks you for more than 30 parts to repair (above the level of parts that you can manufacture thanks to the factory) so in the long run competing in leagues with two cars will force you to use tokens/buy them, so the only option left if you do not want to spend money on buying tokens is farm as it was in my case. 

So for this problem I have the following proposal and it is: 

that the number of parts that are requested for you to repair your car per race is based on your level, for example: if I am a level 30 manager, then the game cannot ask me for more than 30 parts to be able to repair it, therefore in two-car leagues you would be asked for a maximum (if you are level 30) 15 parts per car to be able to repair it, and as I said this will depend on your level, let's change the example, if I am a level 22 manager, there should be a limit of Since the game cannot ask you for more than 22 pieces, this way you do not make the task of constantly repairing your car impossible, and you encourage the managers to have to improve the factory to the maximum level to be able to repair their car constantly.

medal 5194
8 days ago
I have been experimenting with lower push level for the races, but it doesn't allways make a difference. Last race one driver on high push level, second one on low push level. After the race both needed 12 parts, 24 total and i am level 22 now so even with a maxed factory too much wear. If parts wear is slightly less it's managable.
medal 5906
5 days ago


Yes I didn't explain that very well.

There are a number of newer, lower level managers, in 2 car leagues who created their accounts after the L30 update when the balance between parts wear rate and manufacturing rate wasn't scaled correctly to the new levels. As a result they haven't developed their Manufacturing Facilities in line with their team level because there was no need to, neither do they have a huge parts stockpile.

After the iGP2005 update the parts wear has increased so they are now operating with a big parts deficit per race. Build time for HQs also takes significantly longer. These people "need" to spend tokens, either to accelerate the development of their Manufacturing HQ or to buy parts to fill the gap. Unfortunately, there is no option to partly repair your car, so they either spend tokens or DNF until such time as they have developed their HQ to the same level as the team.

I appreciate it's a short term issue with HQs and has been brought about by the low parts usage in the period between the L30 update and the iGP2005 update.

Your question/theory about scaling of parts wear is very interesting. FYI
I race in a 50% league and use 18 parts per car per race
I am informed by someone who races in 75% that his wear rate is 16 parts
You report a wear rate of 14 parts per race at 100%
All the above at Level 30

Thanks for the observation, I've fed this back on the volunteer server.

I haven't paid much attention, but I am not on a deficit of parts, I am level 30 with manufacturing facility at 28, in a 2 car 100% length league and I am pretty sure the longer the track is, the higher the wear is, for both parts and engine. e.g Monaco wear is lower than Mexico or Spa for example. Perhaps that's the difference of 14-18 pieces.

I will pay more attention tomorrow, today after interlagos the number of pieces required was 16 per car.


Now, my suggestions:

1. Give double objectives and double money prize. Instead of finishing XX  or higher to get 1.3M, do it so, finish XX or higher to get 1.3M, but if both cars finish XX or higher, you get 1.3M*2

2. Handout more engines.1 car leagues only need 10 extra engines to meet quota, while 2 cars need 20.

Give out 30 engines every 20 races. Then both leagues will be equal with a 10 engine deficit.

As for having two drivers, paying their salaries should be better with point 1. Presented above.

As for tokens,I wouldn't touch it to avoid potential exploits. I am okay with having to spend double the tolens., it's a price to pay to have 2 drivers.
medal 5455
5 days ago


Yes I didn't explain that very well.

There are a number of newer, lower level managers, in 2 car leagues who created their accounts after the L30 update when the balance between parts wear rate and manufacturing rate wasn't scaled correctly to the new levels. As a result they haven't developed their Manufacturing Facilities in line with their team level because there was no need to, neither do they have a huge parts stockpile.

After the iGP2005 update the parts wear has increased so they are now operating with a big parts deficit per race. Build time for HQs also takes significantly longer. These people "need" to spend tokens, either to accelerate the development of their Manufacturing HQ or to buy parts to fill the gap. Unfortunately, there is no option to partly repair your car, so they either spend tokens or DNF until such time as they have developed their HQ to the same level as the team.

I appreciate it's a short term issue with HQs and has been brought about by the low parts usage in the period between the L30 update and the iGP2005 update.

Your question/theory about scaling of parts wear is very interesting. FYI
I race in a 50% league and use 18 parts per car per race
I am informed by someone who races in 75% that his wear rate is 16 parts
You report a wear rate of 14 parts per race at 100%
All the above at Level 30

Thanks for the observation, I've fed this back on the volunteer server.

I haven't paid much attention, but I am not on a deficit of parts, I am level 30 with manufacturing facility at 28, in a 2 car 100% length league and I am pretty sure the longer the track is, the higher the wear is, for both parts and engine. e.g Monaco wear is lower than Mexico or Spa for example. Perhaps that's the difference of 14-18 pieces.

I will pay more attention tomorrow, today after interlagos the number of pieces required was 16 per car.


Now, my suggestions:

1. Give double objectives and double money prize. Instead of finishing XX  or higher to get 1.3M, do it so, finish XX or higher to get 1.3M, but if both cars finish XX or higher, you get 1.3M*2

2. Handout more engines.1 car leagues only need 10 extra engines to meet quota, while 2 cars need 20.

Give out 30 engines every 20 races. Then both leagues will be equal with a 10 engine deficit.

As for having two drivers, paying their salaries should be better with point 1. Presented above.

As for tokens,I wouldn't touch it to avoid potential exploits. I am okay with having to spend double the tolens., it's a price to pay to have 2 drivers.

If a 1-car league is easy than a 2-car league because of engine/parts.. then stop running both cars. 

It seems like it would be easier to just give everyone a full amount of engines and parts per season and fully T30 drivers and staff.

It's a management game.. manage your team. 
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