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medal 5000
5 years 298 days ago
What did you try to do?
Qualifying 18th and 17th twice in the last 5 races costing me wining the championship I'm level 20 on everything and won 14 championship in hard leagues so I know what I'm doing but recently towards the end of the season I keep qualifying really low when that's never happened before surely I should at least be qualifying in the top10

What happened instead?
Keep qualifying very low towards the end of the season

Did the problem happen while using wi-fi, mobile data, or both?

Did the bug happen in the app, on PC, or both?

What is the model of your device?
Samsung galaxy s8

What is the operating system?

What is the version number of the operating system?

Can the bug be reproduced?
Not sure

Additional comments:
medal 5000
5 years 278 days ago
Same has been happening for me and others as well. I have been playing this game long enough now to know when something is not right. They have obviously done something to the game engine but have not told us what the update is.  My guess is that they have done this to help balance things out for the less competitive drivers.
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago

Same has been happening for me and others as well. I have been playing this game long enough now to know when something is not right. They have obviously done something to the game engine but have not told us what the update is.  My guess is that they have done this to help balance things out for the less competitive drivers.

It has cost me 2 championship now something ain't right qualifying  in 21st 22nd 19th and 24th in 4 of the last six races I know how to play this game I've never have qualified so poorly in the last 3 years of playing this game 

medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago
I would be very interested to engage with them and to explain a lot further how I know that something is wrong with this game. You just have to take a look at the 1st race of the season AUSTRALIA and compare teams that high in qualifying yet have reliability as the strength and braking as their weakness. That is a joke given that the driver stats are the same.
medal 5311
5 years 277 days ago
it is not a bug and neither a problem it is just how the game worked and still works and everyone has the same situation.
your results of the first half of the season don't give you the right to always start in the front row, when you are good in Quali in the first half of the season it is because of your CDs and your research.
From hungary everyone has maxed the performance stats and in good leagues everyone has talent 20 and maxed drivers. these 2 factors + a bit of randomness (how well your driver performs can have a good or bad lap) decide about quali pace. so when everyone has basically the same driver + car you should quali on average 16th or 17th sometimes a bit better sometimes a bit worse. the only way you can manage grid position a bit is choosing a softer compound in the hope others choose a harder one.
as i mentioned before everyone has that problem in good leagues, i have that too. that is one task to solve to become champion and there are some options to deal with that. or you can change to a weaker league (with lower level and/or bad managers) to win an easy championship. i played in several leagues and observed that situation just in good high level leagues, so the cause is not Code or a bug it is the quality of your competitors.

medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago

it is not a bug and neither a problem it is just how the game worked and still works and everyone has the same situation.
your results of the first half of the season don't give you the right to always start in the front row, when you are good in Quali in the first half of the season it is because of your CDs and your research.
From hungary everyone has maxed the performance stats and in good leagues everyone has talent 20 and maxed drivers. these 2 factors + a bit of randomness (how well your driver performs can have a good or bad lap) decide about quali pace. so when everyone has basically the same driver + car you should quali on average 16th or 17th sometimes a bit better sometimes a bit worse. the only way you can manage grid position a bit is choosing a softer compound in the hope others choose a harder one.
as i mentioned before everyone has that problem in good leagues, i have that too. that is one task to solve to become champion and there are some options to deal with that. or you can change to a weaker league (with lower level and/or bad managers) to win an easy championship. i played in several leagues and observed that situation just in good high level leagues, so the cause is not Code or a bug it is the quality of your competitors.

Not at all  some thing has changed I've been playing this game long enough I've never qualified that low and I've played in some really competitive leagues something has definitely changed + I'm getting out qualified by players with drivers that are not maxed out this has never happened in the last 3 years of playing this game yes I know that qualifying will be different from the start of the season but not that bad at the end this has just started for the last 2 season 
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago (Last edited by Bastian Ba 5 years 277 days ago)
since when do you have that "problem" ?
let me guess 4 seasons?
i play with 2 accounts and can tell you i just have the situation with the other account (yellow car), because (except of the Top 3) the league has way more quality.
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago

since when do you have that "problem" ?
let me guess 4 seasons?
i play with 2 accounts and can tell you i just have the situation with the other account (yellow car), because (except of the Top 3) the league has way more quality.

