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Car 2 is always quicker in qualifying

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medal 5000
4 years 199 days ago (Last edited by Vinigano Zozir 4 years 199 days ago)
The game is UNFAIR to some accounts for no reason but ok, nobody cares...

Who cares about meritocracy in the development.....
medal 5000
4 years 199 days ago

same here!!!

swapped them to confirm... now i can confirm. this is happening since 2 month before today... something like that but long time
medal 5000
4 years 194 days ago
keeps happening :(
medal 5000
4 years 193 days ago
To Devs: In a rain qualifying, my car 1 was able to beat car 2:

Maybe "only" dry qualifying is affected.

Going to drop out of league and game tomorrow for a couple of months. Please contact me, when this is fixed. Thanx.
medal 5144 Super Mod
4 years 193 days ago
I have had five races so far this season. Qualifying results:

Race 1:

  • Car 2 - Position 3 - 1:54.760 - Inter

  • Car 1 - Position 4 - 1:54.777 - Inter

Race 2:

  • Car 1 - Position 1 - 1:23.263 - Soft

  • Car 2 - Position 3 - 1:23.284 - Soft

Race 3:

  • Car 1 - Position 1 - 1:40.401 - S/Soft

  • Car 2 - Position 2 - 1:40.401 - S/Soft

Race 4:

  • Car 1 - Position 6 - 1:04.815 - Soft

  • Car 2 - Position 7 - 1:40.815 - Soft

Race 5:

  • Car 1 - Position 12 - 1:18.298 - Medium

  • Car 2 - Position 13 - 1:18.298 - Medium

Only in race 1 (wet) was car 2 higher on the grid. The last three races both drivers have set identical times but car 1 has been ranked higher on the grid.

So from a limited set of results this season, in my team Car 2 is not always quicker in qualifying.

medal 5000
4 years 193 days ago
Showing that there is no bug only because YOUR account is not affected by the a little bit useless...

It s not the goal of the thread saying that everyone has this problem!!
BUT that there are accounts that are affected by the problem and then there is something unfair in the game (for these accounts, not all)...

It s like showing that the game has no bugs only because you don t have any of them..
medal 5144 Super Mod
4 years 192 days ago
Could you please point out to me where I said there is no bug? I simply posted a set of results from my team this season for everyone's information. Earlier tonight we had our sixth race of the season and once again driver number 1 was ahead of driver number 2 on the grid. So that's five races out of six that driver number 1 starts ahead, the odd one being a wet qualifying session.

However, that aside, how can you be so positive that there MUST be a bug because you are experiencing something which you don't understand, whereas if I experience something different the information can be brushed to one side because it doesn't fit your theory?

I first noticed something in two car teams a few years ago where I could influence the performance of a driver by switching seats. I mentioned this in a thread which was removed in the forum attack a few weeks ago. I didn't call it a "bug" I just found something which I could possibly exploit to my advantage.

The simulator takes a set of data, crunches it around and gives an output. If you want to bandy the word "bug" about and expect the developers to properly investigate it they need to understand under what circumstances the unexpected output arises. For that reason it is equally important that they understand under what circumstances the "alleged bug" doesn't happen. Currently this season it is not happening for my team. It's as simple as that, nothing to argue about, just a set of results that for whatever reason, you don't seem to like.
medal 5000
4 years 192 days ago
I've heard that taller drivers are faster in qualifying than shorter drivers. Could swear it should be the other way around, if it should even be a thing. I've been complaining about this in my single car league. Teams with same of lower level cars, stats of those cars almost the same as mine, bar 4 or 5 pts & I'm always .2 seconds slower than them.
Anyone know if this is the case or even the case in these respective cases?

If this is a thing, I'd be a little annoyed. I paid hundreds to bump my driver to straight 20's while only lvl 10. If I'd known this was a thing I wouldn't have spent $500 pushing him up.

I see your No1 driver is taller than your No.2 driver.
medal 5144 Super Mod
4 years 192 days ago

I see your No1 driver is taller than your No.2 driver.

Hi Dean.

Sorry, my fault, I should explain. I always use this account to post on the forum because it is my Moderator account. I haven't raced with this team for about two years.

