Matthew Cammish medal 5000 2 years 354 days ago (Last edited by
Matthew Cammish 2 years 354 days ago)
Had the United States, 60 laps, 100%. Essentially, new changes made the 4 stop the only strategy. Had gone for a 3 stop, which on paper should have been similar to the 3 stop. Ran a SS(11)>S(14)>M(17)>M(18), and SS(12)>S(14)>M(17)>M(17).
After the 1st round of pit stops, I held lead for 2 laps. Which seemed great. BUT THEN...
The problem is not about dirty air the problem is DRS being too strong
Makes no sense to loose 4-5 spots after a DRS zone....IRL 1 car overtake is its 4 cars REALLY???
The difference between Lv17 Tech and Lv20 should be considered. Also, the last lap KERS was also the cherry on top. Besides actually getting a good number of the managers to waste some of it catching up to me, the LVL20 guys just seem to get a lot more done with less. In the DRS zone, I couldn't even pass myself... on some occasion...
Your biggest problem there is the use of mediums at the moment. There are some tracks where 3 stop at 100% is best. France for one but it's got to be all softs. If you can't do a stratergy with softs as the hardest tyre don't do it.
At 100% distance I can't stress this enough never use mediums or hards at the moment, the Prime tyre is soft the option supers, there are a few tracks where all supers can work, 4 stop at baku if under about 12 degrees and 5 stop in Hungary, obviously Monaco is still all supers. And sometimes you'll have a mixture of softs and supers. But really first work out how many stops you need to use all softs, then work out if you want to do one more stop than that using some or all supers based on things like fuel usage, pitlane delta etc.
Also unlike before there are some tracks you can run softs right down to 25-30% life rather than stop an extra time. You don't fall off a cliff around 40% like before relative to fresh rubber.
Specifically on USA, last raced it in December at 75%. (We have since gone back to 100% races at the start of Jan) but it was a 3 stopper at 75%, a 2 stop being over 10s slower at that dictance so I would have expected at 100% it to be a 4 stop race.
Mediums are just an awful race tyre, you can be 12 laps into a stint on the same fuel and the soft runners are still getting faster laps. I've not tried hards since well before December but I can only imagine they understeer to Narnia. And it won't get better with hotter temps, thats a lie. I've raced Abu Dhabi at 30/31 degrees already and softs were mostly push level 2 with the odd cooldown lap at level 1. So it's going to have to be pushing 40 degrees for the softs to overheat to the degree required to make the mediums the right tyre. Which doesn't happen an awful lot. I'd maybe test the mediums for a stint if a track was showing 35 degrees but I wouldn't be holding my breath.
Shorter race distances the medium might be worth it because relatively speaking one less Pitstop has a greater effect, say doing a 1 stop instead of a 2 stop but the longer race distances you only need to be a bit faster each lap to make up the extra stop. And that's why they don't work as a race tyre.