Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
Ok done all that, now I just get this.
Java Plug-in
Using JRE version 1.7.0_07-b10 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = C:\Users\Jason
c: clear console window
f: finalize objects on finalization queue
g: garbage collect
h: display this help message
l: dump classloader list
m: print memory usage
o: trigger logging
q: hide console
r: reload policy configuration
s: dump system and deployment properties
t: dump thread list
v: dump thread stack
x: clear classloader cache
0-5: set trace level to <n>
Match: beginTraversal
Match: digest selected JREDesc: JREDesc[version 1.6.0_31+, heap=-1--1, args=null, href=http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se, sel=false, null, null], JREInfo: JREInfo for index 0:
platform is: 1.7
product is: 1.7.0_07
location is: http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se
path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
args is:
native platform is: Windows, x86 [ x86, 32bit ]
JavaFX runtime is: JavaFX 2.2.0 found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\
enabled is: true
registered is: true
system is: true
Match: ignoring maxHeap: -1
Match: ignoring InitHeap: -1
Match: digesting vmargs: null
Match: digested vmargs: [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: ]
Match: JVM args after accumulation: [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: ]
Match: digest LaunchDesc: null
Match: digest properties: []
Match: JVM args: [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: ]
Match: endTraversal ..
Match: JVM args final:
Match: Running JREInfo Version match: ==
Match: Running JVM args match: have:<> satisfy want:<>
Version 03-04-12_2
u1: 3392
Settled at 60 fps.
TrackInitMessage[trackId:16, lapCount:71]
Loading Track 16 - Brazil
Loading Track 496866bytes...
Completed loading track.
TeamInit[teamId:6402 teamColor:2008 driver1Id:21774 driver2Id:1573 weatherForecastMinutes:0 kersEnabled:true drsEnabled:true name:2KF1 Racing Team]
TeamInit[teamId:6696 teamColor:11776947 driver1Id:23543 driver2Id:11226 weatherForecastMinutes:1 kersEnabled:true drsEnabled:true name:BrawnGP]
TeamInit[teamId:6972 teamColor:4161280 driver1Id:26441 driver2Id:0 weatherForecastMinutes:3 kersEnabled:false drsEnabled:true name:AA Autosports]
TeamInit[teamId:7102 teamColor:4557302 driver1Id:0 driver2Id:0 weatherForecastMinutes:3 kersEnabled:false drsEnabled:true name:Dahojds Racing]
ManagerInit[id:3392 name:Jason Lee teamId:2955]
Race has started!
WeatherMessage[description:Sunny tempertatureC:18.0 windDirection:0.25 windSpeedKph:9.656064 iconUrl:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/weather/sunny.gif]
CommentaryMessage[info:P Ruiz exits pits. priority:1 seconds:15]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:1573 teamId:6402 gridPosition:2 name:P Ruiz carNumber:8 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:ES]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:11226 teamId:6696 gridPosition:3 name:R Torres carNumber:10 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:ES]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:21774 teamId:6402 gridPosition:1 name:R van Helvoort carNumber:7 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:NL]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:23543 teamId:6696 gridPosition:4 name:D Ga?eczka carNumber:9 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:PL]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:26441 teamId:6972 gridPosition:5 name:G Barnes carNumber:3 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:US]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:1573 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:11226 drivingMode:3]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:21774 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:23543 drivingMode:3]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:26441 drivingMode:3]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:1573 position:2 time:2414.750876426697]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:11226 position:3 time:598.1444637775421]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:21774 position:1 time:2414.7508704662323]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:23543 position:4 time:598.1443049907684]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:26441 position:5 time:598.1446189880371]
TyreCompound[driverId:1573 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:11226 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:21774 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:23543 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:26441 compound:2]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:1573 seconds:73.34548953090643]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:21774 seconds:73.0814855593826]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:1573 seconds:21.548061961738767]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:21774 seconds:21.519698330555684]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:1573 seconds:26.70447853402561]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:21774 seconds:26.74093282625745]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:1573 seconds:24.960721409595408]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:21774 seconds:24.820854402569466]
ManagerJoin[id:3392 name:Jason Lee teamId:2955]
[Note] No team for connecting manager.
[Note] Setting connecting manager color to gray.
Downloading track image...
and it says Connecting... been stuck there for a few minutes now, nothing appears to be happening.

