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Problems With Post Race Processing / Research

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medal 5531
57 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 55 days ago)
What did you try to do?
Dear Team, yesterday as usual i've setted my research before the race for obtain the points, this time in (handling). This is my league

What happened instead?
No points are been assigned to my engine research after the race, no email from my CD and no points in my engine research, i'm asking you if it's possible to recover them, yesterday while the forum was down I've opened also the Ticket #LRY-902078



Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What operating system is your PC?
Windows 10

Which browser did you experience the problem in?
Google Chrome

Can the bug be reproduced?

Additional comments:
Hi Support,

the same thing happened today too 28 of August, no engine research points assigned after the race.

Thank you.


Best Solution -- Selected by Jack Basford

medal 5054 CEO & CTO
54 days ago
Firstly, I apologise for the current situation. I will skip any explanation. Ultimately, this is our fault, and I personally must bear the brunt of the responsibility for giving the green light to the migration and the persistent issues since. Secondly, I'd like to reassure everyone that once these issues are resolved, they should not recur, they are a one-time unique scenario caused by a total migration of the service to entirely new servers. We believe we have finally isolated the issue and reconfigured the problematic server to address it.

We have taken the difficult decision to restart the current ongoing seasons of the impacted leagues from the beginning. Designs will be regenerated and all race results from the current season wiped, and all races rescheduled to begin or re-run from the current date. We have decided not to put this to a vote, in order to keep this fair for all, and to take the full responsibility for the situation ourselves. Putting this to a vote would pass difficult decisions to the community and put undue pressure on the league hosts and participants when it is not their fault, it is ours and we accept that.

If you haven't already, please report your league as having these issues and we will include it in the season reset. For those who have already made a report, we have already got your league ID included in the list for the operation when it runs, later today.

We will also be sending tokens to all affected managers. This is going to take a few hours to sort out. We have identified 51 impacted leagues so far. Here is the list we currently have:

103535, 806098, 40749, 12332, 542397, 714841, 62746, 662194, 840430, 488031, 138768, 853967, 123781, 123537, 53993, 6368, 542961, 104381, 75422, 603922, 681022, 77382, 659609, 129553, 41186, 129927, 29652, 606284, 113507, 125678, 2987794, 793417, 198953, 30281, 67308, 824949, 267316, 777589, 825247, 812027, 792909, 847915, 106448, 132349, 104431, 155956, 811146, 65813, 137663, 143705, 722080

medal 5283 Super Mod
57 days ago (Last edited by Red Craigie 56 days ago)
Posted on behalf of Project Zero League admin team which includes myself

What did you try to do?
View Race results and Research post Race

What happened instead?
Multiple managers are reporting incorrect research awards, others have no research at all granted.

There is also a car duplicated in the results.

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Not Applicable

What is the operating system?
Not Applicable

What is the version number of the operating system?
Not Applicable

Can the bug be reproduced?
Unknown but the flawed results can be seen still in the link provided.

Additional comments:
managers with no research: (Confirmed)

86 Michael Craig
47 George
6 Yousuf
69 Fried Rice
72 Hille Hilla

Managers with reduced research in confirmation message from CD (confirmed)

88 Pieper
81 Simone Z

No feedback from other players yet but the issue looks widespread
medal 5890
57 days ago
¿Qué has intentado hacer?
I used 1 investigation with 14% into the most differential skill of rivals. Last time it granted 11 points.

¿Qué es lo que ocurrió?
Today just 1 when the differential is around 70-80 points.

¿El problema ocurrió mientras usaba wi-fi, datos móviles o ambos?

¿El error se produjo en la app, en PC o en ambos?

¿Cuál es el modelo de su dispositivo?
Unihertz tank 3 pro

¿Qué sistema operativo posee?

¿Cuál es el número de versión del sistema operativo?

¿Qué sistema operativo posee su PC?

¿En qué navegador ha experimentado el problema?
This is irrelevant, but Chrome

¿Se puede reproducir el error?
I hope not... I also need the missing points from investigation

Comentarios adicionales:
Can you grant the actual real points I should have gotten?

