Mustrum Ridcully medal 5015 10 years 190 days ago
+1 Fuel for the whole race at the start. It can do the stints more dynamic with tyre wear and pace as the principal factor to pit or not
Ignatius Corleone medal 5000 10 years 188 days ago
Who has used the SS at italy ?
Does it last any longer than the first lap ?
Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 186 days ago
I've used them in the initial 6 laps, with push level 1/5. Medium wear rate per lap was 12.33%. But they do 8 laps, i'm sure.
Stephen Westrip medal 5000 10 years 179 days ago
I believe that the stragetic element of racing will come when:
a) only 2 of the 4 compounds are available for each race. In F1 Pirelli does this based on a number of factors, i.e. lap length, circuit abrasiveness, weather forecast etc..
b) each car is required to run both compounds
c) no refueling
Until this happens then each stint is pre-determined by the fuel load. You cannot possibly extend a stint by a couple of laps if you have no fuel!!
Anyway, just my thoughts. Until then I see nothing really different other than 2 more tyre choices. The races aren't that different.
Ricardo SpeedKing medal 5000 10 years 179 days ago
Stephen, i think that would be a great idea.
Even in high or very high wear tyre tracks, most people continue to use soft tyres (me too) - because they stil give best speed/stint ratio than any other tyre - and even SS tyres are a very possible choice, and managed to get results with it.
If there were restritions to tyres in some tracks, that probably would totally change races as we know it (because as you say, the tyres changed but strategies remain almost the same, ex. Monaco: yesterday i went on SS, made 2 stops and won peacefully. Last season was the same but with soft tyres - so it's just the same strategy, only tyres have changed - even tried to go to 3 stops with the other driver, but saw immediately that wont work, and changed it right away)
Here's a suggestion:
Very low and Low wear tyre tracks: SS and S tyres only
Average wear tyre tracks: S and M tyres only
High and Very High wear tyre tracks: M and H tyres only
Andi G medal 5005 10 years 177 days ago
With the 4 compound (on dry), it's time to require to use at least 2 per race, it's going to be sometime?
And may be, if it's possible, put the option of no refueling, for each league..
Enrique Crespo medal 5000 10 years 177 days ago
+1 to use at least 2 compunds each race and as I already said +1 of course to get rid of the "fuel-dependency". You could design and imagine hundreds of different compunds, and races would be the same because of fuel-dependency.
John Sjostrand medal 5036 10 years 177 days ago
Without refueling, chances are everyone would race each stint until tyres are 12-17%, making races even more static.
But I agree the option should be there for league managers.
But the problem with tyres now is that he Medium tyres are the perfect mix on most tracks. Forcing to run two tyres (of your own choice) during the race could potentially spice things up.
SS: Wears out to fast, useless on almost every track. Except Monaco and maybe another track. Could be interesting in the winter on a couple of tracks.
S: Occasionally useful. Heats up too much. Might be better during the winter.
M: Almost as fast as the S but lasts longer and doesn't overheat as easily.
H: Slower than M and not really necessary to use when you can run the M in most conditions.
Nelson Kumaga medal 5000 10 years 176 days ago
I believe that the stragetic element of racing will come when:
a) only 2 of the 4 compounds are available for each race. In F1 Pirelli does this based on a number of factors, i.e. lap length, circuit abrasiveness, weather forecast etc..
b) each car is required to run both compounds
c) no refueling
Until this happens then each stint is pre-determined by the fuel load. You cannot possibly extend a stint by a couple of laps if you have no fuel!!
Anyway, just my thoughts. Until then I see nothing really different other than 2 more tyre choices. The races aren't that different.
A: No. If you use 2 compounds every race, then the strat will be the same for everyone. I've seen alot 7 stoppers on ss, 6 stoppers on S and 5 stoppers on S-M. And now people are using hard tyres too.
B: See A
C: I don't like it. Everyone will just pit untill your tyres are 15%
Nelson Kumaga medal 5000 10 years 176 days ago
Without refueling, chances are everyone would race each stint until tyres are 12-17%, making races even more static.
But I agree the option should be there for league managers.
But the problem with tyres now is that he Medium tyres are the perfect mix on most tracks. Forcing to run two tyres (of your own choice) during the race could potentially spice things up.
SS: Wears out to fast, useless on almost every track. Except Monaco and maybe another track. Could be interesting in the winter on a couple of tracks.
S: Occasionally useful. Heats up too much. Might be better during the winter.
M: Almost as fast as the S but lasts longer and doesn't overheat as easily.
H: Slower than M and not really necessary to use when you can run the M in most conditions.
I don't agree. On 50% races, you can just do a3 stops on SS. At a few tracks that might be faster than a 2 stop. Or you can do a very short stint on SS, long stint on H and a normal stint on S/M. Or just a S-M-M. Or just a M-M-M. You've so many options now. If you use the idea of Stephen. It'll be more boring than before the update. S are 6 tents faster than M. M is Slower than the old H and S is slower than the old S.
Jon Denton medal 5000 10 years 176 days ago
As with every change to tyre compounds, wear rates, fuel consumption we have had before, the actual effect of the changes differs hugely for people who play in different ways.