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
Yes. I've paused 3 races. I've sent a PM to the host of each of those leagues asking for instructions about whether or not to restart or resume the race and when to do so. If I don't get any feedback I'll reschedule each race until tomorrow at the earliest.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
So your suggestion worked, and 2D started working again, but now after going afk for 5 minutes the problem is reoccuring.
2D is just loading a "connecting..." screen and java reads as follows
Java Plug-in
Using JRE version 1.7.0_07-b10 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
User home directory = C:\Users\Jason
c: clear console window
f: finalize objects on finalization queue
g: garbage collect
h: display this help message
l: dump classloader list
m: print memory usage
o: trigger logging
q: hide console
r: reload policy configuration
s: dump system and deployment properties
t: dump thread list
v: dump thread stack
x: clear classloader cache
0-5: set trace level to <n>
Match: beginTraversal
Match: digest selected JREDesc: JREDesc[version 1.6.0_31+, heap=-1--1, args=null, href=http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se, sel=false, null, null], JREInfo: JREInfo for index 0:
platform is: 1.7
product is: 1.7.0_07
location is: http://java.sun.com/products/autodl/j2se
path is: C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\bin\javaw.exe
args is:
native platform is: Windows, x86 [ x86, 32bit ]
JavaFX runtime is: JavaFX 2.2.0 found at C:\Program Files (x86)\Java\jre7\
enabled is: true
registered is: true
system is: true
Match: ignoring maxHeap: -1
Match: ignoring InitHeap: -1
Match: digesting vmargs: null
Match: digested vmargs: [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: ]
Match: JVM args after accumulation: [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: ]
Match: digest LaunchDesc: null
Match: digest properties: []
Match: JVM args: [JVMParameters: isSecure: true, args: ]
Match: endTraversal ..
Match: JVM args final:
Match: Running JREInfo Version match: ==
Match: Running JVM args match: have:<> satisfy want:<>
Version 03-04-12_2
u1: 3392
TrackInitMessage[trackId:16, lapCount:71]
Loading Track 16 - Brazil
Loading Track 496866bytes...
Completed loading track.
TeamInit[teamId:1109 teamColor:16189705 driver1Id:20350 driver2Id:25690 weatherForecastMinutes:5 kersEnabled:true drsEnabled:true name:Redback Racing]
TeamInit[teamId:1164 teamColor:16349956 driver1Id:26009 driver2Id:9762 weatherForecastMinutes:3 kersEnabled:true drsEnabled:true name:VivaTeam]
TeamInit[teamId:3739 teamColor:352243 driver1Id:7387 driver2Id:6457 weatherForecastMinutes:0 kersEnabled:true drsEnabled:true name:X Speed]
TeamInit[teamId:3810 teamColor:7105783 driver1Id:861 driver2Id:9029 weatherForecastMinutes:3 kersEnabled:true drsEnabled:true name:Nova F1]
TeamInit[teamId:4070 teamColor:1064869 driver1Id:14649 driver2Id:10557 weatherForecastMinutes:3 kersEnabled:false drsEnabled:true name:db Racing]
TeamInit[teamId:5976 teamColor:4128895 driver1Id:5605 driver2Id:3283 weatherForecastMinutes:3 kersEnabled:true drsEnabled:true name:GForce]
TeamInit[teamId:6035 teamColor:16711680 driver1Id:26207 driver2Id:4897 weatherForecastMinutes:3 kersEnabled:true drsEnabled:true name:Marussia Hisar Racing]
TeamInit[teamId:6043 teamColor:21513 driver1Id:16959 driver2Id:7567 weatherForecastMinutes:5 kersEnabled:true drsEnabled:true name:TNT Racing]
ManagerInit[id:3392 name:Jason Lee teamId:2955]
Race has started!
WeatherMessage[description:Sunny tempertatureC:18.0 windDirection:0.25 windSpeedKph:9.656064 iconUrl:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/weather/sunny.gif]
CommentaryMessage[info:R Berzins refits hard tyres. priority:2 seconds:15]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:861 teamId:3810 gridPosition:1 name:M Taylor carNumber:1 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/df.gif nation:CA]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:3283 teamId:5976 gridPosition:10 name:G Rossi carNumber:8 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:IT]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:4897 teamId:6035 gridPosition:7 name:V Aparina carNumber:6 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/df.gif nation:RU]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:5605 teamId:5976 gridPosition:9 name:L Medina carNumber:7 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/df.gif nation:AR]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:6457 teamId:3739 gridPosition:4 name:K König carNumber:18 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/df.gif nation:AT]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:7387 teamId:3739 gridPosition:3 name:F Simon carNumber:17 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:BE]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:7567 teamId:6043 gridPosition:16 name:R Filho carNumber:12 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:BR]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:9029 teamId:3810 gridPosition:2 name:G Johnson carNumber:2 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:CA]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:9762 teamId:1164 gridPosition:14 name:L Schneider carNumber:16 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:DE]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:10557 teamId:4070 gridPosition:6 name:D Mortensen carNumber:4 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:DK]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:14649 teamId:4070 gridPosition:5 name:J Andreou carNumber:3 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:GR]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:16959 teamId:6043 gridPosition:15 name:N Venkatesan carNumber:11 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:IN]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:20350 teamId:1109 gridPosition:13 name:R Berzins carNumber:13 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:LV]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:25690 teamId:1109 gridPosition:11 name:S Pradchaphet carNumber:14 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:TH]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:26009 teamId:1164 gridPosition:12 name:A Bachar carNumber:15 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:TR]
DriverInitMessage[driverId:26207 teamId:6035 gridPosition:8 name:L Voloshchuk carNumber:5 img:http://igpmanager.com/play/content/misc/igp/image/dm.gif nation:UA]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:861 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:3283 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:4897 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:5605 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:6457 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:7387 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:7567 drivingMode:3]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:9029 drivingMode:6]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:9762 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:10557 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:14649 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:16959 drivingMode:3]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:20350 drivingMode:5]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:25690 drivingMode:4]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:26009 drivingMode:7]