It started 2 season ago I previously was in a league with the highest reputation and still didn't qualified that far down to be honest  the league I'm in ain't that good 
medal 5311
5 years 277 days ago
then your current league is doing something better than your old. Reputation can fool you a bit. when i changed leagues both the old and new had rep. of 8800. I finished 14 times 1 and 2 in the last Season of the old league and just won 4 races in the first 2 seasons of the new league.

additional the random factor can make it look like there is something wrong, because you can start bad for a couple of races in a row i observed that, too, but thats just the Nature of randomness. on the other hand i had in sum more good positions in another season. in sum it will end up how i explained on an average of 16-17th place
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago (Last edited by Matt Stainer 5 years 277 days ago)
then your current league is doing something better than your old. Reputation can fool you a bit. when i changed leagues both the old and new had rep. of 8800. I finished 14 times 1 and 2 in the last Season of the old league and just won 4 races in the first 2 seasons of the new league.

additional the random factor can make it look like there is something wrong, because you can start bad for a couple of races in a row i observed that, too, but thats just the Nature of randomness. on the other hand i had in sum more good positions in another season. in sum it will end up how i explained on an average of 16-17th place

So I have raced in my current league for 4 season the first 2 season was normal just like my previous league the last 2 have been different with qualifying plus I'm not the only 1 that has notice a change 
My last 4 Abu Dhabi qualifying positions 6th and 12th when the game was normal the last 2 have been 17th and 24th big difference in the same league I'm not doing anything different to what I normally do something ain't right
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago
that is an average of 14.75, that is ok. 
it is harder to observe, that nothing is wrong in 1 car league than in 2. I for example Quali sometimes with one car 3 and the other 25.
an additional factor to consider is tire choice what compunds did you chose and how many competitors chose softer ones? you have to normalize grid position by accounting for tires to see the real pace.
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago

that is an average of 14.75, that is ok. 
it is harder to observe, that nothing is wrong in 1 car league than in 2. I for example Quali sometimes with one car 3 and the other 25.
an additional factor to consider is tire choice what compunds did you chose and how many competitors chose softer ones? you have to normalize grid position by accounting for tires to see the real pace.

Every one was on softs except 2 teams on ss so there was only 2 in front on different strategies 
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago
then your driver had a bad lap will have better again in the future:) 
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago

then your driver had a bad lap will have better again in the future:) 

So he has loads of bad laps ? Never happened before still think something ain't right and when are league host asked the devs about it they just gave everyone coins in are league and didn't really explain anything 
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago
it is not a bug and neither a problem it is just how the game worked and still works and everyone has the same situation.
your results of the first half of the season don't give you the right to always start in the front row, when you are good in Quali in the first half of the season it is because of your CDs and your research.
From hungary everyone has maxed the performance stats and in good leagues everyone has talent 20 and maxed drivers. these 2 factors + a bit of randomness (how well your driver performs can have a good or bad lap) decide about quali pace. so when everyone has basically the same driver + car you should quali on average 16th or 17th sometimes a bit better sometimes a bit worse. the only way you can manage grid position a bit is choosing a softer compound in the hope others choose a harder one.
as i mentioned before everyone has that problem in good leagues, i have that too. that is one task to solve to become champion and there are some options to deal with that. or you can change to a weaker league (with lower level and/or bad managers) to win an easy championship. i played in several leagues and observed that situation just in good high level leagues, so the cause is not Code or a bug it is the quality of your competitors.

Bastian, let's take the Australian iGP which as you know is the start of the season. Now let's take a team with a 4.5 star, level 18 CD that has Reliability as a strength and Braking as a weakness. Now let's take a team that is 2 levels above ( i know levels does not matter here), with same 20 talent maxed out drivers with a 4.5 star level 19 CD that has Handling as the strength and cooling as the weakness.  Please in this situation explain how does that level 18 car make pole position and be quicker by 0.2secs whilst the other car qualifies in 16th? and with braking low like 21 or 26 for that levl 18 car it should perform badly. How does this happen?
medal 5311
5 years 277 days ago
@ Matt based on the example, one good lap 6th one Bit better than average 12th one average 17th one bad 24th.