The data above is from my currently active account and both drivers are the same height.

I have also heard rumours that taller drivers may be faster but I'm not certain of this because some very strong managers I have competed against don't have very tall drivers. I'm not saying the driver height theory is wrong, it's just that nobody has yet managed to prove it to me "beyond all reasonable doubt". LOL
medal 5000
4 years 192 days ago (Last edited by Nigel Mansell 4 years 192 days ago)
Didn't know that.

I've also heard that certain drivers, height, do better with certain engines. I'm trying this in my next race. Leaving Tifosi for Wonder & seeing if I qualify better. I'll post back here tomorrow, in case it helps someone to know :/
medal 5000
4 years 192 days ago

Could you please point out to me where I said there is no bug? I simply posted a set of results from my team this season for everyone's information. Earlier tonight we had our sixth race of the season and once again driver number 1 was ahead of driver number 2 on the grid. So that's five races out of six that driver number 1 starts ahead, the odd one being a wet qualifying session.

However, that aside, how can you be so positive that there MUST be a bug because you are experiencing something which you don't understand, whereas if I experience something different the information can be brushed to one side because it doesn't fit your theory?

I first noticed something in two car teams a few years ago where I could influence the performance of a driver by switching seats. I mentioned this in a thread which was removed in the forum attack a few weeks ago. I didn't call it a "bug" I just found something which I could possibly exploit to my advantage.

The simulator takes a set of data, crunches it around and gives an output. If you want to bandy the word "bug" about and expect the developers to properly investigate it they need to understand under what circumstances the unexpected output arises. For that reason it is equally important that they understand under what circumstances the "alleged bug" doesn't happen. Currently this season it is not happening for my team. It's as simple as that, nothing to argue about, just a set of results that for whatever reason, you don't seem to like.

If everyone posts his results where there is no bug...try to imagine that.. this is why I got nervous yesterday..(yes you didn't say (explicitly) that there is no bug).

Anyway Kevin, I'm sure it's a bug for many reasons.. 
medal 5144 Super Mod
4 years 192 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 4 years 192 days ago)
OK, point taken, you are correct. It would have been sufficient to say I wasn't suffering from the problem, there was no need to post results.

Edit... And it was only race two where Car 1 was faster. In four races they qualified with identical times, but for whatever reason reason Car 1 was placed ahead on the grid.
medal 5000
4 years 192 days ago
The teams do the qualifying laps in car number order. So car 1 has a number ahead of car 2 and set the lap 1st, so whoever do the same lap after him will be behind at the start.
medal 5000
4 years 192 days ago
I would love for there to be an extra decimal place on fuel use during practice, 2dp is not enough. Would also like for there to be an investigation/more clarity on the differences between how much fuel drivers use in qually. I have a small feeling this is related to the qually issue.
medal 5021 Super Mod
4 years 192 days ago
About second car always having better qualifying times: Have you tried switching drivers seat?

From what I've experienced, no matter the order I use, my younger driver (which is also taller) tends to out-qualify his teammate. If nothing changes in a few seasons, I'll be testing a new short driver in order to see what happens.

@Juanito, the order car goes to qualifying lap is randomised.

@Leo, I think the differences we see in fuel usage happens due to driver mistake which does not happen in qualifying, as the error rate is 0.
medal 5000
4 years 192 days ago
The 1st driver syndrome LOL  

I did switch drivers.  i also  trained a new one and sold the slower one because i thought he was slow for some reason and boom, new driver was also slow. (Strange to see a new maxed young driver being slower, so then i switched them and since then it stills happening)

I'm racing since this version was released, and i think there is something strange. 

TODAY Azerbaijan
2nd driver 8th 1.38.213
1st driver 14th 1.38.310

19 ago Austria
2nd driver 12ve 1.04.584
1st driver 15th 1.04.602

18 ago Singapore
2nd driver 3rd 1.39.703
1st driver 7th 1.39.878

17 ago Brazil
2nd driver 12ve 1.14.438
1st driver 17th 1.14.454

14 ago Belgium
diff compound

13 ago Hungary
2nd driver 3rd 1.23.808
1st driver 12ve 1.23.913

Switched drivers after china!!!!

