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Change qualifying

Should fuel effect qualifying

57.41% (62)
42.59% (46)
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medal 5711
3 years 338 days ago (Last edited by B18 Harry 3 years 336 days ago)

I can see 21 are for and 13 against currently. I’d be interested to know the reasons of the people who voted against it, as I can’t think of any negatives personally, so their reasons would be appreciated.


Last time I put this on the result was clear that people wanted this to happen but from what I can see, there are no plans to bring it in. Instead we now have new faces and can put hats on people.

I for one would much rather the updates be about making the game better rather than superficial things like this.

Also, on a similar note, the starts of races are so random. It’s a bit of a regular occurrence that heavier cars seem to start better, I don’t know if this is due to downforce etc.

Fuel effecting qualifying will open up loads more options on strategy, where as now, strategies are ruined immediately when you qualify behind heavier cars, which is just not realistic.
medal 5000
3 years 337 days ago
I think people are misunderstanding the poll... I'm assuming you mean Stint 1 fuel load for clarity, not just 1 lap fuel.
medal 5711
3 years 337 days ago

I think people are misunderstanding the poll... I'm assuming you mean Stint 1 fuel load for clarity, not just 1 lap fuel.

Yeah, as in the fuel load for your first stint will be what you qualify on. So someone with 15 laps on softs will more than likely qualify slower than someone with 8 laps of fuel who’s also got soft on

medal 5000
3 years 336 days ago
My suggestion is a stint 1 load for first hotlap, bottom 25% kicked out, then stint 2 fuel for remaining teams, another 33% kicked out. Finally, a low fuel hotlap in lap 3 to decide the top 50%.
medal 5711
3 years 336 days ago

My suggestion is a stint 1 load for first hotlap, bottom 25% kicked out, then stint 2 fuel for remaining teams, another 33% kicked out. Finally, a low fuel hotlap in lap 3 to decide the top 50%.

Way too complicated in my eyes. And also doesn’t achieve the aim of making the grid fairer for strategies.

I don’t get why stint 2 levels should effect the grid and likewise, having 50% of the grid qualifying on low fuel will keep the same problems we’re having now
medal 5475
3 years 335 days ago

I think people are misunderstanding the poll... I'm assuming you mean Stint 1 fuel load for clarity, not just 1 lap fuel.

Yeah, as in the fuel load for your first stint will be what you qualify on. So someone with 15 laps on softs will more than likely qualify slower than someone with 8 laps of fuel who’s also got soft on

I have a question.

Is the above, not, what the game does, anyway?

This is more of a question for mods/devs.  Nothing against you Git, but that is whom I would prefer an answer from, if possible...
medal 5000
3 years 335 days ago
No, ATM It's the fuel for 1 lap, not the whole stint. I prefer this IMO as it means random people just going for disruption can't get as involved and it balances FE with pure pace nicely.
medal 5475
3 years 335 days ago

No, ATM It's the fuel for 1 lap, not the whole stint. I prefer this IMO as it means random people just going for disruption can't get as involved and it balances FE with pure pace nicely.

Thanks.  You just swayed my vote there, in your favour Rhys.
medal 5475
3 years 335 days ago

No, ATM It's the fuel for 1 lap, not the whole stint. I prefer this IMO as it means random people just going for disruption can't get as involved and it balances FE with pure pace nicely.

Could you expand a bit on the disruption part? I don’t really get what you mean.

I just frustrated by the lack of strategies the current set up allows. We race at 75% distance and more often than not you have the same 3 stop starting on SS and 2 stop starting on S. Having your stint 1 fuel effecting qualifying gives you the option of either doing a 3 stop on S, or just shortening your first stint on the 2 stop as you’re likely to qualify higher to try and get a gap. At the moment there’s way too much risk on these strategies, as you could try and do a 3 stop on S and qualify behind the 2 stops.

This, to me sounds like youcare saying one of two things.  Either you are saying:-

1)  That you do not like the one random element in the game and you want to de-randomise it.  E.g. 1 lap quali is dependant on your overall car make up and set up including what tyres you use  i.e. the best general set up of car for a certain type of tyre will get a better position, regardless of fuel load.  THIS IS HOW ALL TYPES OF IRL RACING DO QUALI!

2)  If the point I have made in 1) is correct, you are complaining about how you are not manufacturing your car to be better than other cars.  You are thus pleading for hints and tips on how to use your DP's and setups to jump ahead of your rivals.

