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Improving the experience for new Managers

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3 years 247 days ago (Last edited by Kevin Bissell 3 years 247 days ago)
I'm lapping some teams 7 and 8 times in one race. Can this game also adopt the 107% rule?

This would be as inF1 whereny cars that are way too far off the pace won't start. 
5084 Super Mod
3 years 247 days ago
Hi Hayden.

When you progress to Elite if you're still lapping people eight times you'll be a legend and we'll all be asking your advice LOL.

Seriously, this usually only happens when managers go inactive which happens more often in Rookie and Pro tiers. If you're in a league where there are many inactives in Elite it's possibly time to look for another league to stretch your skills. Most top level leagues will only allow managers to be inactive for a handful of races before kicking them.
3 years 247 days ago (Last edited by Bill Stevens 3 years 247 days ago)
Yes however I'm not referring to Elite league here. I'm describing my current impression of play. 

But yes, I have noticed in my league that it's tighter in elite already, much more so. In fact, yesterday the top 13 drivers in elite were less than 200ms between them after practice. 

That said, **rookie** will be the first impression for everyone. Unless there's something I missed? In which case a bit annoying. Instead of the need for more aggressive kicking of managers, the 107% rule would make for a better and less ridiculous first impression. 

Then on top of that maybe a team who has more than ~ three to five 107%+ qualifying times in a row, can be auto kicked, based on the setting the league manager chooses. This would also reduce the overhead/work for league managers who seem to have to be manually kicking inactive players constantly. 

I would much rather race 10 to 15 competitive cars that are within 107%, than 30 cars with half of them just a complete waste of time. Not the best first impression IMO and as mentioned 107 rule would make inactive players management more automated. 

Being Elite you will be more aware of what's to come than most noobs/rookies to the game.
3 years 247 days ago
It's up to individual hosts to maintain active rookies... From my experience of hosting (up to 4 months ago) The turnover of rookies is about 50% log on once and never again, and only about 10% ever progress to pro (basically you reach PRO if you are active and understand the *very* basics of the game, other than challenge/ very competitive leagues)
5084 Super Mod
3 years 247 days ago

TBH, you are unlikely to have lapped the cars that were eight laps adrift, they have most likely DNF with suspension failure  because the managers have abandoned the game and haven't logged on to repair the cars.

I just checked your last race, you qualified and finished 1-2. The third place car was over a minute behind at the end of the race. I imagine you were one of only two or three managers to set up and control the race. Absolutely no competition for you. 

BUT, your pole qualifying time was 1:43.206 so 7% of this is 7.22 seconds. The only cars that were further back than this were the last four cars and the main reason for this is that you qualified on Softs and they were on Mediums. Anyway there would still have been 24 cars competing in the race and you would still have lapped everyone up to 5th place so I don't think the developer time spent in coding a 107% rule would achieve anything.

Better would be for you to scout for a league with an active Rookie tier. There are a few about.
3 years 247 days ago
The current league isn't a bad one. Manager is online every day. He's one of the top 3 ranked players in HOF and active. On average there are 3 to 6 live players in rookie. Not many. Hopefully pro will be better. I'm just using this as a learning opportunity in the meantime to make the mistakes in rookie. 

Still a 107% rule *modified* to be effective, would indeed be helpful. Just would need tweaking for the same reasons you stated. Eg. Change the percentage, make it based on race results, etc, etc. It's VERY possible to find a way to automate maintenance of rookie so that it elivates the experience for new players. 

I love this game. However I'm just sharing, because 2  or 3 of my friends quit partly because of the quality of leagues joined or lack there of. It seems very hit or miss because of the current setup. 
I can wait it out and be promoted until I'm the one lapped in Elite. ? I'm fine with that. Only a suggestion. 

3 years 247 days ago (Last edited by Bill Stevens 3 years 247 days ago)
On mobile, so bear with me:

Part of the issue is that the Rookie, Pro and Elite system done within leagues, inherently is the cause of this issue.

This is because since as you guys state above that the vast majority of new players will quit before getting to Pro or even Elite. Then by splitting up leagues like this it just creates the issue as all the quality play eventually ends up in Elite. Leaving rookie as a hit or miss where Mods even suggest leaving my current league with an active admin to find a better one. 

