Coming soon: New Hall of Fame

By Jack Basford
Last updated: Tue, 23 Jun 2020 11:11

On July 1st 2020 the Hall of Fame will be changing for the better. With multiple managers achieving the top score of 10,000 reputation, the old Hall of Fame system had reached its limit some time ago. The entire system has been reimagined to keep it an active and engaging part of the community every month. Some key changes will occur immediately on July 1st, and we are issuing advance notice with this blog. This is not every detail, but these are the key points to remember.

Uncapped reputation

The 10,000 reputation cap which has been in place until now will no longer be applied. This will enable competition to resume for the top spot.


Each calendar month will be considered a full season in the new Hall of Fame. Manager reputation will reset each season as follows:

  • Managers with reputation below 5000 will reset to 5000 at the start of each month.
  • Managers with reputation above 5000 will also reset but retain half of their reputation above 5000. E.g. 7000 reputation will become 6000 reputation upon the season reset.

This process will enable all managers to aim for the top spot, with no one player able to obtain "runaway reputation" gains that can't be caught with the removal of any cap on reputation. Those who are already at the top of the Hall of Fame meanwhile will maintain an advantage going in to each season.

New national and friend rankings

All users are entered in to 3 categories of Hall of Fame:

  • World - international rank of all players
  • Nation - compared with managers of the same nationality
  • Friends - compared with managers in your friends list



The top finishers in the 'World' Hall of Fame will also receive prizes each month in the form of rewards such as cash and Tokens.


EDIT: To managers requesting changes to qualifying, pit stops etc. I have written a lengthy open letter to the community on the forum which you should read. Click here to read an explanation of what has been going on.


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Brian Salva 4 years 255 days ago
gran noticia y la veo muy buena idea, sera un nuevo reto para todos.

sigan asi chicos, great job
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Fabio Couto 4 years 255 days ago
Nesses sistema de reputação mensal, então quem corre em liga que é 1 vez por semana nunca vai sair dos 5000 de reputação?
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Ilkoko chilva 4 years 255 days ago
tendrian que hacer algo para emparejar mas que nada lo que es elite, algunos intentamos emparejar con penas de neumaticos .. pero seria mejor aplicar lastre y tambien q se quite ese lastre , que no quede fijo , para los que sean penalizados x nivel lastre fijo.... lo mejoraron bastante el juego pero falta. como tambien poder cambiar de dos autos a uno. mas que nada xq soy anfitrion de una liga y me gustaria pasarla a 1 auto.- gracias
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Stefan S 4 years 255 days ago
This will change NOTHING wtf does that bring? Its so unnecesary since YEARS the TIRES ARENT BALANCED AT ALL!!! I personally think you will never change this OR WILL YOU?
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Roygbiv Pixaby 4 years 255 days ago
What about fuel regulations...cant we race without refueling at every pit stop
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Pettson Ason 4 years 255 days ago
So what will be the changes to pit stops?
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Raden Akang 4 years 255 days ago
jam pe u tee
Karol Wycisk 4 years 255 days ago
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joaquin valles 4 years 255 days ago
para los que no sabemos ingles como lo entendemos
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Julien E.Race 4 years 255 days ago
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