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We Need Better Qualifying!!!!!

Do We Need A New Qualifying Format?

87.1% (135)
Yes, it's too random right now
12.9% (20)
No, it's fine as it is
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medal 5000
4 years 289 days ago
Hello everyone, I don't know if I'm the first one to say that, but we all know and see how the qualification has changed.
Drivers mistakes are removed and that's said to be an improvement but unfortunately I can't agree with that.
Maybe some of you have already experienced that, some maybe not, but in my league every race we have from 2-3 to 6-8 driver with the same qualification time.
That looks weird if you ask me. And not only it's the aesthetic part of me that suffers from that, but we do not understand why some drivers are put higher if the times are same. In some races (like Monaco) that could cost you a victory as it depends on your starting position a lot. 
And still some drivers are faster in the qualification, but lose all of the pace in race conditions which is also strange in my point of view.
So my suggestion is to get back some sort of randomness, so there won't be equal results in the qualification, but most importantly we need to understand how exactly qualifications work, because at the moment barely anyone does. 
medal 5000
4 years 286 days ago
Absolutely! But in addition, the results of the qualification are different from the actual position of the pilots on the starting grid, this is disgusting.
medal 5019
4 years 285 days ago
I see only one way out-online qualification, then everything will depend on you))
medal 5269
4 years 283 days ago
Hello everyone, I don't know if I'm the first one to say that, but we all know and see how the qualification has changed.
Drivers mistakes are removed and that's said to be an improvement but unfortunately I can't agree with that.
Maybe some of you have already experienced that, some maybe not, but in my league every race we have from 2-3 to 6-8 driver with the same qualification time.
That looks weird if you ask me. And not only it's the aesthetic part of me that suffers from that, but we do not understand why some drivers are put higher if the times are same. In some races (like Monaco) that could cost you a victory as it depends on your starting position a lot. 
And still some drivers are faster in the qualification, but lose all of the pace in race conditions which is also strange in my point of view.
So my suggestion is to get back some sort of randomness, so there won't be equal results in the qualification, but most importantly we need to understand how exactly qualifications work, because at the moment barely anyone does. 

We have experienced this too, TOP6 drivers are on the same time, with slightly differences. With the previous system, it was more mixed, now is far predictable. It is a transition however, but people got so angry with the flags, VSC & SC that the developers reacted very fast to show them they were listening. Now we have a worse qualifying, that's what we deserved because of the players reaction. I hope this gets improved as soon as the Developers can.
medal 5000
4 years 282 days ago
I really wish each user could manually qualify their driver(s) during league races. When qualifying would normally begin, let the user select tires, pit out, take the green for 1 timed lap, use your PL as you see fit during the pit out and qualifying lap. After all drivers have qualified, post results like usual and start the race 5 minutes or so later. If user doesn't manually qualify their driver(s), the default could be automated qualifying for those drivers.

To trick this thought off, live group qualifying would be the bomb. 

Just my wish.
medal 5042 Super Mod
4 years 282 days ago
My opinion on the randomness aspect of qualifying is that it should be a two way qualifying time changer, that is, at same time you can get a random slower qualifying time or you can get a slightly faster qualifying time.
medal 5019
4 years 282 days ago

My opinion on the randomness aspect of qualifying is that it should be a two way qualifying time changer, that is, at same time you can get a random slower qualifying time or you can get a slightly faster qualifying time.

a medium fueled for 18 laps in qualifying is higher than a medium for 14 laps-is this normal?))
medal 5000 Super Mod
4 years 282 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 4 years 282 days ago)
According to the developers, for qualifying the cars are fuelled independently for qualifying. The first stint fuel load for the race has no bearing on qualifying.
medal 5000
4 years 281 days ago
Please, if you want to make your voice heard give your support to the thread "Jack, is the competition over?" about qualifying and stops which has been moved in "General/Off-topic" without motivation. There is also a screenshot of an absurd qualifying made without using design points.
Take also an interesting thread about Pitstop nightmare in "suggestions".
medal 5019
4 years 281 days ago

According to the developers, for qualifying the cars are fuelled independently for qualifying. The first stint fuel load for the race has no bearing on qualifying.

and this is sad
medal 5000
4 years 280 days ago

I really wish each user could manually qualify their driver(s) during league races. When qualifying would normally begin, let the user select tires, pit out, take the green for 1 timed lap, use your PL as you see fit during the pit out and qualifying lap. After all drivers have qualified, post results like usual and start the race 5 minutes or so later. If user doesn't manually qualify their driver(s), the default could be automated qualifying for those drivers.

