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iGP Manager 3D - Bugs mega thread

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medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago (Last edited by Thiago Bento 3 years 330 days ago)

I know that you already talked somethings about Malaya race.
I'd like to complement it telling that we had a big issue in our league because almost every manager made the free practice and got 2.5 liter per lap as our fuel consumption instead of a few managers who took 1.8 liters per lap.
All those ones with 2.5L responses planned an amount of laps ando done 5 or 6 laps more. 

Another issue was car speed changing very quickly in some parts of the track. All those turns before the new straight DRS were going as our cars have kind of a rocket speeding them up. All of this in the 2D version.
I played at PC with the 2D version and just opened the 3D  viewing in tha mobile app. It was kind a crazy and like others said, the last turn was insane, almost a rally. ?

We are waiting four your effort and some big improves in the game play and I'm giving to you all my vote of confidance.

As far as I can say, I think like it is right now it seems an arcade to play a few races instead the scheduled league format that we have and play looking for a championship duel.
medal 5010
3 years 330 days ago
the app was updated before the race and stopped showing 3d,but other people's shows in 3d
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago

Hey guys, I'm not able to download 3D client to macOS, seems to be a DNS issue ( 
This site can’t be reached
Check if there is a typo in

This should be fixed now, the domain was put in incorrectly, sorry about that
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago
Mejoría los iconos para anunciar al resto de participantes de una carrera que un piloto está usando el KERS o DRS. Creo que en la versión 2D estaban mucho mejor que en la 3D.
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago
DRS Speed is slower than before still... In Europe GP we couldn't overtake again without being literally inside the car in front (0.1-0.3). 
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago
App works terrible. its really hard to do anything, aspecialy races are crashed, are you guys working on it? There is no sense to play game for now, honestly.??? 
Btw button 'back to the iGP' is sooooo small there is no way to click, I have to close app...
Please do something
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
3 years 330 days ago

DRS Speed is slower than before still... In Europe GP we couldn't overtake again without being literally inside the car in front (0.1-0.3). 

Thanks, we're aware of this and working through things in order of priority. We'll get to that after any obvious stability/performance concerns.
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
3 years 330 days ago

its really hard to do anything, aspecialy races are crashed, are you guys working on it?

We're not able to reproduce these kinds of problems yet. Can you let us know your device and which platform and app version you are using?
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago


DRS Speed is slower than before still... In Europe GP we couldn't overtake again without being literally inside the car in front (0.1-0.3). 

Thanks, we're aware of this and working through things in order of priority. We'll get to that after any obvious stability/performance concerns.

sounds fair, thanks for taking on all of the criticism and highlighting new bugs well and not getting downhearted by it :)
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago
Are you also aware of ridiculous lap times and fuel consumption? 
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
3 years 330 days ago

sounds fair, thanks for taking on all of the criticism and highlighting new bugs well and not getting downhearted by it :)

Thanks. Off-topic: Not everyone on the team is as unaffected by it as I am, but I am working towards a vision which I am convinced will bring everyone around in the end. This update is not the end goal, actually it's just another step on the way towards where we're going. There's a quote attributed to Henry Ford that I find useful "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.". In other words, he never would have invented the mass-production car if he only spent his time responding to customer feedback on the existing forms of transport that were out there. If we truly want to innovate (we do), we must begin moving towards innovation, even if it is a painful process.

That said, I completely understand people's concerns and all the feedback is valid. There's not much I can say beyond the FAQ blog I posted. We are going to refocus all of our energies on gameplay updates very soon, with more resources to throw at it than we've ever had. That is better than being stuck with old technology as the market evolves around us. We know what people want, but we also know where we're going, so we're not deterred by short-term turbulence. To be honest, it's gotten to the point where I know the replies I will get weeks ahead of anything we do. It's become routine dealing with it so we can keep moving forwards.

Are you also aware of ridiculous lap times and fuel consumption? 

The circuits all have new layouts. We do not have a license to use real circuits, if that's what you are comparing it to.

However, a couple of them are also not to scale and I'd like to correct that (most notably Australia and Singapore). Changing that won't be a quick fix though, it will take time for the artists to change the scale of things. Don't worry, none of that time involves the developers who are all working on other areas.
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago


its really hard to do anything, aspecialy races are crashed, are you guys working on it?

We're not able to reproduce these kinds of problems yet. Can you let us know your device and which platform and app version you are using?

thanks for fast reply! 4.000 (405) android, galaxy a51. There are many players in my league, which have same problems on different mobiles, tablets etc.
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago

sounds fair, thanks for taking on all of the criticism and highlighting new bugs well and not getting downhearted by it :)

Thanks. Off-topic: Not everyone on the team is as unaffected by it as I am, but I am working towards a vision which I am convinced will bring everyone around in the end. This update is not the end goal, actually it's just another step on the way towards where we're going. There's a quote attributed to Henry Ford that I find useful "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.". In other words, he never would have invented the mass-production car if he only spent his time responding to customer feedback on the existing forms of transport that were out there. If we truly want to innovate (we do), we must begin moving towards innovation, even if it is a painful process.

That said, I completely understand people's concerns and all the feedback is valid. There's not much I can say beyond the FAQ blog I posted. We are going to refocus all of our energies on gameplay updates very soon, with more resources to throw at it than we've ever had. That is better than being stuck with old technology as the market evolves around us. We know what people want, but we also know where we're going, so we're not deterred by short-term turbulence. To be honest, it's gotten to the point where I know the replies I will get weeks ahead of anything we do. It's become routine dealing with it so we can keep moving forwards.

fair enough :)
medal 4707
3 years 330 days ago
In addition to my previous post, we postponed our Australia race due to the issues we encountered yesterday.