Do not forget that all you are doing is asking to take the random element, that makes things more interesting imo, out by adding weight to what are different cars.  This, with strats, should all even out by the end of a race, anyway.  The cars best developed for that track, with the correct set up and "boots" on should be in front of all other challengers at the end of a race, anyway...
medal 5475
3 years 335 days ago



No, ATM It's the fuel for 1 lap, not the whole stint. I prefer this IMO as it means random people just going for disruption can't get as involved and it balances FE with pure pace nicely.

Could you expand a bit on the disruption part? I don’t really get what you mean.

I just frustrated by the lack of strategies the current set up allows. We race at 75% distance and more often than not you have the same 3 stop starting on SS and 2 stop starting on S. Having your stint 1 fuel effecting qualifying gives you the option of either doing a 3 stop on S, or just shortening your first stint on the 2 stop as you’re likely to qualify higher to try and get a gap. At the moment there’s way too much risk on these strategies, as you could try and do a 3 stop on S and qualify behind the 2 stops.

This, to me sounds like youcare saying one of two things.  Either you are saying:-

1)  That you do not like the one random element in the game and you want to de-randomise it.  E.g. 1 lap quali is dependant on your overall car make up and set up including what tyres you use  i.e. the best general set up of car for a certain type of tyre will get a better position, regardless of fuel load.  THIS IS HOW ALL TYPES OF IRL RACING DO QUALI!

2)  If the point I have made in 1) is correct, you are complaining about how you are not manufacturing your car to be better than other cars.  You are thus pleading for hints and tips on how to use your DP's and setups to jump ahead of your rivals.

Do not forget that all you are doing is asking to take the random element, that makes things more interesting imo, out by adding weight to what are different cars.  This, with strats, should all even out by the end of a race, anyway.  The cars best developed for that track, with the correct set up and "boots" on should be in front of all other challengers at the end of a race, anyway...

I don’t really get your point to be fair. It kind of feels like you’re trying to make this into a case of me just moaning, when that is definitely not happening. I, on the whole, qualify quite well, however the way qualifying is done, it limits the options you have for strategy. Some suggestions can be done to improve the game, not just benefit one person.

In point 1 you kind of contradict yourself, you say that it’s random, and then say it’s to do with the best car set up, which one is it?
Also, the way qualifying is done in this game is not the same as IRL, as there is no refuelling in F1. Bringing that in would also make things more interesting as the undercut would be much more effective. 

The fact is that qualifying is still a mystery to most people, and there are many different factors involved, not just FE. The height of your driver is believed to effect it, which shouldn’t make any difference. I do believe it is too random at the moment and should be more about strategy and skill, having stint 1 fuel effect it would bring more of the power back to the managers, which is surely a good thing in what is in essence a strategy game

Quali, now depends on car set up (individual for each team/car), driver abilities (just height and weight if driver is maxed out) and the allocation of Dev Points throughout time (managers discression).  Those are the random elements of which I speak if done as an IRL shootout as things are done now.

What I am saying is that adding full stint fuel to these random elements will actualky take potentials such as lower rated teams being higher in quali due to better set ups and use of DP's being penalised due to the effective addition of ballast.  This, in my opinion on the matter.  And, as I have said in other threads, this is a game for all abilities.  Once again you are touting an idea that will benefit elite teams only and I find it to be unfair.  

Did I not also say that what is done now mirrors REAL LIFE...
medal 5711
3 years 335 days ago
I really don’t get how the idea I’m suggesting just benefits elite teams. 

Everyone has the opportunity to have the ideal set up for each race, and everyone can write that down so they know if for next season. The way you describe it is that the lower teams can set up better, when it is more likely that the higher level teams will actually set up better or both the same. 
DP and Research is different, as how you spend your DP might work well for one track but then not the next, or you could split it evenly to make your car all round better. This again is likely to be done better by higher level teams that have played the game longer. That said the research benefits the lower level team as they will get higher percentage of research points each race, which usually means the lower level teams have the better cars depending on how they’ve spent it/researched it.

All that said, which ever way you look at the DP/research and car set ups, I still don’t get how my suggestion only benefits higher level teams? Everyone would have the chance to choose different strategies, surely this could also assist the players that don’t quite understand how to research their car perfectly. They’d have the option to fuel less and qualify higher?

Maybe I’m missing your point on mirroring “REAL LIFE”, but as there’s no refuelling in F1, it doesn’t mirror it at all ??‍♂️
medal 5475
3 years 335 days ago
I really don’t get how the idea I’m suggesting just benefits elite teams. 

