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VOTE: Future of Quick Races

In which direction do you think we should we take Quick Races?

13.68% (234)
A - No XP gains from Quick Races when in a league
49.8% (852)
B - 'Track time' limits and no car/driver condition
36.53% (625)
C - Quick Race Chassis & Driver
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medal 5000
4 years 312 days ago
People are joining races then logging straight out just to get the driver experience and the money for competing. It's a joke! Reward the winner with a design point and that's it. The number of times cars haven't touched their KERS is ridiculous and shows that managers are not even racing.

Are you saying we get the exp for the driver and the cash reward by simply logging in and immediately logging out? Sounds too far fetch...  Can anyone else confirm this please. 

Bc 4 out of the 6 QR I do I don't use any boost. I win the first 4 races and at least podium on the other two. Not using boost on QR is not a representation of lack of manager present.
medal 5000
4 years 312 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 4 years 311 days ago)
People are joining races then logging straight out just to get the driver experience and the money for competing. It's a joke! Reward the winner with a design point and that's it. The number of times cars haven't touched their KERS is ridiculous and shows that managers are not even racing.

Are you saying we get the exp for the driver and the cash reward by simply logging in and immediately logging out? Sounds too far fetch...  Can anyone else confirm this please. 

Bc 4 out of the 6 QR I do I don't use any boost. I win the first 4 races and at least podium on the other two. Not using boost on QR is not a representation of lack of manager present.

OBVIOUSLY we are not talking about a car that's so far ahead it doesn't need boost. 

Time and time again I've won races when a car JUST behind me has full boost and could have won the race easily if they'd used a fraction of it. That isn't racing. Either the manager is not engaged in the race and is happy to just pick up the 200,000 and driver experience or there a lot of idiots out there. I mainly use quick races to boost the experience of my trainee driver, I could start the race and then put my phone down and go and walk the dog, I'd still get the driver experience and the cash and I haven't even watched the race. I never do that, where's the joy in beating a car to win when you know the other guy hasn't even bothered to try and win. You shouldn't get rewarded for that! Just reward the winner, that way you'll only get serious players playing.
medal 4959
4 years 310 days ago
Me gustaría saber porque hay desgaste de piezas y motores en carreras rápidas, lo único que aportan a las cuentas es dinero, que por cierto es muy poco y ayuda a subir la experiencia de los pilotos pero es algo que tarda 20 carreras por cada punto de experiencia que suben los pilotos.
En mi caso hago carreras rápidas cuando alguna de mis cuentas necesita dinero o cuando estoy entrenando pilotos nuevos y quiero que suban la experiencia antes de usarlos en competencias de ligas, pero después de 8 o 9 carreras tengo el monoplaza con el mínimo de desgaste permitido (%30) y termino las carreras último, lo que no es muy divertido porque te tenés que clavar mirando la carrera durante 10 minutos por un premio que va entre 140k a 170k lo que no es nada, en especial si tenés deudas que van mas allá de los 5 millones. no es mi caso pero se que muchos mánager nuevos que no saben escoger buenos patrocinadores han entrado en deudas por no poder cumplir con los patrocinadores y al no poder desarrollar la sede, cambiar pilotos o cambiar el personal han dejado el juego porque no pudieron avanzar con tantas cosas en contra. También se les a ocurrido bajar la producción de la fábrica a la mitad cuando un mánager entra en deudas, lo que hace que llegado un tiempo el mánager quede sin piezas de repuesto si tiene una fábrica de nivel bajo que no cubre el desgaste que se genera durante las carreras de ligas.
Deberian de aumentar los premios que se consiguen o hacer algo para evitar que se desgasten los monoplazas, creo que lo primero es lo mas fácil de hacer y vendría muy bien a los mánager que hacen lo mismo que yo, en especial a los mánager que están en deudas...
Se que en IGP se puede hacer recarga de dinero para comprar token, pilotos y otras cosas, pero no todos los jugadores viven en EE.UU, Europa, Asia, etc. Y la economía en cada país es diferente, no todos cobran en Dólares, por ende no todos pueden darse el gusto de gastar dinero en un juego.

Me he tomado el tiempo de traducir los comentarios buscando alguno que vaya de acorde a lo que escribo y llegué a la conclusión de que las preguntas de la encuesta quedaron obsoletas porque el tema de inicio quedó resuelto al haber actualización. lo que no resolvieron fue el desgaste de los monoplazas cuando se realizan carreras rápidas... creo que la mejor solución mas fácil es duplicar los premios

Por cierto, deberían de poner el traductor universal dentro del juego como he visto en muchos juegos en los que he estado, no todos los jugadores saben inglés y por eso no pueden opinar en muchos temas importantes del juego, o también pueden copiar el mismo tema en paralelo pero con diferentes idiomas de esa forma los que no entienden el inglés también pueden comentar y dejar sus opiniones
medal 5127
4 years 293 days ago
Remove quick races completely, they are a waste of time and resources.

