Radek La medal 5000 5 years 136 days ago
Co próbowałeś zrobić?
I setup wet tires about 15 minutes befor race, and what I see in qualificatios that they put on intermediate tires. This situation applies to each from this race except one team.
Co się wtedy stało?
We start on intermediate tires but we setup wet.
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Dodatkowe komentarze:

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 5 years 136 days ago
When you say that you set up wet, do you mean the main strategy or advanced strategy?
Please provide details of your main strategy stint 1 and Advanced strategy wet tyre compund and water depth setting.

Radek La medal 5000 5 years 136 days ago (Last edited by
Radek La 5 years 136 days ago)
I set wet tires twice, for each 13 laps.
Beacuse forcast was 3.5mm. And race stared with this conditions.
I remembered that I had advanced settings: set intermediate tires if it rains (2mm).

Kevin Bissell medal 5084 Super Mod 5 years 136 days ago
So that is why you ended up on Inters. It was raining so the game ignored your main strategy and used your Advanced Wet strategy. The water was above 2mm so Inters were fitted.
Not a bug but if it's any consolation a lot of experienced managers have been caught out by this.

Yunus Unia Blunion medal 5044 5 years 135 days ago
Hi Radek, please refer to this
thread and
Jack's post in the announcement forum for a better idea of how to use advanced strategy in light of the recent update to it.