That's fine if you're playing against one other hand Peter. But you know your % dwindles the more hands that play all in Pre flop like what we have in an iGP race. So yes, although you will beat that 1 specific person 72% of the time, you will not be qualifying better than all of those bad cars combined 72% of the time.
Not sure how good your poker maths is, but poker 'Pot Equity' as you as eluding to in cases of multiple players, does not apply for multiple managers in iGP. (In poker, certain types of hands hold equity advantages in multi-way pots (ie. suited connectors) and/or increase/decrease equity versus individual hands (ie higher pocket pairs, and 'blockers'..AK is incredibly weak (5%) against AA, despite being a very strong hand)
Back to iGP. It all comes back down to that lap time variance band I mentioned earlier. In that first race, the manager who out qualified you, even with both his drivers putting in 2 superb laps, qualified P10 and P14..5th and 7th row.
The next race, you actually out qualify him by more than -0.100s on the same tyres. It is variance. Drivers can make mistakes, can put in super laps as well, just like in real life.
If you still think you should always be ahead, maybe we should all have robot drivers who can drive to the exact lap time given from the car, and never make mistakes. That way, every grid will be the same, 2 by 2 with every team allocated a row. No chance ever for any mixed up grids or smaller teams, but that is ok, the best team can win the Championship in Europe every season :)