Introduce more car setup parameters in order to make the actual league racing more varied... anyone who knows how to use notepad has the current car setups stored in one season.  by introducing variables to that, it would mean that not everyone will have the perfect setup in two practise laps.  This in turn could be further varied by changes in temperature and weather.

As it stands... 

Two practise laps... setup done...

Change to soft tyres with enough fuel for the race... Strategy done...

On occasion, have a good race battle with other managers who at similar levels... otherwise spend all season waiting until you catch up to them as they run off with the season... Race done... 

Rinse and repeat.

Suspension Wings and Ride height... 

What about...

Front wing... Rear wing...
Suspension... Ride height front/rear
Ballast distribution...
Tyre pressure
medal 5000
4 years 293 days ago

Remove quick races completely, they are a waste of time and resources.

Introduce more car setup parameters in order to make the actual league racing more varied... anyone who knows how to use notepad has the current car setups stored in one season.  by introducing variables to that, it would mean that not everyone will have the perfect setup in two practise laps.  This in turn could be further varied by changes in temperature and weather.

As it stands... 

Two practise laps... setup done...

Change to soft tyres with enough fuel for the race... Strategy done...

On occasion, have a good race battle with other managers who at similar levels... otherwise spend all season waiting until you catch up to them as they run off with the season... Race done... 

Rinse and repeat.

Suspension Wings and Ride height... 

What about...

Front wing... Rear wing...
Suspension... Ride height front/rear
Ballast distribution...
Tyre pressure

... And do something about the complete dominance of the 'peloton and sprint' tactic. Make clean air actually a plus and dirty air a problem, drs completely overrides what really happens in motor racing and makes the race sim tacitly closer to cycle road racing on flat stages. Plus it would be awesome to do something about the ridiculous spectacle of a car on worn tyres using boost to shave six seconds off its best laptime. 
medal 5000
4 years 279 days ago
I'd agree with all that. I'd be ok with either removing boost from the game entirely or making it a max boost per lap. Also, it should have less effect. Holding down the boost to overtake through a chicane in Monaco is in my opinion, ridiculous.

Agree with "Dirty Air" principle. It could even degrade your tyres more if you follow a car. Especially on tracks with long sweeping corners.

Oh and deleting quick races gets a +1 from me too.... 
medal 5666 Community Manager
4 years 279 days ago
Please keep in mind: this topic is about QR, not other suggestions.
medal 5000
4 years 191 days ago
I don't think it should put down the car condition or the driver health because you're just doing it for fun.
medal 5000
4 years 191 days ago
personally not one of these people, but what about the people who believe XP should stay in quick races?
medal 5000
4 years 66 days ago
Can I ask does anyone use quick race? I don't I just don't see the need for it or am I missing something?
Fix hard tyres or add something new this seems a wate of time? Again I might missing something..

Option D delete quick races from the game
medal 4987 Moderator
4 years 65 days ago (Last edited by Frank Thomas 4 years 65 days ago)
The concept of quick races has potential, but currently they are too limited with either almost instant races on random tracks and often barely enough time to setup the first stint or custom lobbies and single car, massive time accelerated sprint races only.

It first needs a lobby with a list both for automatically generated races and custom public ones, for the latter not only a choice of track but also length, speed and 1/2 cars.

Next step would be the ability to set up custom tournaments. Like one season mini-leagues but also elimination style setups (like top 10 progressing to next race).

For step 3 I'd like expanding customization: 
Unified drivers or allowing managers to pick from their team drivers 
Unified cars or a QR-car (the manager can freely assign a set amount of DPs) and design point allocation for tournaments (DPs per race none/HQ/set amount, research off/team stats/set strength)
Weather choices real/dry/wet/random
Technology choice (HQ/sliders for DRS and boost)
More freedom choosing race length

With a decent QR lobby there also wouldn't be a need to let new players cluelessly choose a league right away but they first could be dropped into a tutorial QR lobby and let them do a QR or two. With chat and spectate experienced players could even assist (and recruit for their leagues).
medal 5000
3 years 329 days ago
Has there been any changes made to quick races in this recent update?
Could we have a summary please
medal 5000
3 years 329 days ago
Quick races sould give xp, we waste our time racing 
medal 5000
3 years 329 days ago

Has there been any changes made to quick races in this recent update?
Could we have a summary please

Yes: They are not "quick" anymore. 25 minutes race time, oh my Gosh...
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