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Timing sheet glitch on mobile app

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medal 4937
7 years 302 days ago
There is a glitch on the mobile app where the timing sheet isn't displaying any information
medal 5003
7 years 302 days ago
medal 5000
7 years 302 days ago
There is a glitch on the mobile app where the timing sheet isn't displaying any information

Could you give more information (screenshots, mobile OS)??
medal 5439 CEO & CTO
7 years 302 days ago
Sorry, I just realised in my other posts I was saying we hoped to submit it almost two weeks ago. It's still being worked on, we're trying to get as many fixes into this update as possible. We found some problems in the time since my previous posts and decided to keep working on the update rather than post it knowing it had issues.

The next update for iOS will fix this on iPhone.
medal 5000
7 years 301 days ago
Hello jack, I hope you release this update soon. On iPhone is impossible to play. We lose many players who think the app does not work.
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