12 ago China
2nd driver 1st 1.33.644
1st drivier 20th 1.33.880

11 ago Spain
2nd driver 13th 1.20.396
1st driver 15th 1.20.513

10 ago Malaysia
2nd driver 11th 1.34.352
1st driver 17th 1.34.415

ended season after Germany

7 ago Germany
2nd driver 1st 1.28.590
1st driver 7th 1.28.772

6 ago Azerbaijan
2nd driver 20th 1.37.084
1st driver 22th 1.37.198

5 ago Canada
2nd driver 17th 1.14.720
1st driver 19th 1.14.756

4 ago Malaysia
2nd driver 8th 1.32.128
1st driver 15th 1.32.498

3 ago Belgium
2nd driver 18th 1.50.413
1st driver 22nd 1.50.546

31 jul Mexico
1st driver 7th 1.18.604
2nd driver 9th 1.18.648

30 jul Singapore
2nd driver 6th 1.38.242
1st driver 7th 1.38.445

29 jul Hungary
2nd driver 7th 1.22.407
1st driver 13th 1.22.490

28 jul China (exception)
1st driver 14th 1.32.129
2nd driver 16th 1.32.141

27 jul USA
2nd driver 8th 1.42.660
1st driver 22nd 1.42.887

24 jul Austria
1st driver 6th 1.06.331
2nd driver 12ve 1.06.364

23 jul Brazil (exception)
1st driver 10th 1.13.955
2nd driver 16th 1.13.985

22 jul Japan
2nd driver 9th 1.35.487
1st driver 11th 1.35.495

21 jul Italy
2nd driver 6th 1.22.930
1st driver 18th 1.23.00

20 jul Monaco
2nd driver 13th 1.28.597
1st driver 14th 1.28.598

17 jul Spain
2nd driver 10th 1.19.916
1st driver 16th 1.20.008

16 jul Australia
2nd driver 9th 1.25.126
1st driver 12ve 1.25.193

15 jul France
2nd driver 2nd 1.33.563
1st driver 22nd 1.33.746

14 jul Abu Dhabi
2nd driver 1.41.198
1st driver 13th 1.41.415

13 jul Britain
2nd driver 4th 1.36.256
1st driver 7th 1.36.258

Ended season after Britain

10 jul  Britain
2nd driver 5th 1.30.872
1st driver 14th 1.30.957

9 jul Malasya (DOESNT COUNT?) :P
2nd driver 8th 1.35.793
1st driver 20th 1.35.879

8 jul Canada
2nd driver 10th 1.14.668
1st driver 17th 1.14.721

7 jul USA
2nd driver 4th 1.41.784
1st driver 20th 1.41.905

6 jul France
2nd drver 6th 1.31.849
1st driver 20th 1.32.165

3 jul Singapore
2nd driver 13th 1.38.608
1st driver 15th 1.38.767

2 jul Australia
2nd driver 6th 1.23.961
1st driver 13th 1.24.186
medal 5000
4 years 192 days ago
i have a team that has this bug i tested it over the last month, car 1 is slower every race, i did probably 15-20 races with the drivers in one order and car  1 with driver A was slower in everyone, so then i rotated the 2 drivers mid season moving driver B to driver 1 position and vice versa with the other driver, and still car 1 is slower every race for another 15-20 races straight but this time with Driver B in car 1 seat, i don't use that team for proper racing as i just use my other teams instead that dont have this Bug so it hasn't bothered me but just thought i'd mention that this Bug does exsist and only effects certain teams.

(not this team)
medal 5000
4 years 192 days ago
Today my 2nd driver qualified on pole while my 1st driver qualified 20th. This is ridiculous and unplayeble. I might leave IGP for a while because of this bug. I've been experiencing this for more than 6 months.
medal 5000
4 years 186 days ago
any updates on this?
medal 5000
4 years 185 days ago
I have a thread along the same lines. Nothing. 
I did however qualify on Softs in 12th place yesterday (4th on compound) so I don’t know if I just got lucky or someone actually did look at it. I’ll know more today. Just an FYI. 
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