It would have been much better to have leagues without relegation zones. But instead have some leagues operated SPECIFICALLY for new users, that maxes out at a certain star level and/or reputation be able to join.

So for example all users who are level 1 to X, can ONLY join specific leagues curated deliberately by the devs or the community for high % of active new players. Maybe by county/location, or by level/reputation. But either way. These leagues are managed so as to better guarantee that new managers' first competitive experience does justice to the game!

Then when managers surpass a certain level or or reputation. They unlock access to the Pro and Elite leagues. These leagues are completely reserved for those who stayed and were successful. 

This may sound similar but it's not because currently the relegation is happening within each league and thus the game massively relies on each league admin to be active and also to remove inactive players etc. 

On the other hand, by having relegation done in specific new-users only leagues curated and/or setup to be managed for this purpose only will remove that entry level inactivity plague of an issue by flowing new users more into great noob leagues and less spread out in the revolving doors that are the many leagues with poorly moderated and abandoned rookie managers/players. 

As is, the game is sabotaging it's own growth and success rate until this is addressed to improve the quality of game play for new players. 
5084 Super Mod
3 years 247 days ago
Much better idea than the percentage cut-off.

I'll pass this thread in front of the Devs for consideration even though I know that José reads them all anyway.
3 years 247 days ago
I’ve suggested this many times including to Jack recently.  Beginner divisions should be auto hosted by igpmanager and managers become eligible to join a hosted league at say level 10.  It would help with the issues Hayden has already highlighted, plus it would help with the biggest problem and that is managers being promoted too early (not just to Pro, but also to Elite).  

Many managers join leagues without active rookie or pro divisions and end promoted to Elite far too early, e.g. level 7 or 8 in Elite.  They regularly get lapped once or twice, get fed up and quit.  Even if they just leave the league they are often stuck as they are now considered Elite standard by the game, but rookie relative to regular players.
5084 Super Mod
3 years 247 days ago
This is turning into an interesting discussion...

Hayden, is it OK with you that I change the title to something like "Improving the game for new accounts"?

Another question:
If the game forces new accounts to compete in iGP Hosted Rookie Leagues for maybe three or four seasons how would we deal with Top Line experienced players who create secondary accounts?

These experienced managers would potentially dominate the beginner leagues. On the one hand this could be an advantage providing they're prepared to help / coach the newbies, on the other hand it might put people off if they are being thrashed every race.
3 years 247 days ago
Sure you can change the title. 

I'm not sure. I'm very new here also. But I would be happy to finish 5th to 14th at end of season rankings if it's very competitive. Than being 1st as I am now is without any fun or challenge. 

As said above that's not the same in Elite, I notice in my league one manager went from Pro to Elite and has yet to score a single point! I want that. I want the slow enjoyment of building out your team and learning. It will make any success sweeter. 

Ultimately, being new I cannot answer that. Maybe it's  another thing to think about, yes, but I don't think new users/rookies join expecting to dominate the game. Turst me is boring. I have won every race of current season and I can say honestly I can't wait to move out of rookie and start loosing so I can really start learning more about the game. 
3 years 247 days ago
Personally I just feel there are too many leagues out there. If there were some sort of limitation that was in place maybe there would be more active accounts in the leagues.

Just spit balling here:

Instead of a manager being able to create a new league, he/she is forced to join a league that has spaces for that specific time zone he/she wanted to create and a new league for that time zone can only be created when that previous league is full…
5239 CEO & CTO
3 years 247 days ago
I've been discussing your suggestions this morning Hayden, and they have sparked some really good ideas. Thanks!

After reading this thread, I had an idea which will address all your concerns here as well as in the other thread you created too. If I can't think of too many problems with the idea I will put it on the forum in more detail soon for discussion. A lot of these things have been on our minds for a long time, but we're just moving in to gameplay updates now, so it's the ideal time to think about it.
3 years 247 days ago
Sounds great. Look I look forward to it. I will then re-invite some of my less-patient Formula-1-watching friends who have gone inactive partly because of what's discussed above. Thanks!
3 years 238 days ago
From my personal experience recently and my frustration I would highly recommend some kind of rework.

