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Solutions for UI & Text scaling issues

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medal 5000
2 years 346 days ago
Live Update of 12:29

Mobile Phone: the game's homepage is back to normality, but the forum's interface and font are too much bigger now, like as before.

Computer: the homepage's zoom is too much little now (100% zoom i am using actually with Google Chrome), while the forum interface and rest is ok. If I increase the zoom, I can correct the homepage's interface and zoom but it will ruins the forum's one and font.
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 346 days ago
My best attempt so far at a universal workaround is live now. It's working on 3 test devices I am using:

  1. Samsung S20 FE - Correctly detects UI is oversized, downscales accordingly

  2. Samsung A52s - UI is also downscaled / corrected

  3. Huawei P30 Pro - UI is not touched as it's already correct

This solution is extremely efficient, should not impact performance on any devices and should also work whether you use the latest webview or not on these devices. It will leave it alone whenever it can't detect a scaling issue and downscale it whenever it detects that it is oversized.

I am aware of one small problem which is on devices that require their UI to be rescaled tooltips appear misaligned, and I'll look in to that, but the important thing is that the UI is consistent across all devices and webview versions again.
medal 5000
2 years 346 days ago
My best attempt so far at a universal workaround is live now. It's working on 3 test devices I am using:

  1. Samsung S20 FE - Correctly detects UI is oversized, downscales accordingly

  2. Samsung A52s - UI is also downscaled / corrected

  3. Huawei P30 Pro - UI is not touched as it's already correct

This solution is extremely efficient, should not impact performance on any devices and should also work whether you use the latest webview or not on these devices. It will leave it alone whenever it can't detect a scaling issue and downscale it whenever it detects that it is oversized.

I am aware of one small problem which is on devices that require their UI to be rescaled tooltips appear misaligned, and I'll look in to that, but the important thing is that the UI is consistent across all devices and webview versions again.

New situation's update of 13:38

Mobile Phone: with Android SystemView's latest version the problem of bigger font and ruined interface is back like beginning in both game and forum, while without Android SV App, the app is working ok again, on game and forum's sections. At the current situation, it's more convenient to not have Android SV's App installed.

Computer: all is good and fixed now.
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 346 days ago
Hi Alessandro, please try again now. I have attempted to detect the issue in another way. It looks like the S10 lite was bypassing the old check (only just). If it works, then I will apply it to the forum and resume work on tooltips.
medal 5000
2 years 346 days ago

Hi Alessandro, please try again now. I have attempted to detect the issue in another way. It looks like the S10 lite was bypassing the old check (only just). If it works, then I will apply it to the forum and resume work on tooltips.

Game's interfaces:
Forum's interfaces:

This is the current situation on my device. Game is ok but the forum not: it is stucking with bigger fonts.
medal 5762
2 years 346 days ago
OK all seems OK now , I have the A52 this morning I had to uninstall that Web browser app again as it seemed to re- install itself when I turned my phone back on.
So I've just restarted my phone and  everything so far seems OK...
Fingers crossed ? 
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 346 days ago
I just released another variation on this, can everyone clear cache and check that the UI is the correct scale?

The Samsung S20 was a unique case where the UI was smaller than it should be but the text was larger, so I've tried to scale both up and down as needed now to get every phone looking identical. My three test devices look as close to identical as I'm going to get it.
medal 5000
2 years 346 days ago
I just released another variation on this, can everyone clear cache and check that the UI is the correct scale?

The Samsung S20 was a unique case where the UI was smaller than it should be but the text was larger, so I've tried to scale both up and down as needed now to get every phone looking identical. My three test devices look as close to identical as I'm going to get it.

Yes, the scale is ok now. Sadly but the problem of big font is still here (on forum section only) with Android SV's app, while without the app, all is perfect.
medal 6421
2 years 346 days ago
Game looks good ? S20 FE.
Forum still fat. I can live with that.
medal 6393
2 years 346 days ago
I'm on a Nokia 8.3, since this latest update, I now have tiny illegible fonts in game, forum is normal. 
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 346 days ago (Last edited by Jack Basford 2 years 346 days ago)
The forum should be looking better on the Samsung devices now.

I'm on a Nokia 8.3, since this latest update, I now have tiny illegible fonts in game, forum is normal. 

I was worried this would happen on some other devices... could you share a screenshot? This is the challenge with trying to create a universal solution.

EDIT: also, what version of the app are you using?

EDIT2: I've added extra sanitizing of the font size changes, so they should not change by more than 30%.
medal 6393
2 years 346 days ago (Last edited by Stuart Thomson 2 years 346 days ago)
Version is 4.052
Will get a screenshot...

Re: EDIT2 - fonts are readable but still tiny

screenshot -
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 346 days ago
screenshot -

Thanks. Before the changes, can you remember if your cash balance used to overlap with the menu button at all? Or were the fonts in the UI particularly large?

Also, have you tried doing another cache clear? From Profile pic (top right) -> Settings -> Clear cache
medal 6393
2 years 346 days ago

From memory, I do not think the menu overlapped the cash balance, the fonts were not particularly large - looked great prior to today. 

Cache clear done - no change. 

(FYI - this font size change doesn't bother me at all, just want to help) 
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 346 days ago
From memory, I do not think the menu overlapped the cash balance

Just in case, I've just removed the code that checks for this as it won't impact the fixes for all the Samsung users but will let us isolate what is causing the small text.

If you clear cache again, the issue still persists? Do you have any screenshots from before today's patches that I could compare the UI against?

I have to leave now but I will keep working with you on this. I will get José to talk to you to see if we can bring you in to our discord server where we could work on this more easily.
medal 6393
2 years 346 days ago
Issue persists despite cache clears. 
I'm afraid no previous screenshot on this device. 
medal 4685
2 years 346 days ago
It’s all gone weird on iPhone too. Very small. Im using an iPhone 13 Pro and can’t see my cash or tokens because it’s hidden behind the node on the phone due to the new layout.

Buttons on the car screen cramped next to sponsors etc. 

Screenshots below:
medal 5000
2 years 346 days ago
Bonsoir. Depuis ce matin sur mon S21 jeu et écriture très petite. Forum normal. Aucune solution sur le forum ne fonctionne pour ma part. Donc je ne vois plus grand chose en attendant sa résolution ? bon courage

Si vous pouvez modifier pour le Samsung S21 ça serai top. Merci
medal 4921
2 years 346 days ago
Samsung Galaxy S8 from today the characters are bigger and the game interface is bigger than the screen.  Left is aligned.  To the right comes out.  the profile picture at the top right is partially off the screen.
medal 5444 CEO & CTO
2 years 346 days ago
I will get the issues with these devices resolved either tonight or tomorrow. Thanks for the reports.

Please always attach screenshots if possible, it helps to understand what needs to be done.
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