Too many times I've seen the same old thing, I top practise, or come top 4 or 5 on equivalent tyres, only to be shoved into the high teens in qualy on the same tyres, effectively ruining any chance of a decent finish (especially in Elite where the margins are minimal).
The good thing about this game is you have a lot of control over a lot of things, it feels like a good simulation in so many ways. So why I ask, does a simulation game have such a massive random entity deciding such an important part of it?
If we had some control over quali that left it even semi-random it would be a step in the right direction. Could we not have a option to do a 3 lap quali (much like the structure of practise) wherein we dictate push level (for quali time) and fuel load for race start? That way we get at least some control over quali and have to factor in that push level on tyre wear, and fuel load for that first stint. In this way, it takes 3 minutes to dictate your quali "strat" after you have done your practise and analysis for race strat. It opens up way more tactical options and gives you control over a quali that right now is too random and not in keeping with "simulation" at all. And people who don't attend the race aren't penalised really because at the moment whether or not they do a setup, if they don't attend the race they don't do well anyway.
What are people's thoughts?