New! Driver & Staff Editor

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Mon, 01 Mar 2021 21:51

Today’s update to iGP Manager introduces the ability to fully customize the appearance of drivers and staff. Ethnicity, hair styles, facial hair, hats, glasses and more can all be customized. Prior to this update, any customization was limited to picking from predefined appearances.

Also, the major update scheduled for Q1 2021 is still set to arrive before April. We’ve been working hard on this all year. The next few updates, including this one, are laying the foundation for a bright future for iGP Manager. Once they are all released, the possibilities will have expanded tremendously.

In the meantime, we hope you will enjoy this new update.

Hair - Dozens of new hairstyles and facial hairstyles have been introduced for this update, and we’ll be open to your suggestions for more to add.

Hats - A new item for iGP Manager, a wide variety of hats can be added to drivers and staff.

Glasses and other accessories - Glasses and sunglasses can also be added, and we’re open to continually expanding the range of accessories available.

If you have any suggestions to expand the list of cosmetic items available, let us know in the comments below!


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Augusto Nob 3 years 293 days ago
I want my riders back!!!

With this update my riders change appearance....?
md-thumbs-up  3  
Marco Alonso 3 years 293 days ago
Hola algun español?

John Doe 3 years 293 days ago
No doubt some will enjoy this so thumbs up. There will always be those that moan, just ignore them. If they think it's a disgrace they should stop being selfish, get a life and play another game. Twits.
md-thumbs-up  9  
Will Kitt 3 years 293 days ago
Unbelievable Jeff
md-thumbs-up  4  
Eugenio Meu 3 years 293 days ago
Is it a race management game or what? Who care about the face of those people??
md-thumbs-up  15  
Karma Yen 3 years 293 days ago
md-thumbs-up  1  
Gustavo Paganelli 3 years 293 days ago
I would like customizable helmets
md-thumbs-up  6  
White Noise 3 years 293 days ago
I have genuinely been scarred for life by some of the combinations you can make ?
md-thumbs-up  1  
John Doe 3 years 293 days ago
Buena data socio
Rk AMG F1 Team 3 years 293 days ago
We need something like real f1 ...
md-thumbs-up  3  
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