Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 12 years 159 days ago
Unfortunately many of you have experienced an unstable, and in some cases unusable simulator service in the last two days. We are very sorry for this.
To help remedy the situation we will be gifting every manager in an affected league 250 Reward Points. We hope these points can help to make your experience in the next few races better than usual, and go some way to making up for the downtime.
What happened?
On the 6th October we moved the entire iGP service to a brand new architecture based on multiple servers. It was a networking issue bought about by this migration that caused the intermittent service and made the simulator in partciular unstable.
Is it fixed?
Yes. The issue has been fixed. For anyone that missed it, we took the site offline for an hour to resolve the problem and restart the service.
Where have the related forum threads gone?
There were numerous threads and posts reporting the same issue during the period of instability. We have archived them and put in their place this thread, to bring order and clarity to the situation.
When will I get my reward points?
We will award 250 Reward Points to all affected users on Tuesday, 9th October (GMT) at an unspecified time. This will give us time to correctly identify all affected users and prepare a script to send out the reward points.

Stuart Stapley medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
All races are being put back another 24hrs I take it, or to the relevent time?

Gary Collyer medal 5001 12 years 159 days ago
Can u postpone this race as its now started but cant get on to adjust push settings, it should of started at 6pm gtm but it just started out of the blue and can only see the live timing but have no controls etc.
Host wants its postponed untill 2moro plz
Marcos Jara medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
I demand a new qualifying session is released in the league NOVA BRL. My race was stopped and rainy this time, now this sun.

Rene Cornella medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
we have still an issue.
Our race was interupted, a few laps before the end. After the first downtime, the race finished the last 2 laps.
But the result is still not there :
race is still on,.. but it is finished.
Result is shown in the non 2d view :

Seb Vettel medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
Thank you to Jack and your team for the committed service to our enjoyment of your simulator. I am glad to see the service is back online. One question however.. It looks like (in our league anyway) that the race which was ongoing at the point of the issues has been pushed back to the next time our league is due to race (wednesday evening). Does this mean the race will be restarted? Will the weather be the same as it was on Sunday evening or will things be randomised..? Finally preperation is locked currently, will this status remain or will it be possible to re-test / setup the car (particularly if there is a new race / random weather)?
Thank you guys.

Jaxon Voom medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
Yeah we need to re-run a fresh practice, setup and qualy before these races happen.

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
Our race will not load.....
We would also like a fresh practice & quali with a further delay to Tuesday @ 19.30 gmt.
Thank you
Unknown medal 0 12 years 159 days ago
+ 1 for my league, where i am

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 12 years 159 days ago (edited 12 years 159 days ago)
We will be postponing affected races to the next slot in the respective league schedule, in order to clean up the mess left behind by the downtime. It wouldn't really be suitable to run most of them late anyway, as that often rules out anyone short on time from attending.
Edit: In terms of re-running races we will see what we can do. If you want your race, practice or qualifying re-run post the race ID here, or the league if you need all tiers re-run. Re-opening the preparation etc. will likely be handled tomorrow rather than tonight.

Michael Braeutigam medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
ID 110487 here, I think it was lap 6 or 7 when the downtime appeared...

Jack Basford medal 5241
CEO & CTO 12 years 159 days ago
ID 110487 here, I think it was lap 6 or 7 when the downtime appeared...
As well as the ID, please be clear on whether you want only the race re-run, or if you want qualifying and preparation reverted too.

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
FYI Speed series race was delayed 24H and right now when I try open live timing or 2D it just says race isn't ready? (Race starts in 5 mins)

Andrew Hurn medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
We would like a fresh opportunity to setup & qualify, with the race postponed until 19.30 gmt Tuesday.
Thank you

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
Now it's telling us the race is live (Speed Series) but when you open live timing or 2D it just says "Race not open"

Eton Fed medal 5000 12 years 159 days ago
Speed series race was delayed 24H, then todays rescheduled race says LIVE but when you open 2D or live timing it just said "Race not open"
Now I can't get anything to work - Live timing and 2D just prompt me with a white screen and nothing loads?