New! Driver & Staff Editor

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Mon, 01 Mar 2021 21:51

Today’s update to iGP Manager introduces the ability to fully customize the appearance of drivers and staff. Ethnicity, hair styles, facial hair, hats, glasses and more can all be customized. Prior to this update, any customization was limited to picking from predefined appearances.

Also, the major update scheduled for Q1 2021 is still set to arrive before April. We’ve been working hard on this all year. The next few updates, including this one, are laying the foundation for a bright future for iGP Manager. Once they are all released, the possibilities will have expanded tremendously.

In the meantime, we hope you will enjoy this new update.

Hair - Dozens of new hairstyles and facial hairstyles have been introduced for this update, and we’ll be open to your suggestions for more to add.

Hats - A new item for iGP Manager, a wide variety of hats can be added to drivers and staff.

Glasses and other accessories - Glasses and sunglasses can also be added, and we’re open to continually expanding the range of accessories available.

If you have any suggestions to expand the list of cosmetic items available, let us know in the comments below!


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dom mosiah 3 years 293 days ago
I like the update with the drivers but I think we need an improved Pit Crew and we should also be able to upgrade or train the pit crew so they get better over time. Also, it would be nice if we got different customization options for the car. The customization options could vary in different bonuses for the overall performance of the car. We could also have different engine and aerodynamic options for the car that we can upgrade overtime for the cars.
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Kevin Yamamoto 3 years 293 days ago
Só pra fazer o povo gastar Token, e consequentemente, dinheiro.Just to make people spend Token, and consequently money
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Patrick Black 3 years 293 days ago
Pirate hats? Berets? Really? This is supposed to be a sim game, iGP. I understand what you're trying to do but at the same time you have major updates coming and nobody really wants or cares about driver and staff customization. I hope this little update didn't distract from the "major" update. I won't be spending any money again on this game until the update in April shows some real potential and fixes the major issues that the majority of people have been complaining about.
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Matheus Caires 3 years 293 days ago
bela bosta
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João A. Burzichelli 3 years 293 days ago

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Pascal Lepecq 3 years 293 days ago
These new skins are very very ugly !
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Matt Bartz 3 years 293 days ago
Not having to refuel during stops would be much better. Everyone starts on a full tank. Easier for strategies
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John Doe 3 years 293 days ago
Sorry they look worse now ;-; and no driver will have a pirate hat in a real team image... :/
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Paulo Pereira 3 years 293 days ago
Great job...ironic
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Shawn Cavanagh 3 years 293 days ago
what goods a pirate hat with out the eye patch ??
md-thumbs-up  13  
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