For new(er) managers joining the game you'll enjoy rookie. The playfield is somewhat leveled. Then you promote to pro tier and get slaughtered at lower levels. You'll have to develop so much of your facility that will take months to complete.

When you're finally able to compete in Pro tier of (semi) active leagues and get exited for the Elite tier you'll face the worst reality check so far. There's absolutely nothing you can do. No matter what you do or try you'll be no where near any points. Managers playing for longer and that have maxed facilities will build the gap to your performance faster than Ferrari got caught with their Engine.
3 years 238 days ago

From my personal experience recently and my frustration I would highly recommend some kind of rework.

For new(er) managers joining the game you'll enjoy rookie. The playfield is somewhat leveled. Then you promote to pro tier and get slaughtered at lower levels. You'll have to develop so much of your facility that will take months to complete.

When you're finally able to compete in Pro tier of (semi) active leagues and get exited for the Elite tier you'll face the worst reality check so far. There's absolutely nothing you can do. No matter what you do or try you'll be no where near any points. Managers playing for longer and that have maxed facilities will build the gap to your performance faster than Ferrari got caught with their Engine.

Maybe cap promotions to Elite at lvl 16...
3 years 238 days ago


From my personal experience recently and my frustration I would highly recommend some kind of rework.

For new(er) managers joining the game you'll enjoy rookie. The playfield is somewhat leveled. Then you promote to pro tier and get slaughtered at lower levels. You'll have to develop so much of your facility that will take months to complete.

When you're finally able to compete in Pro tier of (semi) active leagues and get exited for the Elite tier you'll face the worst reality check so far. There's absolutely nothing you can do. No matter what you do or try you'll be no where near any points. Managers playing for longer and that have maxed facilities will build the gap to your performance faster than Ferrari got caught with their Engine.

Maybe cap promotions to Elite at lvl 16...

My promotion to elite was at lvl 15-16 can't remember. And that's exactly what happened to me.
3 years 238 days ago



From my personal experience recently and my frustration I would highly recommend some kind of rework.

For new(er) managers joining the game you'll enjoy rookie. The playfield is somewhat leveled. Then you promote to pro tier and get slaughtered at lower levels. You'll have to develop so much of your facility that will take months to complete.

When you're finally able to compete in Pro tier of (semi) active leagues and get exited for the Elite tier you'll face the worst reality check so far. There's absolutely nothing you can do. No matter what you do or try you'll be no where near any points. Managers playing for longer and that have maxed facilities will build the gap to your performance faster than Ferrari got caught with their Engine.

Maybe cap promotions to Elite at lvl 16...

My promotion to elite was at lvl 15-16 can't remember. And that's exactly what happened to me.

A level 16 can compete in Elite with the right strategies. A newish player will struggle for a few seasons for sure, but everyone had that learning curve. It's inevitable. A newish player can't just jump to Elite and expect to beat the experienced players (irrespective of tech lvls).
3 years 238 days ago
Some of the ideas above remembered of an old F1 online manager game called F1Pro.

  • There was only one huge "league" containing all managers (one car per manager).

  • For the first race of the season, cars where assigned randomly to a race. Each race had 20 cars.

  • For the remaining 16 races, the top 20 of the leaderboard would race in race 1; 21 to 40 in race 2; etc.

Basically in race 2, all the winners where facing each other, all the 2nd placed raced against each other, ..., and all with zero point where drawn against each other.

That way from about race 4 onwards you would constantly race cars with similar pace. If you win, competition gets much tougher instantly. Everyone has the opportunity to win a race (maybe not in the first 6 races, but even most newbies will score  points in the second half).

I don't suggest changing iGP to this format. I just wanna remind of this great idea to give every fair, challenging and rewarding competition.  

3 years 238 days ago
I don't see a problem with Pro so far. Ranked 2nd after first 2 races in a pretty active league. But will let know know about Elite. 

I actually hope elite is a very difficult challenge that takes more than a few seasons to win a championship. Similar to F1. Very few teams are able to join F1 and just begin winning. 

My only issue with IGP so far is the first impression for Rookies/new managers. The game otherwise is amazing!  Pro has been challenging. I've yet to win a race which makes it THE most fun I've had thus far. 
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