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a huge disadvantage

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medal 5000
12 years 338 days ago
Since when is iGP a asian item mall grinder cookie cutter mmo?
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago (edited 12 years 337 days ago)
@rudolf don't be a racist....

kade said it all then.
you guys are defending yourself under the canopy of "we are helping developers". lol
i play a lot of others free online games where managers don't pay a penny to get advantage. yeh there are other benefits. well, that explain why you have very few players. a lot of my friends also left the game. if the field is balanced after playing sometime managers do subscribe if they think the game is good and developers have put great effort.
i bet you all 2d viewers are afraid that you will not win so often if the field is equal. you will lose your sorry driver-asses ;p lol.....

if you want more players. level the field without giving subscriber an advantage over free users. you will see players will start to pour in. yeh cosmetics things cn be provided to subscribers or maybe storage of their data on the servers.
243managers online is pretty low....

and some managers are saying that free users get to set the strategy now after the q1 patch..then thats even more making fun of free can someone plan if they can't see their tyres or fuel content in live racing?
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
and guys i saw a guy top rep and he has never reced on preimium
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago

sry crazy internet
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
I'm still on the fence. The only reason I paid for 2D wasn't so I could view the race, but so I had advantage of all of the 2D controls, and I'm sure more than 50% of people who have paid for this game have done it for that very reason - So they can get the most out of their cars on the track. If I had all the information available to me in 1D/free mode, including tyre colour and fuel usage and things of that nature, I simply wouldn't purchase the game and I'd still be a free user.

Many probably did, but for the health of the game it shouldn't be an advantage it should be a convenience. Put enough conveniences and extra stuff in - livery viewer, stats, 2d mode and other things I haven't even thought of - and people can justify the extra money. Some people won't but many still will. I want to race against a whole field, I want to race in competitive games where the whole field (although a pipe dream due to inactivity/unavailability of players every race) can win a race. I don't want what effectively becomes a split series of the have and have nots. People can win races without a subscription - it's possible - but many can't or don't want to invest in the game of luck it becomes sometimes without a subscription. I'm more likely to cancel my subscription because of the difference in competition between subs and free users than I am because of free users getting equal race data/controls.

It's not a question of getting the most of your car on track - that should come down to the design system and partner management - which is another issue altogether with the overhaul it needs. Getting the most out of your car isn't being able to see the data you need to be competitive - that's just a plan advantage. Getting the most out of the car is combining the right staff with the right driver with the right components and partners. The supplier and design system needs to overhaul for this to happen - which I beleive is coming - but that's how you get the most out of a car while not disadvantaging players who can't afford/don't want to pay a sub. 

I beleive previously the supplier system was going to have some form of randomness - some suppliers would generate good/bad engines on an individual basis, some would be better for some cars and there would be clear advantages/disadvantages. This could tie in to another subscription type statistic feature - when you try a new supplier, you get speed/lap time/telemetry data that helps you determine if the supplier you've chose suits your car - a summary of the data. Free users would have to look over their races and manually do the calculations as to what supplier suits their car in what situations. It's not an advantage - it's a convenience. Of course, I'm just talking hypotheticals, but I just wanted to give some examples of how a convenience can greatly improve the game and be worth money while not being a direct advantage.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago (edited 12 years 337 days ago)
most bulk of an online gaming community are the kids and the teenagers. most of them can't pay the stuff and end up leaving the game. imagine you are a kid and asking your parent to load funds into a computer game for a yearly package of 40 pounds. most of them would just not agree.
actually most parents don't want their kids to waste time online playing games. so, how can you imagine them to play here and that too paying for it? and remember kids pyschology is different from an adult. if they see that 2d has an advantage over free users and they can't keep up with the others, they will get disheartned and leave to a game where all are equal. i can continue going on but here the community are of adults and can judge better. put your money aside you have put into the game and think what advantage you got in racing. you can't deny that you didnot. be honest.
and developers its not that i am against your game or anything. i love f1 races. i joined it for beta season and then i left inbetween. now i came back yesterday. i created this new account. i later found that there was a way to reset it. i will be using this one. you guys have done a good job in developing this game. but seriously giving an advantage to subscribers in terms of strategy(i know its not much. but you come to know when you are heating your tyres) is not sportsmans spirit.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago (edited 12 years 337 days ago)
Edit: -
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
Edit: -
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
Don't get me wrong Kade. As I said, I understand exactly where everyone is coming from but all I'm saying is the only reason I *personally* signed up and started paying was to take "advantage" of the 2D controls. I personally couldn't care about the livery system or any added benefits that don't give me an advantage on the track. I think they're cool, but I don't really care for them. I am only paying so I can use 2D so I can be faster - nothing more.

