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Update live!

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10 years 98 days ago

This game is stuck in 2009.

No development least 1 year.

The users in the forum writing many-many ideas. Nothing used the developers and programmers.

I love this game and site!

But..nothing change, just worse. 

10 years 98 days ago

Thanks for the update, keep the good work up.

Kind regards
10 years 98 days ago

This game is stuck in 2009.

No development least 1 year.

The users in the forum writing many-many ideas. Nothing used the developers and programmers.

I love this game and site!

But..nothing change, just worse. 

So you obviously havent been reading the forum them regarding the many updates and things coming?
5235 CEO & CTO
10 years 98 days ago (edited 10 years 98 days ago)
The issue is fixed now.

Sándor, I'm sorry that you feel that way, and to be honest, when I receive criticism I find it mostly valid (as bizarre as that sounds). Minus the scrooge mcduck part.

If you knew the full story though, of how I was abandoned with iGP and have had to rescue the company, I think you'd see it a little differently. E.g. I had genuinely finished a mobile revamp of the websites 2 years ago and haven't been able to release it, because right after that everyone jumped ship having not completed their end of the deal. I've spent the entire time since then keeping it above water, throwing all my time and money at it. I'm an easy target because I put my neck on the line and am so visible, but that comes with the territory.
10 years 98 days ago
I think your too kind Jack, I fail to see how his comments help in any way shape or form. Unjust and inaccurate in my opinion, maybe he forgets the recent tyre update where we have more tyres and a wider strategy choice - but of course he would forget that as he just wants to rant!
5235 CEO & CTO
10 years 98 days ago
Well, people say things in the heat of the moment. Ignoring the snide remarks, the frustration is understandable, and I totally accept that.

Most things people say are like water off a ducks back. I've gotten used to it by now. :P I just hope anyone that feels that strongly sticks around to see the improvements.
10 years 98 days ago
Okay, here it a idea.

I'm a programmer.

Next time if you patch the game server, before test beta/mirror game server twice.
If something wrong you can fix it.

Keep the good work!

10 years 98 days ago

We support you in your efforts to get this game better.  ignore Sandor, I don't think he understands your situation.

10 years 98 days ago
Hey Sándor, we all want the game to be up and running and Jack wants it even more than us. Everyone is frustrated and propagating your feelings to others make it worse. Jack hasn't been able to produce the game he wanted due to problems he had and he is the one that is the most disappointed about it. Adding new features to a simulator game is not easy since no existing feature must not clash with one another or two of them must not add up to produce a freak result. Lets consider ourselves as the beta testers for an awsome game he has in his mind. :)

BTW you look strong in the championship. I see why you are frustrated. I wish you all the best for your season ;)
10 years 98 days ago
It seems that Jack or developers are magicians who put off rabbits from a hat, isn't it Sandor?

Yeah, we all know that game is stuck up, but the good work takes a time to being done. Please, relax or fuck off. We all subscribers are in the same situation. Blaming is not the solution.

You can get off ever you want.

5235 CEO & CTO
10 years 98 days ago (edited 10 years 98 days ago)
At the end of the day, we should really put in to perspective the scale of the problem as well, in my opinion. It often gets massively blown out of proportion, not because it's really that bad, but because people have invested so much energy in to the race that it's gutting when it doesn't run.

Looking at the problem from a purely technical perspective, taking the emotion out of it, it's the equivalent to a video not loading on Netflix. That happens to people all the time, often over and over again, and they pay for it, but it's not so much of an inconvenience. Imagine if you had prepared for a day to watch the video, cancelled appointments etc. Then it's a much bigger deal.

Often iGP only has temporary glitches that last for 10-15 minutes (name a service that doesn't, I see everything from YouTube to League of Legends doing worse). But throw in all the passion, enthusiasm and commitment put in to those races, and the fact that it can throw peoples daily schedules off, and you can see why it causes a stir. I get that, and sympathise with anyone whose race doesn't run.

That's why I'm putting everything in to updates that prevent that. It's also why the league system may need revising in 2015. I think if we have play-anytime system, it's much less of an inconvenience when there's a temporary service fault.
10 years 98 days ago
Well Jack, but people could understand that "those" shitty things, those ones from the dark side often happen.

Really appreciate your efforts. Seriously :) We'll see. Take care.
10 years 98 days ago
Thanks to screw up the game with an update!

Shame what you doing this game.

No updates, no development, no fixes, no ideas.

But you love subscribes and the money what pay for you.

Seriously... It's really not okay.

It's my opinion.

That's harsh.
10 years 98 days ago
It's the first day, sure that all problems are solved, now not working the races
10 years 98 days ago
It seems that Jack or developers are magicians who put off rabbits from a hat, isn't it Sandor?

Yeah, we all know that game is stuck up, but the good work takes a time to being done. Please, relax or fuck off. We all subscribers are in the same situation. Blaming is not the solution.

You can get off ever you want.


Take it easy, man.
Why insult me?
I don't swore else.

10 years 98 days ago
Well, we were going fine, then about 14 laps into the race it all crashed! :/

It now just says 'race not open' when we try and load a viewer, but it still thinks the race is running on the homepage!

Any suggestions..? :/
10 years 98 days ago
Same thing here with Everday iGP. The race crashed after 14 laps and says race not open now.
10 years 98 days ago

We, the ones who understand your situation, are on your side.  We want the game to keep going and we know that software is not always smooth sailing when you change things.  I know, I have to support software and apologize constantly on behalf of my developers.

10 years 98 days ago
Yep same as Jake and Alex for the Everyday Rookies.... If we miss a race no big deal just get us fixed up please. Thanks!
5235 CEO & CTO
10 years 98 days ago
Sorry about that. The races will have restarted. The part of the update which stops them from restarting is one of the parts we had to disable in order to get it working. We're going to add that tomorrow.

The question now is, do you want to run the race again at double speed? It will be done in half the time. I've already done that for one league.
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