100%, 50% and 25% races will appreciate any such change in very different ways, as the way each of these race distances work differs so much. As far as I can see the additional tyre compounds (and modifications to existing compounds) has added strategy options for shorter length races and in some ways reduced options for 100% races. The addition of tyre warmers has also essentially removed a major strategic element from longer races, though I appreciate that the tyre heating period can have a larger impact on a shorter race length.
As with all of these changes before, it is impossible to satiate the needs of every style of play, and as such the real answer to this conundrum is to allow more choices to league managers on how they run races. Tyre warmers, choice of compounds, even mandating the use of a certain number of compounds per race, should be optional on a per league basis. Without these options any changes that may please one play style can easily cause upset to another.
Austin William medal 5000 10 years 175 days ago
I don't agree. On 50% races, you can just do a3 stops on SS. At a few tracks that might be faster than a 2 stop. Or you can do a very short stint on SS, long stint on H and a normal stint on S/M. Or just a S-M-M. Or just a M-M-M. You've so many options now. If you use the idea of Stephen. It'll be more boring than before the update. S are 6 tents faster than M. M is Slower than the old H and S is slower than the old S.
I ran a three-stop strategy on Super Softs earlier this week in Europe (Valencia), 50% distance. Push 1 the whole way and I won by a mile.
I haven't tried the Supers at every track, but the places where I've tried them they work very well, especially in Qualifying. If you start on the Supers and have a good car/driver combo, you're basically guaranteed to be on pole by at least three-quarters of a second if no one else qualifies on Super Softs, and even though they wear quickly my experience has been that worn Supers are still about equal in lap time with slightly-less-worn Softs.
Sean Douglas medal 5000 10 years 175 days ago
I like the fact any tyre can be used, I agree if you tell people which 2 compounds to use then that will probably cause people to run similar stratergy. Ive just done 50% at Silverstone and we had teams go s,s,s and others do ss,m,m or m,m,ss.
Nelson Kumaga medal 5000 10 years 175 days ago
I don't agree. On 50% races, you can just do a3 stops on SS. At a few tracks that might be faster than a 2 stop. Or you can do a very short stint on SS, long stint on H and a normal stint on S/M. Or just a S-M-M. Or just a M-M-M. You've so many options now. If you use the idea of Stephen. It'll be more boring than before the update. S are 6 tents faster than M. M is Slower than the old H and S is slower than the old S.
I ran a three-stop strategy on Super Softs earlier this week in Europe (Valencia), 50% distance. Push 1 the whole way and I won by a mile.
I haven't tried the Supers at every track, but the places where I've tried them they work very well, especially in Qualifying. If you start on the Supers and have a good car/driver combo, you're basically guaranteed to be on pole by at least three-quarters of a second if no one else qualifies on Super Softs, and even though they wear quickly my experience has been that worn Supers are still about equal in lap time with slightly-less-worn Softs.
That's true. But at some tracks, like Bahrain. The softs are a bit better. But on other tracks(Spain and Malaysia) the mediums are the best choice. That would be ruined if you only can use 2 compounds every race.
Alan Suter medal 5000 10 years 175 days ago
Something really weird happening with my race that just finished
For the whole race i would be lapping atleast 3-4seconds a lap slower then the whole field then the lap after i pitted would be decent then start to lap 3 odd seconds slower again
also noticed the tires were different from live timing compared to the bottom left hand corner
Sonny Philips medal 5000 10 years 174 days ago
Something really weird happening with my race that just finished
For the whole race i would be lapping atleast 3-4seconds a lap slower then the whole field then the lap after i pitted would be decent then start to lap 3 odd seconds slower again
also noticed the tires were different from live timing compared to the bottom left hand corner
I reported this last night Alan. So it should be ok for the next one..
If not, it just means a few more clicks between cars for the short term.
Hugo von Falken medal 5000 10 years 174 days ago
1 - admins could say Hi when they come for asking questions during a race
2- admins could say bye when they leave
3 - admins could say thanks and/or answer when we give them complete feedback DURING a race
It's really desapointing to see so little maners and respect.
My opinion ? Work on the fuel weight / perf / tyres ratio. It's impossible to use one pit strats because of that. And ? shall we play like 2014 F1 ? always 1/5, never pushing, always looking after tyres and fuel ?
if you do so, do it plently, or do not do it at all...
Robert Ivaniszyn medal 5000 10 years 66 days ago
Sorry to ressurrect a fairly dead thread, but it seems that a "reset" of lap records would be in order due to the new tyres. We have some tracks out there where the lap record is held on wet tyres and is from many MANY seasons ago. Maybe that's just me, but it seems like the old tyres were quicker across the range and in fact many lap records are currently held by cars on wets which seems, frankly, wrong. Any thoughts on this?
Duncan Cunningham medal 5000 10 years 65 days ago
Robert, Agreed.
F Malli medal 5000 10 years 65 days ago
i guess no one is using the hards after tyre update, they r talking too much time to heat up and almost a pitstop down comapared to softs and mediums. need improvement in hards performnace especially for tracks like bahrain malysia china italy japan with high tyre wear and reset lap records for both qualy and race.