I know I'm only one opinion, but many others might be in the same category. If I had no advantage on the track (the only reason I am a subscriber at the moment) by being a subscriber, I would simply cancel my subscription unless there was some other advantage on the track to paying.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
hey steve and both are the same person just wrote that with steven account and then saw your earlier post which you posted with jason account.
now you edited it.ROFL
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
What is your point?
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
so you have basically 2 or more accounts. thats it...
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago (edited 12 years 337 days ago)
Yes, both accounts are mine and I am subscribed to both of them (I am paying twice)

Come at me bro :D

My point still stands any way. I know there are other things that can be implemented, but me personally (and I'm sure many others are the same) are only paying because of the fact that it is an advantage. If there was no clear advantage, I basically would not pay.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago

My point still stands any way. I know there are other things that can be implemented, but me personally (and I'm sure many others are the same) are only paying because of the fact that it is an advantage. If there was no clear advantage, I basically would not pay.

then you are just eliminating the competition yourselves. you need a level field to allow more players in a league.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
As I said - I understand where you are coming from but I'm just expressing my personal opinion - I only pay because it is faster. If it wasn't any faster, I wouldn't pay. I'm sure the iGP management would be asking themselves that same question - Think of the money they would lose and the amount of people who would cancel their subscriptions. I know other people who pay for this game for the same reason as me, so I know I'm not alone on this one.

I reckon they should implement a new system, like someone else has already mentioned in the general discussion thread, where you can have "subscribers only" leagues and "free user only" leagues. They could keep leagues that are open to both for the free users who don't mind playing subscribers - But that way atleast you have a choice.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago (edited 12 years 337 days ago)
then the game will not develop in a way it should. most of the managment games are free in basis of competition. that is a reason for the big turnover of people playin as compared to this despite its new.
not all people can afford. developers should allure subscribers by not giving advantage but by something else. in other games the competition is equal but yet many people subscribe for different reasons. others to show appreciation and others to unlock subscriber features.
the best thing about this game is that the races are graphically represented. most management games don't have that. that is the biggest reason people want to play this game. nobody wants to look at the dull non-moving screen. so you take that factor out and the strategy factor for subscribers, then this doesn't even come close to other management game available. here only 2d is good rest all is dull.
so, people who are earning and afford it will pay and others who can't have some other good options to choose from. this game has a potential but if it continues to give its only feature which it distinquish from the rest with a price tag, then i am sorry then this game will not have players on a large scale. not even good scale.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
Taj obviously Can't afford 5 quid.
Taj is obviously Mad.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
But then free players are still not getting the fundamental tools they need to play the game effectively - tyre wear/temp/fuel. It's a good workaround but doesn't fix the fundamental flaw of 2d players wielding too much of an advantage. As has been raised before on another topic, many players want to play with friends, not public games. The league I run is the highest rated in reputation with 20+ players. At the start of the season, we had 32 for 1.5 seasons. Players dropped out due to the gap and paying subscribers left due to the gap.  I believe paying for advantage is really against the spirit of the game - I came here to race people and for competition - that's what I enjoy, not simply beating 70% of the field due to a payment.

With this concept of friends games, paying and free users have a divide that can't be filled by the solution above. It's a good option - one that could satisfy a lot of players, including yourself, but it has 2 main problems.

1. Segregation of the player base - Players base is split between paying and free games (and some cross group games). 1 united player base is the best for growth and competition as it breaks down the barriers to entry. It's easier to find competitive leagues with 1 big pool of players than players and leagues split between "Subscribers only", "Free only" and mixed groups. There are already a large number of leagues with small amounts of players that never got off the ground - that will just get worse with 3 types of game.

2. It doesn't solve the issue such as the one I described above, so it doesn't solve the fundamental issue of 2d being too overpowered.

Given that my league has lost 12+ players due to the gap, I suggest some analysis needs to be done in regards to how many potential subscriptions and players are lost due to the game simply not being enjoyable for free players and how many subscribers would cancel due to not having an advantage as opposed to the graphical features.

I understand your point of view, I think it's just a simple difference of opinion - you believe you paid for an advantage, I beleive I paid for a enhancement. I believe keeping it an enhancement rather than an advantage would keep the game healthier for the future and you beleive the opposite. Other online, web based games have proven this can be a successful concept (xpert11 as I've previously mentioned for example) and I believe it's a far better policy in order to grow the community and will result in more subscriptions in the long term as the game will retain those free players longer and convert them to subscription players due to an enhanced feature set.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
hahaha good one louis.
i am not talking about myself but a lot of other young teens and kids.  
you yourself are 32. so you have a job. 
and its not 5 pounds per month but around 40 pounds a year. noones parents give that amount for a game.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago (edited 12 years 337 days ago)
Uh? Xbox Games 40 pounds?
Parents by kids new games every month, and they play it for what two weeks?

I think you're crying because you are one of those kids who can't afford it?
Ive made my point on this matter in the 1st thread, we don't need 5000 on the same topic.

From Original Thread

"Anyway, numerous ways around not subscribing, like createing a new account every three days, sending you're self a link to the race and getting everything you need to manage without 2D.
If i had wrote this game, subscription people would gain the following for there 60 pounds a year.

Enhanced Training For Drivers ( Ability to train at a higher rate of speed than "Free Users"
Enhanced Development Speed ( I'm not talking 10% Additional, perhaps as low as 2% each part per design report)
Ability to Test Setups in a more rigourous style, ability to run more laps prior to qualifying
More customization Options, custom skins , driver avatars, custom usertitle text

I don't feel we need so much of a track advantage, that field should be level when it comes to raceday, but i bthink you'd convert allot of the free to play people, into payed users if you had a more attractive package.

Just my two cents. "
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