Paul Cantave medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
Can i have my money back for my account. it also cost me wear on the parts

Slavo Tarik medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
I hate autumn, everythink is falling down... :((

Simon Melhuish medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
fair to say... i wont be renewing my account when the year runs out. A few issues is fair enough but this has been so bad lately.

Dmitry Kochnev medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
while you working, race will end without our control...

Tjerk Korving medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
Don't think the races are still running in the background, looks more like everything is just stuck.

Paul Cantave medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
I cant get into the race too

Ciarán Gray medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
i can get onto mobile timing and the race is frozen does this mean my race will continue from where it stopped?

Slavo Tarik medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
Red flag, race stop, not enough staff to control all the races..

Chaz Bradley medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
I know what I said yesterday but thinking back, give these guys a break. I mean, yeah it's happened twice in two days but nothing is ever perfect. We've got to deal with these situations. This doesn't happen often! It's not like every other game out there doesn't have it's faults.

Jason McEachern medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
Same as yesterday. Connections problems..

Chaz Bradley medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
Put it this way, EA are one of the biggest industries with games. On FIFA in the past couple of years, how awful have there servers been? There are way more problems on other games compared to iGP.

J B medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago (edited 11 years 131 days ago)
ignore that request all ok

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 11 years 131 days ago
The service is back now. It might take a few moments to catch up with qualifying etc. Apologies for the delay.

Paul Smith medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
Any chance our race can be restarted please?

Fernando Blanco medal 5000 11 years 131 days ago
will the races be restarted? i hope not! :) well done on getting it fixed in 20 minutes!