DriverModeMessage[driverId:26207 drivingMode:7]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:861 position:1 time:2403.001312494278]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:3283 position:8 time:3471.2539286613464]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:4897 position:12 time:3434.0009875297546]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:5605 position:10 time:2957.2511715888977]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:6457 position:6 time:3167.5012006759644]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:7387 position:2 time:3450.5012986660004]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:7567 position:16 time:598.0298225879669]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:9029 position:4 time:3453.001270532608]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:9762 position:13 time:3434.000993490219]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:10557 position:5 time:3167.5011944770813]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:14649 position:3 time:3453.0012645721436]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:16959 position:15 time:598.0296626091003]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:20350 position:7 time:2953.0012514591217]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:25690 position:9 time:3471.253934621811]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:26009 position:11 time:2744.7510895729065]
MessageCarPosition[driverId:26207 position:14 time:2897.2509565353394]
TyreCompound[driverId:861 compound:1]
TyreCompound[driverId:3283 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:4897 compound:1]
TyreCompound[driverId:5605 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:6457 compound:1]
TyreCompound[driverId:7387 compound:1]
TyreCompound[driverId:7567 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:9029 compound:1]
TyreCompound[driverId:9762 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:10557 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:14649 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:16959 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:20350 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:25690 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:26009 compound:2]
TyreCompound[driverId:26207 compound:1]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:861 seconds:72.04131613680829]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:3283 seconds:72.97757680124232]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:4897 seconds:73.87968994319772]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:5605 seconds:72.88072287898353]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:6457 seconds:72.23724561308654]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:7387 seconds:71.97613690938715]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:9029 seconds:72.26938276668034]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:9762 seconds:73.26594298087252]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:10557 seconds:72.01786640255295]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:14649 seconds:72.11242616089021]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:20350 seconds:71.94862062047014]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:25690 seconds:72.69103544744621]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:26009 seconds:73.05990613944095]
MessagePersonalBestLap[driverId:26207 seconds:73.97175839709189]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:861 seconds:21.30076436593845]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:3283 seconds:21.508033019073537]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:4897 seconds:21.637797078248354]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:5605 seconds:21.390859447681123]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:6457 seconds:21.31069763333244]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:7387 seconds:21.113062674749017]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:9029 seconds:21.165812541931928]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:9762 seconds:21.40044566219376]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:10557 seconds:21.214947736917566]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:14649 seconds:21.292769864834554]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:20350 seconds:21.257280487690878]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:25690 seconds:21.30420073510959]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:26009 seconds:21.55332787723046]
MessagePersonalBestS1[driverId:26207 seconds:21.638722769186643]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:861 seconds:26.237749897267804]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:3283 seconds:26.576848694732462]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:4897 seconds:26.615230055298525]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:5605 seconds:26.589833152288975]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:6457 seconds:26.345610336841673]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:7387 seconds:26.178540561375485]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:9029 seconds:26.31077422238286]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:9762 seconds:26.54615867124039]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:10557 seconds:26.31117024498144]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:14649 seconds:26.3143210542994]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:20350 seconds:26.215972398116264]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:25690 seconds:26.457952455436953]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:26009 seconds:26.533285043871274]
MessagePersonalBestS2[driverId:26207 seconds:26.98566820267206]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:861 seconds:24.468743918474956]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:3283 seconds:24.761581897706492]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:4897 seconds:25.19531723578052]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:5605 seconds:24.75522480373411]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:6457 seconds:24.58093764291243]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:7387 seconds:24.53532222218746]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:9029 seconds:24.492750616539524]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:9762 seconds:24.969178643236773]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:10557 seconds:24.430636454980686]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:14649 seconds:24.494677964616585]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:20350 seconds:24.46853776277885]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:25690 seconds:24.5929893565567]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:26009 seconds:24.65236349123245]
MessagePersonalBestS3[driverId:26207 seconds:25.112673477070985]
ManagerJoin[id:1496 name:Bob Williams teamId:1109]
ManagerJoin[id:4257 name:Grant Gordon teamId:3810]
ManagerJoin[id:3392 name:Jason Lee teamId:2955]
[Note] No team for connecting manager.
[Note] Setting connecting manager color to gray.
Downloading track image...
CacheEntry[http://www.igpmanager.com/2d/map/brazil.jpg]: updateAvailable=true,lastModified=Sat Mar 05 13:28:04 NZDT 2011,length=701564