@ ali can be a couple of reasons:
1. star Rating does not matter in car Development. CD must be on manager level.
2. current cd does not tell anything about this season car, it tells you how next season car will be. the next season car is developed every race a bit of the current season, so you have to know what CD/CDs (i have for example 3) he had last season.
3. look at your practice laps if you do 5 laps all with equal setup,health, compound and driver you can see that the laps can vary 0.5 Sec or more, the same happens in quali. this is the random factor i described. lets assume your car is 0.3 sec faster but had a bad lap and your competitor had a perfect lap, than he will be 
0.5-0.3=0.2 sec faster than you.
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago

I have been playing since june 2017 and I have 8 teams. I have noticed this happening from about 1 month ago. I know that stars does not matter, hence that I said the level of the cd matched the level of the manager. I also know the points of the other car which is why I am trying to give this particular race, being it's the first race of the season to say about the stupidity that a car with only 26 for braking can qualify better than a team that has better. The 4 strengths I am sure you're aware of is Acc, Brak, Hand, Down. So how does the one with reliability as a strength possibly qualify higher? This has not happened before in the 2 years of me playing until 1 month ago.
medal 5311
5 years 277 days ago
no i don't know how the game works i am just winning one of the best leagues:)

based on your additional Information read above point 3 again.  your example 24 points more in big 4 is around 0.2-0.25 sec faster dependent on which big 4 given my example in point 3 it is possible, it is rare but possible. let me guess he finished the race worse than his Quali? over the long run(race) that Lucky situation is diminished.
I am playing with 2 accounts and observe your situation since i play and matts since i play in a really good league. so no change happened, maybe you are aware of it since a month.
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago
The DEVs have mentioned this in previous posts, that a large variance can happen in Qualifying, especially if your Driver makes a mistake, or pulls one out of the bag and produces a special lap.

You can see this even in your Practice laps. There is a 'base' time, based on all your car stats + driver stats etc.

  • If your Driver makes a mistake, he/she can lose up to +0.200s/lap (more on longer circuits such as Spa, Suzuka)

  • If your Driver produces a special lap, he/she can gain up to -0.100s/lap, from the 'base' time (again more on longer circuits)

With this 0.300s variance it can throw up some very mixed qualifying grids towards the end of the season. Especially as iGP have 'geared' the drivers so that they can compete against 20 stats from around 15/16 stats

And age in the game is no guarantee for winning in the is what you learn in the races that counts :)
medal 5000
5 years 277 days ago
The DEVs have mentioned this in previous posts, that a large variance can happen in Qualifying, especially if your Driver makes a mistake, or pulls one out of the bag and produces a special lap.

You can see this even in your Practice laps. There is a 'base' time, based on all your car stats + driver stats etc.

  • If your Driver makes a mistake, he/she can lose up to +0.200s/lap (more on longer circuits such as Spa, Suzuka)

  • If your Driver produces a special lap, he/she can gain up to -0.100s/lap, from the 'base' time (again more on longer circuits)

With this 0.300s variance it can throw up some very mixed qualifying grids towards the end of the season. Especially as iGP have 'geared' the drivers so that they can compete against 20 stats from around 15/16 stats

And age in the game is no guarantee for winning in the is what you learn in the races that counts :)

I am referring to Qualifying race in the Australia iGP given the car stats known of both teams and the drivers known. This what happened never used to happen, until recently. Fwiw the car in question that I am referring to is not even my team but is clearly something strange. 

Peter do you not think that a team with 64 Acc, 48 brak, 43 hand, 43 down, 35 fuel, 40 tyre qualifies way down below a car that has 55 Acc, 26 brak, 43 hand, 43 down, 40 fuel, 40 tyre? Again this is for the Aus iGP. Both have max 20 talent drivers.
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