To trick this thought off, live group qualifying would be the bomb. 

Just my wish.

I agree with this idea absolutely. I came across something close to that some time ago, when thinking of how qualification in this game could be made better. But my idea is slightly different from yours. We have 10 minutes before the race when the pre-race interface is locked and the qualification ifself now takes from 1 to 2 minutes, so we still have 8 minutes for absolutely nothing. Why not turn it into a manual qualification with 1-3 hot laps to set the qualification time. Would be a great fun to look at the table where times are appearing one after another and hope to see your driver beat everyone or not be beaten after all resutls are shown. Like when we watch qualifications in F1, those are sometimes even more breathtaking and heart-pounding than races. 

Making it manual would barely dissatisfy someone. At the same time it can be an option for players to attend it or to go the old way where the qualification time is set automatically by the game algorithm used now.
medal 5000
4 years 279 days ago
 So I guess my thread has been merged with this one based on my suggestion in the last message. Good I found it, was thinking of complaining about an unjust post deletion lol
medal 5000
4 years 278 days ago
manual qually will not work,

your forgetting the many ppl who do not or cannot attend races, right now they can set up the car whenever and it will race on their set up but if you have manual qually they cant do this.

manual qually only works if all drivers make every race and they dont have connection problems.

Maybe your qually time should just be your best practice time and you start on whatever tyre you did that time on.
medal 4590
4 years 277 days ago

manual qually will not work,

your forgetting the many ppl who do not or cannot attend races, right now they can set up the car whenever and it will race on their set up but if you have manual qually they cant do this.

manual qually only works if all drivers make every race and they dont have connection problems.

Maybe your qually time should just be your best practice time and you start on whatever tyre you did that time on.

I disagree. Even if you do setup, if you can't make the race you don't tend to do well anyway (especially in Elite), so not much is going to be lost there.

Your last statement is basically my first suggestion. Have a tab for quali that is along the lines of the practise tab, but you get to choose push level and fuel. You can choose that the night before after last night's race if you have to (like many ppl do with practise) and then calculate that in the 10 minutes that quali goes on now anyway.
medal 5000
4 years 277 days ago

manual qually will not work,

your forgetting the many ppl who do not or cannot attend races, right now they can set up the car whenever and it will race on their set up but if you have manual qually they cant do this.

manual qually only works if all drivers make every race and they dont have connection problems.

Maybe your qually time should just be your best practice time and you start on whatever tyre you did that time on.

Dan, I can appreciate your view. That's why I suggested a default qualifying lap time for users that cannot make it to their live races. Is that the ideal result for the user? Of course not. But missing the race is also not ideal for the results-minded user. My suggestion to your comment would be for those users to find a league that they COULD make it to live qualifying and racing. To me, that is the entire point of iGP. To race (and hopefully someday qualify) live and make real-time decisions. 

medal 5000
4 years 277 days ago


manual qually will not work,

your forgetting the many ppl who do not or cannot attend races, right now they can set up the car whenever and it will race on their set up but if you have manual qually they cant do this.

manual qually only works if all drivers make every race and they dont have connection problems.

Maybe your qually time should just be your best practice time and you start on whatever tyre you did that time on.

Dan, I can appreciate your view. That's why I suggested a default qualifying lap time for users that cannot make it to their live races. Is that the ideal result for the user? Of course not. But missing the race is also not ideal for the results-minded user. My suggestion to your comment would be for those users to find a league that they COULD make it to live qualifying and racing. To me, that is the entire point of iGP. To race (and hopefully someday qualify) live and make real-time decisions. 