My user/pilot is Ruyman, and my league is "LIGA OFICIAL ESPAÑOLA 2024".
medal 5686
57 days ago
I have problems with my research points too. 

In the research after the last race it has given me +7 acceleration points when according to my research percentage I am entitled to much more.

I had acceleration: 79
The team that had the most was: 132

According to the calculations:
132 - 79 = 53 * 0.28 (% research) = 14.84 * 1.1 (JD strength) = 16.324 and I think it rounds up.

So it would be 17 points.

Could you please review it?
medal 5890
57 days ago
I asked our league members and apparently this is happening to everybody. Many didn't get a single point
medal 5023 Community Manager
57 days ago
Hey Michael,

Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.
medal 5023 Community Manager
57 days ago
Hey managers,

Reported to the developer team. I’ll keep the topic open to report updates on this problem/bug.
medal 5753
57 days ago
Hi Craigie, in our league we noticed that those who did not receive the CD points were those who did not have the updated android app. I don't know if it's a coincidence. Could you check it out too?
medal 5283 Super Mod
57 days ago

Hi Craigie, in our league we noticed that those who did not receive the CD points were those who did not have the updated android app. I don't know if it's a coincidence. Could you check it out too?

Thank you for the input. Just checked and we have at least one manager who did not have the updated app and got some research, although not the correct amount.

Will keep collecting the information, thank you for highlighting.
medal 5890
57 days ago

Hi Craigie, in our league we noticed that those who did not receive the CD points were those who did not have the updated android app. I don't know if it's a coincidence. Could you check it out too?

But this wouldn't make any sense since the client app is just showing what the server side is doing data wise. If it was a wrong notification on the mobile app but you do actually get the points and on pc everything is normal... Then that would be the bug. In this case this is happening in the server db update of research points, non related to a visualizer apps for the data as the client program is (the mobile app). 
medal 5753
57 days ago
You can't know how the client/server exchange information. If the server, for example, needs a security key, or fingerprint, of the client that it hasn't received at the end of the race. but it's a trivial hypothesis.

Hi Craigie, in our league we noticed that those who did not receive the CD points were those who did not have the updated android app. I don't know if it's a coincidence. Could you check it out too?

But this wouldn't make any sense since the client app is just showing what the server side is doing data wise. If it was a wrong notification on the mobile app but you do actually get the points and on pc everything is normal... Then that would be the bug. In this case this is happening in the server db update of research points, non related to a visualizer apps for the data as the client program is (the mobile app). 

medal 5283 Super Mod
57 days ago
Update: we have a manager who got research and does not use android at all.

So the theory is debunked. But it's still good to share observations like this so thank you again
medal 6052
57 days ago
Same issue here. Please help.
Device: samsung A21
App not updated because lack of storage space
medal 5722
57 days ago (Last edited by Avenir SR 57 days ago)
Same issue here, Windows 11 app, At least 10 other players in our league can confirm they didn't get research either
medal 5535
57 days ago
same here, iMac, got no research post-race

Same issue here, Windows 11 app, At least 10 other players in our league can confirm they didn't get research either

medal 6190
57 days ago
Hi had a race in australia tonight, and my research points did not get added , also i researched downforce and mail said 8pts added to braking (they did not ) hope you can help .
medal 5283 Super Mod
57 days ago
Hi AB.

There’s a few other threads for this including one from myself.

Could you check the timestamp on your braking Mail please. Could it be from yesterday?

A lot of people are getting no mail at all so it might explain the first part.
medal 6190
57 days ago
sorry yes its 3 days old mail.
medal 5993
57 days ago
Same issue here. 0 researching points, as if the race wasn't. PC. 5 other elite players can confirm. 1 from pros confirmed receipt.
medal 5220
57 days ago
I research temperature:
I had: 4
Máx others: 50

Only give me 8points and i have 44% plus strenght in temperature
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