Jack Basford medal 5808 CEO & CTO 2 years 321 days ago (Last edited by
Jack Basford 2 years 321 days ago)
As José said, one of my purchased test devices now has the issue, which is really helpful for debugging it. So far the best I have been able to achieve with this device is to get the full header showing (profile pic, tokens, cash, navigation). Clearing cache on an impacted device is enough to get the header back now.
The font sizes and scale of some things are still enlarged and I am having less luck working out how to address this without also impacting other devices. I will keep you posted on any progress.
Thanks guys ,work around has worked.
One question will I need to reply- install the system webview when you have the solution for it and will it affect anything else on my phone working wise or other game apps ?
Essentially, no, it should not impact anything else. To some extent that will depend on what apps you have installed and how you are using them, but Android Webview is just a browser like Chrome (built on the same engine these days) which runs websites inside applications.
What has happened with the latest update of this browser on Samsung phones is it has caused the UI to inflate in size in iGP. There are a few mechanisms that can cause this, but coding a solution which doesn't impact other phones is tricky. We didn't perform any updates that broke anything, only they did. This isn't the first time we've had a problem with Webview. Last year they released an update that caused the app to crash constantly for about 10% of players and we had to recommend the same thing again, uninstalling or updating webview to a version that didn't have this problem.
I would not be at all surprised if they release an update soon that fixes this problem, and then everyone can re-upgrade to a later version. It's a frustrating distraction for us, and this sort thing derails timelines. One day you have a game that works, the next day Samsung or Android break it and you're scrambling just to get it working again through no fault of your own.