Absolutely agree! 
medal 5000
4 years 273 days ago
Really hope to see live qualifications one day.
medal 5000
4 years 273 days ago (Last edited by Mika Skerzo 4 years 273 days ago)
Una cosa però si potrebbe fare e renderebbe il gioco più piccante senza appesantire i server. E basterebbe anticipare le qualifiche di 15 minuti.
X campionato con 16team:
25 minuti prima della partenza Q3
        14 piloti eliminati (strategia libera)
20 minuti prima della partenza Q2
         12 piloti eliminati (primo stint gomme Q2) 
15 minuti prima della partenza i primi 10 fanno la Q1 ma partono con gomme usate in Q3! 5min x completare le strategie. 

Le gomme sono al 100% in partenza (il degrado delle SS sarebbe troppo accentuato specialmente in piste come il Belgio, Mex...) 

Il problema maggiore sarebbe per gli inattivi, bisognerebbe poter definire tre STRATEGIE in anticipo, una per ogni turno di qualifica... Però fidatevi che si scatenerebbe il PANICO! ???

Purtroppo Monaco e la pioggia vanificano tutto? nonché i campionati semi deserti???
Potrebbe dare la spinta a far cambiare campionato a chi occupa i "cimiteri" andando a riempire altri così non sarà, molti non si spostano perché la loro microcomunità difficilmente troverà interamente spazio altrove. Quindi non verrà mai programmato nulla di simile, dato che questo gioco per come è stato progettato porta ad una sproporzione a livello di partecipanti tra le varie categorie nei campionati. I campionati più rodati ma poco pubblicizzati in favore dell'elite, quelli nuovi in Rookie. Questo sistema funzionerebbe a pieno divertimento solo in campionati pieni e frustrerebbe i "cimiteri". 

Translation by internet translator ? :

One thing, however, could be done and would make the game spicier without weighing down the servers. And it would be enough to advance qualifying by 15 minutes. 

In championship with 16team:
  25 minutes before departure, Q3         
    14 drivers eliminated (free strategy) ;
  20 minutes before departure, Q2     
     12 drivers eliminated (first stint with Q2 tire);
 15 minutes before the start the first 10 make                Q1 but start with tires used in Q3! 
           5min to complete the strategies. 

The tires are 100% at the start (the degradation of the SS would be too pronounced especially on tracks like Belgium, Mex ...) 

The biggest problem would be for the inactive, it would be necessary to be able to define three STRATEGIES in advance, one for each qualifying round..But trust that PANIC would break out! ??? 

Unfortunately Monaco and the rain frustrate everything? as well as the semi-deserted championships??? It could give impetus to change the championship to those who occupy the "cemeteries" by going to fill other leagues ... but this will not be the case, many do not move because their micro-community will hardly find space entirely elsewhere. So nothing like this will ever be planned, as this game as it was designed leads to a disproportion at the level of participants between the various categories in the championships. The most run-in but little publicized championships in favor of the elite, the new ones in Rookie. This system would only work at full fun in full leagues and would frustrate "cemeteries". Sin.
# It is an automatic sistem, not live?
medal 5039
4 years 272 days ago
Definitely more control on qualifying would be interesting, but I’d just like to mention that regarding practice times, not everyone is practicing in best conditions. I very often do them with my driver’s health really low, without repairing my car and of course the lap times are different.

Edit: Also... Starting on the best practice time isn’t gonna work. Almost always the SS is going to be the fastest tyre. Is it fair to start on it if you just did the lap to pull some data on tyre degradation and fuel cons.? Also... Is it fair to not know those if you decide to not start on SS?
medal 5000
4 years 272 days ago
ok, so what about giving us more practice laps, double what we have now and you can put on the tyres you want and that will count as your qually lap.

as for do practice with bad car and tired driver well if you knew it was qually then you would get the car ready then do it.
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