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Driver Level Question

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medal 5084 Super Mod
7 years 294 days ago
Below are images of three drivers that are currently competing in MJL Elite tier, one of them belongs to me, the other two are contracted to my competitors.
My question is really for the developers or failing that someone who knows the answer to this (rather than speculation).

Driver 1 - All attributes at 20, Level 20...
<img src="" width="857" height="344" />

Driver 2 - As per Driver 1, all attributes at 20 but only Level 18??...
<img src="" width="856" height="346" />

Driver 3 - total of 8 points short of maximum in attributes and Level 19 (incidentally this one is mine).
<img src="" width="859" height="343" />

I can understand why driver 3 is a lower level than driver 1 because he is eight points short of maximum on total attributes. But why is driver 2 lower than both when he has the same attributes as driver 1 and eight more than driver 3?

Are there some hidden attributes?
medal 5000
7 years 294 days ago
Maybe driver 2 is shorter than driver 1 so he only is lvl 18 because driver 2 is 23cm shorter than driver 1.
medal 5084 Super Mod
7 years 294 days ago (edited 7 years 294 days ago)
Thanks for taking the time to reply Duc Anh but I really would like someone to to give us a definitive answer rather than people speculating. I don't believe taller drivers have higher levels because...

Level 20 - 177 cm
<img src="" width="858" height="349" />

Level 19 - 182 cm
<img src="" width="859" height="346" />

If there are hidden attributes I don't want to know how to see them I just want to understand they exist.

BTW, both of these drivers are in the same team so it isn't anything to do with the Manager
medal 5000
7 years 294 days ago
Maybe is by Driver 1 was generated for old IGP version and the others 2 for the new IGP system ;) . the older are more fast...
medal 5084 Super Mod
7 years 294 days ago
Both drivers in post 3 first appeared in 2013 so both were migrated from old IGP.
medal 5000
7 years 293 days ago
Bumping to see if Jack can take some time to comment. I'm curious about this now myself.
medal 5000
7 years 293 days ago
I can only offer guesswork unfortunately but the only link between available data and level I found between those drivers (and 2-3 other falling into that lvl area) in our league is the number of races they did. So a possible answer could be that the 20 experience shown is rounded and thus they level a little bit further after already showing this 20.

Sorry, not exactly what you wished for but at least a bump. After all I now wish a dev to answer this to satisfy my curiosity as well. :-)
medal 5084 Super Mod
7 years 293 days ago
But if it was a rounding error on the experience attribute that wouldn't explain the first post where Roy is L19 and eight full points from max attributes but the driver who is 20 across all attributes is only L18.
medal 5000
7 years 293 days ago
I am also interested and I would like to understand.
medal 5000
7 years 293 days ago (edited 7 years 293 days ago)
But if it was a rounding error on the experience attribute that wouldn't explain the first post where Roy is L19 and eight full points from max attributes but the driver who is 20 across all attributes is only L18.

Yes, for that to work either experience is non-linear at those levels and are factored as such or the full experience of those 44 extra races continued to raise experience even above the (displayed) cap of 20. But that would mean a driver would need more than 20 experience to reach full level and that isn't exactly logical. This, plus I just found your second set of drivers and the higher leveled driver of them has 4 races less, although he might have started with a slightly higher experience, are the causes I'm dissatisfied with this explanation myself. It's just the closest fit so far.
medal 5084 Super Mod
7 years 293 days ago
I think a more likely explanation would be a rounding on "Talent", 19.1 to 20 all displayed as 20. If talent is used as a multiplier for all other attributes it would explain the anomaly. If not this there must be some hidden attributes.
medal 5000
7 years 292 days ago
True, that explanation could work, but I somewhat doubt talent has that much effect on level. Take my drivers for example. Schneider has 20 talent and 45 skills to full 20 and is lvl 16. Rantala is talent 17, needs also 45 skills to level everything to max (so 48 skills incl. talent) and is lvl 16 as well, with Schneider completing 2-3 skills more since hitting that level.

The same is true for experience. Schneider is 20 exp with 160/176 races and Rantala just 11 exp with 77/78 and so it doesn't count any more than other 'normal' skills.

I suppose we need a dev to get a definite answer, so Jack please. ;-)
medal 5000
7 years 292 days ago
Adding to the discussion: I have also found a Chief Designer with same issue.

medal 5000
7 years 292 days ago
A drivers level and stars does not matter, it's their attributes that matter.
Staff all that matters is their star rating nothing else. Unless you a picky about your strength and weakness
medal 5000
7 years 292 days ago
Drivers have place holders for special traits, they are already in place they are just not activated or implemented yet
medal 5000
7 years 292 days ago
medal 5000
7 years 292 days ago
medal 5084 Super Mod
7 years 289 days ago
Jack. Any comments? Is a L20 driver going to be quicker than a L18 when they both appear to have 20 attributes across the board and both are at minimum weight?
Also, what causes this?
medal 5000
7 years 289 days ago
He may not be answering because they are related to game mechanics? which he really doesn't answer
medal 5000
7 years 289 days ago
I'm curious...
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