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a huge disadvantage

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medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
I understand everything you've said  and I agree with mose of it but I guess like you say, it's just differing opinions. It would all come down to the mentality of the subscriber - If I could see my tyre wear and colour from the free mode I would not be paying for a subscription. It's as simple as that for me. Maybe for other people like yourself it might not be as black and white, but I do know other people who only pay for 2D because it is has a clear advantage. Each to their own I guess.

I just think they would lose too many subscribers if they gave you all the controls in free mode.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
buying a game for xbox and here is quite different. think whatever you want. i already pay for an online f1 management game. there i am happy i don't have any advantage. i will pay there till that game exits. not here people who play showing their financial strengh. shame on you.
then explain why a lot of magaers have left this game and why there are only 203 managers online at present?
others games have at least some thousands active at any time of the day.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago

I just think they would lose too many subscribers if they gave you all the controls in free mode.

then why other online management games still have a lot of subscribed players despite there is no advantage racing? thats your mentality IMO

explain why i pay at other sites where i don't get any advantage?
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
1. IGP is new.
2. Most users are EU. 
3. Its 9am EU on a Sunday.
4. It's easter a christian Holiday At 9am in the morning.
5. Not many races run at 9AM on a sunday.

Please go back to you're "Other Game" The fact that you obviously have not attempted to do more than one race before saying this makes you're points highly invalid.
As i'm sure you are fully aware the core fundamentals of this game are still yet to be in place, it's a new community with a small Fan base, but just like any game that has dedicated developers and an amazing concept it will be great, whether you Mr. Taj Singh think so or not.
Good day.

medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
1. IGP is new.
2. Most users are EU. 
3. Its 9am EU on a Sunday.
4. It's easter a christian Holiday At 9am in the morning.
5. Not many races run at 9AM on a sunday.

Please go back to you're "Other Game" The fact that you obviously have not attempted to do more than one race before saying this makes you're points highly invalid.

1) its was available 6-7 months back. a lot of managers who i knew signed for the beta. left when the price tag was announced.
2) Subscription is the reason why it hasn't become global. developer even started a thread at other gaming site where i am a supporter. but no one is interested despite the community is very active and a lot of subscribers are there for that game.
3)even if its 2100Hrs at night i barely see managers above 500-600. on weekdays.
4)see above.
5)see above

the thread opener was me. i left that account(explained above in a post). i raced in beta season

PS People like you don't like competition. Just losers
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
I made my point and you have nothing fresh to add other than the fact you like another game better, Please go there and have fun:-)

<3 Louis.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
Taj, how many times do I have to say "this is my opinion" .. I'm not saying this is how it is for everyone, but just me.

Opinion - Personal preference. How would I know why you pay for other games that give you no advantage?

All I am saying is that *I personally* would not pay if I had the 2D controls available to me through the free view. What incentive would there be for me to pay if my only concern in this game is how fast I can go? There isn't any.

Once again - This is just *MY OPINION* .. I'm not speaking on behalf of everyone who pays for 2D :/ This is just how I personally view it.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
@Louis i don't see you make any point. actually you have nothing to say. you can't compete without your money with rest of the world. i feel sorry for you. you are a handicapped without money. what a shame.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
You're looking at my argument from the wrong perspective.

I am not implying free users should be disadvantaged in speed - I am saying that I would not pay for this game if it didn't give me some kind of an advantage.

They are two completely different things. I am not saying that I feel free users should be handicapped, I'm just saying that I feel the amount of subscibers would drop considerably if free users were given that much control.

I'm saying I'm all for making the playing field more even. That makes the competition more fair - But it would come at a cost, since (imo) people would stop subscribing. I'm just being realistic when I say I don't think it will ever happen.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
Had a view on the other game and I don't like it!

Here I drove 3 seasons as a non subscriber, and had fun, but didn't win.
Now I subscribed, and maybe with some other reasons, too - now I win.
But that's how it is. Now I can see non subscribers droppimg down in speed with redred tires or others driving at hthe end of  the field with cold tires.

YES it is an advantage. But: so what - I like the game anyway. and next season I will drive again as a non subsriber - and I will have fun again!

That's my state of view!
If anyone has another point of view - that's OK!
But after telling a thousand times the same I think someone should stop talking....
If everything in life would be free, how could I earn my money or my food?

The developers decided to do that way. If I would not share that way I would stop it.
It's just a game - isn't it?
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
Taj read what i stated earlier.

From Original Thread

"Anyway, numerous ways around not subscribing, like createing a new account every three days, sending you're self a link to the race and getting everything you need to manage without 2D.
If i had wrote this game, subscription people would gain the following for there 60 pounds a year.

Enhanced Training For Drivers ( Ability to train at a higher rate of speed than "Free Users"
Enhanced Development Speed ( I'm not talking 10% Additional, perhaps as low as 2% each part per design report)
Ability to Test Setups in a more rigourous style, ability to run more laps prior to qualifying
More customization Options, custom skins , driver avatars, custom usertitle text

I don't feel we need so much of a track advantage, that field should be level when it comes to raceday, but i bthink you'd convert allot of the free to play people, into payed users if you had a more attractive package.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
look guys i talked earlier that i don't  dislike the game but rather am enjoy. the only thing is that i don't like the "race" adavantage to subscribers.
 @the leader that is your prospective of thinking.  at least it doesn't give the advantage. this have been repeated all along to this post. the only point i want to make again is that people will always leave if they get disadvantage in race. teens and kids can't afford and they make bulk of gaming community.
so people like you and me will be the only ones.. it will never grow. tell me after 6 months if it remains the "same"
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
I don't disagree with you Taj, I'm just asking you - What incentive is there for people to pay and subscribe, if free users get the same controls in race? I certainly would not pay for Livery alone.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
I honestly think taj is just mad that he can't afford to subscribe I honestly do, he's made the same point about the controls , yet has made no constructive suggestions on how to counter the field being level. Reppeating yourself over and over is not the method of choice for someone who can make a valid point and back it up. Do you honestly think that the developers are interested in evaluating you're suggestion if all you do is whine spell badly and talk about another game?
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
I don't disagree with you Taj, I'm just asking you - What incentive is there for people to pay and subscribe, if free users get the same controls in race? I certainly would not pay for Livery alone.

look every game developer is smart enough to innovate something . 
as kade stated there are some football manager games and the one i play and many more. people do pay.
they for
using mailbox even if you have retired from the game. 
saving racing data on server.
driver search is more refined.
graphs could be seen by only subscribers of drivers and other things.
race data could be downloaded using excel.
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago (edited 12 years 337 days ago)
evaluating you're suggestion if all you do is whine spell badly

back at you...

Reappeating yourself over and over is not the method of choice for someone who can make a valid point and back it up.

who has problem with spelling? hahaha
i told you already that you are a loser who can't compete with rest of the world without money


Reppeating yourself over and over is not the method of choice for someone who can make a valid point and back it up. Do you honestly think that the developers are interested in evaluating you're suggestion if all you do is whine spell badly and talk about another game?

this won't help again...

as it is made my day

medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
If you actually read what I posted prior to this post youd. Clearly see I stated I don't want a track advantage. I'm beginning to feel as if this is a pathetic troll attempt now. You are just talking shit mr Taj  as for repeating it's a typo ;)
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
who started the troll? let me point at you that you said that i can't you manage my bank accounts? 
you called it upon made it personal....
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
:) goodbye
medal 5000
12 years 337 days ago
running from the field ain't right..i was just warming up..
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