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medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
I thought that If I'm level 12 manager, I'll get a level 12 Headquarters facility, now i see I start with level 1 and its will take about 60 days to upgrade a single facility to my level cap 12, If I buy Tokens i can upgrade it in few minutes, i feel that's big advantage of buying tokens, Am I right? or something I'm missing here?
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
Wow, that would pretty much make people spending money on the game have a massive advantage. Well, this is going to be fun...
medal 5000
8 years 159 days ago
maybe is a error, i read that we start with some level manager
medal 5808 CEO & CTO
8 years 159 days ago
@Javier - You do have the same level manager, but Om is referring to HQ.

Balancing is going to be a big issue in the short-term as all these high level accounts enter the game with unrealistically low level equipment. Obviously during testing (and for all new accounts joining) this is not a problem, as nobody starts "new" at level 12, or level 20. But for old users this could obviously be a balancing issue.

It was actually the intention that facilities would be reset but as I say we will be watching this closely. If we have to intervene we can manually set facilities to whatever level is necessary to balance fairly. Perhaps even adjust them up to the manager's current level or close to it.
medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
Thats fair enough, I thought Maybe i misunderstood about manager level and HQ, Thanks
medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
Speed up the progress of your game with real money, is litarally pay2win.
medal 5808 CEO & CTO
8 years 158 days ago
I think you've missed the point Martin. From the old game we have jumped in as "new users" with maxed out levels. This is not a normal scenario, it is totally abnormal.

If they started playing from the beginning, this is not possible. A new player cannot speed up the progress of their game because they only have access to level 3, and level 4 only comes after a few races, then level 5, then level 6 etc. Only time and dedication can unlock levels normally, even if you bought £1,000,000 in tokens you can't upgrade past level 3, and will be beaten by someone who has played for 1 week and spent £0. That is obviously not a pay to win system, by any stretch of the imagination.

What we have though is an exceptional circumstance during the migration where up to level 20 players are being inserted in to the game with level 1 stuff. The problems the migraiton presents in that regard we will resolve with your feedback as to the best ways to do this. My suggestion would be that we manually bump up everyone's facilities close to their actual level, to balance it out and bring time / dedication back in as the limiting factor, instead of who can upgrade the fastest.
medal 5176
8 years 158 days ago
How about taking the old purchase values of the facilities and crediting the old players with an equal level of an upgrade?
E.g. $5 million to purchase in old iGP, costs $2.5m to upgrade per level, everybody gets 2 level upgrades competed on that facility.
medal 5808 CEO & CTO
8 years 158 days ago
I prefer my idea to be honest. I propose that we manually update everyone's facilities to 70% of their manager level. This will allow some path to upgrade still, but also act as a leveller of the playing field when it comes to unlocking additional progress with tokens.

Then we can begin to focus on other aspects of balancing. The facilities one should be as simple as that, I think.
medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
I see no problem with everyone starting on level 1 facilities means you can upgrade what you want.

Now can someone please allow me to spend my design points on the car
medal 5176
8 years 158 days ago
I prefer my idea to be honest. I propose that we manually update everyone's facilities to 70% of their manager level. This will allow some path to upgrade still, but also act as a leveller of the playing field when it comes to unlocking additional progress with tokens.

Then we can begin to focus on other aspects of balancing. The facilities one should be as simple as that, I think.

That's fine. I wasn't sure how much you were thinking of. This is better!

medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
TY Jack. wee cross red faces get jobs done around here
medal 5808 CEO & CTO
8 years 158 days ago
I was waiting for some more feedback on this idea. Anyone else have an opinion on it?
medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
Setting them to 70% seems fair. Keeps the playing field at the same level and allows for some management choices going forward.
medal 5808 CEO & CTO
8 years 158 days ago
I will wait and see if we get any more opinions tonight/tomorrow and apply this suggestion tomorrow if nobody is against it.

It's very important to us that the game remains as balanced as possible throughout this transition period. The game is designed for this, but because of the migration we have exceptional circumstances. We will gladly make some sacrifices to ensure the game stays balanced and fun for everyone during the transition.
medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
But the thing is if you go and set all my facilities up to lets say level 16 two points below my actual level18.
I spent token speeding up building to get what I have now means I used them & had no need to lol
But I'm capped at level 12 anyways because I'm in pro tier
medal 5063
8 years 158 days ago
Seems reasonable that a player who has played this game for a while and, diligently built up their levels, that it should be reflected in the change. I also understand this game is being changed for the better overall and Jack has to pick his battles.

My suggestion is different levels for the different classes - Rookie Pro, Elite.
medal 5808 CEO & CTO
8 years 158 days ago
But the thing is if you go and set all my facilities up to lets say level 16 two points below my actual level18.
I spent token speeding up building to get what I have now means I used them & had no need to lol
But I'm capped at level 12 anyways because I'm in pro tier

I'm aware of this, and would need to work out something for teams who already upgrade. Should be easy enough to factor in.

A better solution as Jack higlights might be 70% of tier cap or manager level, whichever is lower. Then I'll plug on top any levels people bought during the first 48hrs.
medal 5000
8 years 158 days ago
I agree with the 70% of the team level but I don't think this is fair to add the already upgraded facilities on the top and I'll take example with James :

He's lvl 18 so he'll have lvl 12 facilities, if he would have started with those facilities not sure he would have spent his tokens for the same facilities, especially the Manufacturing one that was really mandatory yesterday when old teams started at 0 parts.

That also means players who did not connected in the past few days will have an advantage to spend their tokens where they want, penalizing managers who took the good choice by buying Manufacturing the first day.

I think the best is to keep the 70% idea and to reset all currently upgraded facilities and tokens spent, this is easily identifiable because for now we're under the 48 hours limit so all lvl2+ facilties were bought with tokens for sure.
medal 5808 CEO & CTO
8 years 158 days ago
Funnily enough, I was just coming here to propose that and say I can easily reimburse tokens spent for existing facilities. The best all-round solution may be the 70% rule combined with reimbursing tokens to anyone who spent them on upgrades thus far.
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