Maybe before you reported this as a bug you should have checked to see if driving ability was maxed, it is not our problem that you don’t check your drivers stats.
Of course, instead, the obvious and expected behavior is to decrease my driver progression, which makes total sense ????????
I bet you guys loved the 3D update while there are way bigger problems in this game and the people that develop this game are a problem themselves xD
I never use 3D, but I understand that the game has to progress so I try to cut the devs some slack. After all, the choice is mine, nobody forces me to play the game.
Personally I'd prefer the devs to focus all of their efforts into resolving some of the problems (tyre balancing, Qualifying, Advanced Strategy to name a few), not waste their time making the training screen turn orange because I can't be bothered to check driver development before pressing the training button.
If you really don't like the game or this community the solution is simple... Stop playing.
Regarding the progress decreasing... It does the same as it always does, starts at (for example) 70% goes through 100% and then settles out at (for example) 30%. It hasn't reduced by 40%, it's increased by 60%. But when it went through 100% no stats increased because the driver was already fully trained.