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Practice times and fuel is incorrect

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medal 5000
7 years 360 days ago
Hi, practice is bugged and works like all times and fuel data as based on PL3 (neutral push). This is happening for 3/4 days for everyone and in multiple leagues.
medal 5000
7 years 360 days ago
No bugged Joey, it's fixed. Jack applied a patch to always force neutral push levels on practice laps.
medal 5000
7 years 360 days ago
Thanks James still don't understand it, how are we able to predict fuel according to our race push now ?
medal 5000
7 years 360 days ago
Thanks James still don't understand it, how are we able to predict fuel according to our race push now ?

One of the advantages of being at the race, if over-fuelled on stint 1, lower it for stint 2 if under-fuelled raise it and remember on one of the stints you need to add a lap.
medal 5000
7 years 360 days ago
Don't worry I keep all data regarding fuel and push in a calc, I was just surprised and as I'm really busy I missed that information on the forum, thanks to remind me. I also liked the old practice because it was possible to bluff or hide our performances and also to compare tyres (softs PL1 vs hards PL3/4 for example).
medal 5000
7 years 360 days ago
it was nice to hide your true pace but it also made your fuel load kind of wonky because that was the fuel efficiency for p1/5 instead of what you were going to run for the race
medal 5000
7 years 360 days ago
If a manager went to hide his pace it should be clear to him that he won't get any reliable data from those laps. Unfortunately it also means that we don't get any reliable data anymore now, unless we are running the race at normal push, and have to rely on possible outdated data or guesswork. But on the upside the differences are not that high and we don't dose fuel loadouts using syringes or the like anyway.
medal 5000
7 years 360 days ago
True. I usually don't run neutral as I'm slower so I have to have a lower push to make less stops, but I get where you are coming from Daniel. It would be nice though if you could use different push levels so I could see how much slower I am compared to neutral.
medal 5000
7 years 360 days ago
Don't worry I keep all data regarding fuel and push in a calc, I was just surprised and as I'm really busy I missed that information on the forum, thanks to remind me. I also liked the old practice because it was possible to bluff or hide our performances and also to compare tyres (softs PL1 vs hards PL3/4 for example).

Since m not able to attend live race, every race i check after each stint 1+ ltr fuel is spare before pit (inspite i knew the patch info) last couple of races i risked by keeping the fuel below the suggested lap still some good amount of fuel left in the tank before pitting

eagerly waiting for Mob race viewer
medal 5000
7 years 360 days ago
2.5 Same fuel usage as me Sandeep. you will know for next season if have the same design you can add 23 & 21 litres in the stints.

medal 5088
7 years 358 days ago
If a manager went to hide his pace it should be clear to him that he won't get any reliable data from those laps. Unfortunately it also means that we don't get any reliable data anymore now, unless we are running the race at normal push, and have to rely on possible outdated data or guesswork. But on the upside the differences are not that high and we don't dose fuel loadouts using syringes or the like anyway.

Wrong. I could bluff all day long and get my necessary, reliable data.
medal 5000
7 years 353 days ago
sorry started new thread, it seems JOEY is correct, practice time and fuel comes incorrect.
check the thread
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