Great news that the lag like feeling should be gone, I’m on iOS so I have downloaded the update so fingers crossed, however, practice is very weird.

We’re hitting 53 second laps around Australia, with SS only wearing at 4% and fuel being non existent. We could around 30 laps before hitting 40 litres of fuel. It seems wrong, and seems like our postponed race tonight may be even more thrown than the one last night.
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
3 years 330 days ago
Great news that the lag like feeling should be gone

If you're in a 2x league it's still not going to be as smooth as 1x races. Basically, the best 3D experience you can get right now is on 1x speed. 1.5x is slightly more jittery but 2x isn't smooth currently, we're aware of this. Aerial cam is not too bad after today's server patches, but zooming right in or riding onboard/chase in 2x will be jarring. We considered many ways of approaching this, but we felt the best for your convenience was to keep 2x speeds because a lot of people like faster races.

We’re hitting 53 second laps around Australia, with SS only wearing at 4% and fuel being non existent. We could around 30 laps before hitting 40 litres of fuel. It seems wrong, and seems like our postponed race tonight may be even more thrown than the one last night.

This is due to the scale of the track being off. Some artwork was outsourced and Australia and Singapore were done with the wrong scale settings, meaning they are shorter than they should be. We'll be correcting that over the next few weeks but that will take time some, the time it takes the artists to make such a substantial modification to the road, terrain and objects in the scene.
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago
1) races are going way to fast. Both 2D as 3D. You just cant keep up. It is annoying
2) fuel is between race and practice. Setup for 1 stop (50%) race but need to stop 2 times. Not enough fuel on board...
3) laptimes of medium tires are equal or faster than soft or super soft. That cant be right.

The visuals in 2D are a lot sharper though. Nice work!
medal 4707
3 years 330 days ago
Great news that the lag like feeling should be gone

If you're in a 2x league it's still not going to be as smooth as 1x races. Basically, the best 3D experience you can get right now is on 1x speed. 1.5x is slightly more jittery but 2x isn't smooth currently, we're aware of this. Aerial cam is not too bad after today's server patches, but zooming right in or riding onboard/chase in 2x will be jarring. We considered many ways of approaching this, but we felt the best for your convenience was to keep 2x speeds because a lot of people like faster races.

We’re hitting 53 second laps around Australia, with SS only wearing at 4% and fuel being non existent. We could around 30 laps before hitting 40 litres of fuel. It seems wrong, and seems like our postponed race tonight may be even more thrown than the one last night.

This is due to the scale of the track being off. Some artwork was outsourced and Australia and Singapore were done with the wrong scale settings, meaning they are shorter than they should be. We'll be correcting that over the next few weeks but that will take time some, the time it takes the artists to make such a substantial modification to the road, terrain and objects in the scene.

Makes sense.

Thanks for the reply, appreciate you must be very busy at the moment. As I said in my first post in this thread, I think the direction you’re aiming for is very good so I’m behind this, just the issues we’re encountering can be seen as frustrating when we’ve had such a solid base for a long time, but I know you can appreciate that!
medal 5265
3 years 330 days ago
so, race 2 after the update, in 2D of course... it was as good as unplayable. The lag, box in and box out... the silent memorial minute before each and every corner... i had planned a ss ss ss ss ss m strategy turned out as a 6 stopp, whyever that was!?!? still managed to secure p3 with that.
But for real, theres plenty of work to be done still, for all the big players and those who spend a ton of cash on IGP Manager this is a real let down right now. fun factor right now is ZERO. even though it was a bit better than yesterday. i play on a brand new hp laptop ultra HD...
medal 5002
3 years 330 days ago
PC App 4.003
Still getting OpenGl web viewer error.
medal 5000
3 years 330 days ago


sounds fair, thanks for taking on all of the criticism and highlighting new bugs well and not getting downhearted by it :)

Thanks. Off-topic: Not everyone on the team is as unaffected by it as I am, but I am working towards a vision which I am convinced will bring everyone around in the end. This update is not the end goal, actually it's just another step on the way towards where we're going. There's a quote attributed to Henry Ford that I find useful "If I had asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses.". In other words, he never would have invented the mass-production car if he only spent his time responding to customer feedback on the existing forms of transport that were out there. If we truly want to innovate (we do), we must begin moving towards innovation, even if it is a painful process.

That said, I completely understand people's concerns and all the feedback is valid. There's not much I can say beyond the FAQ blog I posted. We are going to refocus all of our energies on gameplay updates very soon, with more resources to throw at it than we've ever had. That is better than being stuck with old technology as the market evolves around us. We know what people want, but we also know where we're going, so we're not deterred by short-term turbulence. To be honest, it's gotten to the point where I know the replies I will get weeks ahead of anything we do. It's become routine dealing with it so we can keep moving forwards.

Are you also aware of ridiculous lap times and fuel consumption? 

The circuits all have new layouts. We do not have a license to use real circuits, if that's what you are comparing it to.

That said, a couple of them are also not to scale and I'd like to correct that (most notably Australia and Singapore). Changing that won't be a quick fix though, it will take time for the artists to change the scale of things. Don't worry, none of that time involves the developers who are all working on other areas.

Excellent reply, this gives me hope for what's to come thank you jack keep plodding on.

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