Eton Fed medal 5000 11 years 149 days ago (edited 11 years 149 days ago)
I sort of like the idea of making other driver's kers hidden but wouldn't it encourage people to hoard their kers til the last lap even more than they do now?
I'll break my answer down into a few different categories because I have a few ways to answer it haha
[*]Saving kers for the last lap is an absolutely terrible way to play this game. It's no matter of opinion - I'm stating it 100% out right haha. Ask any of the top players in the most competitive leagues. If you want to win you have to battle with kers, and you need to be out in front in clean air as much as possible. Just because some people can win certain races in certain leagues by doing it doesn't mean it's a good thing to do. It's well and truly slower and every car you let pass you makes you lose time on track aswell. Forget the dirty air argument, that stands on it's own. I am talking about every single time you let someone pass you on track, your sector times are sometimes up to 0.5 slower when someone passes you so it's just miles slower over the whole race. Then when you blend this with the time lose in dirty air, you're losing mega time over a whole race, more so than the 4 seconds you gain at the end in one lap by dumping all your kers.
The only time there is no problem with saving all kers for the final lap is when you start from pole and lead the entire race, when you've had no need to use it.
I say to hell with it. If people want to save their kers then good on them. More wins for those who don't.
[*]I think it would encourage people to use their kers even more than they do now if anything, because since people have no idea how much someone else has left they will be less inclined to kers block. The only reason kers blocking happens is because people know they can definitely hold someone up since the other person has less kers than them. It's impossible to know this for certain if you can't see it.
[*]I think it would encourage people to use their kers not only more, but also in fashions they have never tried before (eg a little "squirt" in a certain spot every lap)
So to sum up, I think hiding kers will stop an abundance of kers blocking, it will encourage people to use kers in a different fashion and in different places on the track and would definitely help mix up the static gameplay. Win/win is the way I see it.