Everyone has the opportunity to have the ideal set up for each race, and everyone can write that down so they know if for next season. The way you describe it is that the lower teams can set up better, when it is more likely that the higher level teams will actually set up better or both the same. 
DP and Research is different, as how you spend your DP might work well for one track but then not the next, or you could split it evenly to make your car all round better. This again is likely to be done better by higher level teams that have played the game longer. That said the research benefits the lower level team as they will get higher percentage of research points each race, which usually means the lower level teams have the better cars depending on how they’ve spent it/researched it.

All that said, which ever way you look at the DP/research and car set ups, I still don’t get how my suggestion only benefits higher level teams? Everyone would have the chance to choose different strategies, surely this could also assist the players that don’t quite understand how to research their car perfectly. They’d have the option to fuel less and qualify higher?

Maybe I’m missing your point on mirroring “REAL LIFE”, but as there’s no refuelling in F1, it doesn’t mirror it at all ??‍♂️


I still believe that adding ballast of a full stints fuel will take the randomness out and basically make the 32 team league system become a 3 tier system of Elite teams, teams that strive to become elite, but do not quite get there, usually and teams that are destined to yo-yo between leagues, but might become 2nd tier teams eventually.  It benefits the teams that are there already!  
The current system can throw spanners in the works, because it allows teams that might yo-yo or not quite challenge in your system to challenge for points and podiums.  
Do not forget that teams will naturally raise or lower to a natural position and the fun of the game is to stop that from happening to you...
In the end, the current system is a more democratic way of doing things and your system WILL benefit elite teams and eventually make racing and hence, the game BORING.  Who wants to play a boring game where results are already, effectively, determined?


In real life there are way more different motor racing formats than just F1 available.  Many of those do have re-fuelling and 1 shot quali.  It is not just F1 that the devs look at for their game format, I am sure...
medal 5000
3 years 335 days ago (Last edited by Stuffy Squash 3 years 334 days ago)
I’m going no purely because I feel like doing this would leave everyone on the exact same strategy, all it would realistically achieve would be to take out the overcut which is basically the only thing you can do differently while still being on the correct general strategy. We would just end up running the 11-13-13 instead of the 13-13-11.

medal 5711
3 years 335 days ago
I’m going no purely because I feel like doing this would leave everyone on the exact same strategy, all it would realistically achieve would be to take out the overcut which is basically the only thing you can do differently while still being on the correct general strategy. We would just end up running this 11-13-13 instead of this 13-13-11.

Thanks for your reason though I don’t think it would take out the overcut? You’d still have it, so it would add the fact in that you could go for the overcut or attempt to fuel less and make a breakaway. It would also add to the possibility of doing a 3 stop starting on S rather than SS. 

Taking out refuelling would take out the overcut but that isn’t what I’m suggesting


I personally don’t think it would make it more boring, I think it will add more options for strategy and make the game better. I think we’re going to continue to disagree on this, don’t see how the way it is now is more democratic and don’t see how it is fairer to lower level players, in fact quite the opposite. As the game is pretty much based entirely on F1 (DRS, Kers, Pits, F1 cars) I thought they’d probably aim to base it on that type of racing rather than motocross ? 
medal 5475
3 years 335 days ago
I’m going no purely because I feel like doing this would leave everyone on the exact same strategy, all it would realistically achieve would be to take out the overcut which is basically the only thing you can do differently while still being on the correct general strategy. We would just end up running this 11-13-13 instead of this 13-13-11.

Thanks for your reason though I don’t think it would take out the overcut? You’d still have it, so it would add the fact in that you could go for the overcut or attempt to fuel less and make a breakaway. It would also add to the possibility of doing a 3 stop starting on S rather than SS. 

Taking out refuelling would take out the overcut but that isn’t what I’m suggesting


I personally don’t think it would make it more boring, I think it will add more options for strategy and make the game better. I think we’re going to continue to disagree on this, don’t see how the way it is now is more democratic and don’t see how it is fairer to lower level players, in fact quite the opposite. As the game is pretty much based entirely on F1 (DRS, Kers, Pits, F1 cars) I thought they’d probably aim to base it on that type of racing rather than motocross ? 

No no no.. 

It will add less options because everybody will concentrate on acceleration to get the fastets possible quali lap with whatever fuel they choose.  Maybe they will all use the 1 lap on supers for a first stint, just to get pole, which we all know will be a stoopid idea.  As stated by Stuffy, it will homogenise the racing, leading to my previous point.