Rob Shaw medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
I sat in on a race today for over 10 mins with no issues. The problem seems resolved, for now.

Awesome Asim medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago (edited 12 years 189 days ago)

Andrew Wiseman medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
The problem is almost certainly an incompatibility between the viewer and the recent Java update. I'm working as fast as I can to resolve this. In the meantime you may be able to get it working by installing the 32-bit version of Java version 6 from here:
Awesome Asim medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
The problem is almost certainly an incompatibility between the viewer and the recent Java update. I'm working as fast as I can to resolve this. In the meantime you may be able to get it working by installing the 32-bit version of Java version 6 from here:
i have done this mate but its still saying connecting for the last 5 minutes.

Awesome Asim medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
when i install that version it says i need to update to the latest one so its not working mate anything else i can do?

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
when i install that version it says i need to update to the latest one so its not working mate anything else i can do?
Not really. I spent about 3 hours last night trying to resolve the issue and I've came up with nothing. At the moment it's working intermittently for me, maybe once every 30-40 times I try and open 2D or something. My season is practically screwed until a fix is made :(

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
The common links I've noticed is that it's only some tracks that aren't loading for me Andrew. Australia races won't open, it just never downloads the track image. Abu dhabi will open, Hungary will open, Australia will not open, Brazil will not open.
I really have no idea.
I've just joined some spectator races now and that's what I'm noticing. Abu Dhabi has loaded every time, Australia hasn't loaded once, Hungary has loaded every time, Brazil worked twice last night and then hasn't worked again since.

Awesome Asim medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
Nothing is working for me :( thanks god i have a 4 day break as my season just ended but i think this problem is going to continue but i hope i haven't wasted my money on a 1 years subscription.

Awesome Asim medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
could it be to do with antiviruis software on your computer or is it the new version?

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
I don't think it has anything to do with anything on your computer Asim. Java released an update in the last few days and the problem is occuring when people upgrade to this version.
So the problem is a compatibility issue between iGP and Java, there is nothing you can do in the mean time until they find a cure. I'm in the same boat as you and it sucks, but all we can do for now is wait.

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
I don't think it has anything to do with anything on your computer Asim. Java released an update in the last few days and the problem is occuring when people upgrade to this version.
So the problem is a compatibility issue between iGP and Java, there is nothing you can do in the mean time until they find a cure. I'm in the same boat as you and it sucks, but all we can do for now is wait.
Had this issue. Totaly removed java and done a clean install sorted my issue.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
If it helps Andrew. I've just got to work and 2D appears to be working fine here today, but it wasn't working at home this morning when I left 30 minutes ago.
I get the same messages on here re: downloading track image, but it always has "download complete" within 1-3 seconds after .. At home this is where it fails, it just never downloads the image.

Chris Louth medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
I had to update some plugins or some shit, clicked the link and was put off by the massive list put up infront of me.

Stuart Wood medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
Just seems like so much work just to play a game. Make it easy to play or you lose interest very quickly.

Awesome Asim medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
I don't think it has anything to do with anything on your computer Asim. Java released an update in the last few days and the problem is occuring when people upgrade to this version.
So the problem is a compatibility issue between iGP and Java, there is nothing you can do in the mean time until they find a cure. I'm in the same boat as you and it sucks, but all we can do for now is wait.
Had this issue. Totaly removed java and done a clean install sorted my issue.
and what type did u install mate? i guess the latest on version 7?

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
I installed the latest version from the java website.

Jason Lee medal 5000 12 years 189 days ago
I've reinstalled Java 5 times at home, including old versions, new versions, and even deleting all old version off my computer with a fresh install of the latest one. Still not working, so I don't think that's going to work for everyone. Hopefully it helps some though.