This is nothing more than an, at least, poorly concieved idea that will lead to boring compartmentalised racing.  Do this and we may lose more current players, than we would gain new ones, in my opinion...
medal 5711
3 years 335 days ago
Now you’re not making any sense Timothy. I love how it’s now become a poorly conceived idea that will lead to boring compartmentalised racing. Luckily more people agree with this horrendous idea than don’t, so you can’t tell me to shut up and listen to the vote this time (bet that is hurting you). 
So would it not lead to more strategies like I replied to Stuffy? Why would it lead to people just focusing on acceleration? What has that got to do with fuel level of your first stint? Why wouldn’t people be doing that now if that was the case?
medal 5000 Moderator
3 years 335 days ago
Heavy strategies have a decent chance to get away with a bad grid position, but a light one dies instantly as soon as it ends up behind a heavier car. So the chance this adding more viable strategy options seems to me to be much more likely than the risk of further limiting them. I support the suggestion, as I did so in the past.
medal 5000
3 years 335 days ago

Heavy strategies have a decent chance to get away with a bad grid position, but a light one dies instantly as soon as it ends up behind a heavier car. So the chance this adding more viable strategy options seems to me to be much more likely than the risk of further limiting them. I support the suggestion, as I did so in the past.

I have to disagree, with quali as it is now, a heavy strategy has a chance if you have a good quali and you can hold onto the drs train in front.

If quali would be always bad for heavy strats, no one would keep running those, guiding players towards one single winning strat (supersofts) even more so then today.

I love the fact a heavier strat works from time to time which is why i voted no.

Git i’m not gonna discuss this, you can reply and waste syllables as much as you like, this is my opinion and i stand by it.
medal 5711
3 years 335 days ago


Heavy strategies have a decent chance to get away with a bad grid position, but a light one dies instantly as soon as it ends up behind a heavier car. So the chance this adding more viable strategy options seems to me to be much more likely than the risk of further limiting them. I support the suggestion, as I did so in the past.

I have to disagree, with quali as it is now, a heavy strategy has a chance if you have a good quali and you can hold onto the drs train in front.

If quali would be always bad for heavy strats, no one would keep running those, guiding players towards one single winning strat (supersofts) even more so then today.

I love the fact a heavier strat works from time to time which is why i voted no.

Git i’m not gonna discuss this, you can reply and waste syllables as much as you like, this is my opinion and i stand by it.

You want your opinion but not a debate, that’s fine. Though I’ll still reply as discussing it is the idea of these forums.

A heavy strat can get away with qualifying further down as long as they keep the drs train, they don’t need to be at the front of it, so what Frank is saying is true. 

I don’t think having fuel effect qualifying will negate that, it just also gives a chance for the lighter cars to not have their strategies ruined straight away. The heavy cars can still keep on the drs train and make their strategy work. 

I also think that people won’t be guided to SS. That would be more likely now as it is purely tyre choice which decides your qualifying. With fuel effecting it you could light fuel S and hope to keep the SS train as you’d qualify high up.
medal 5475
3 years 335 days ago
Now you’re not making any sense Timothy. I love how it’s now become a poorly conceived idea that will lead to boring compartmentalised racing. Luckily more people agree with this horrendous idea than don’t, so you can’t tell me to shut up and listen to the vote this time (bet that is hurting you). 
So would it not lead to more strategies like I replied to Stuffy? Why would it lead to people just focusing on acceleration? What has that got to do with fuel level of your first stint? Why wouldn’t people be doing that now if that was the case?

Lets break this down...


Let us start with the words "Newtonian Dynamics"


Therefore, if you want to be faster in quali with more fuel (mass/weight) on board, then you would have to concentrate on acceleration.  That is pure and simple GCSE physics...


Considering the above and the way that DP's are allocated depending on a teams levels, in general, teams will not be developing at the same rates, ergo level 20 teams with level 20 everything will have a distinct advantage over every other team in an elite league, for example, unless they concentrate on anything other than the acceleration required for a quick qualification.  This alone will lead to the tiered system that I adhere to this idea leading to.


I would not want to give people an idea of my strat either.  That is why 1 and done quali is better.  Also if you forget, you WILL effectively underfuel by using 3 or more laps of your first stint fuel payload...



I dont do peeved...

I will just wait for time and mods to do their jobs...
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