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Trouble Watching Ads? Post Here

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medal 5000
6 years 279 days ago

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Android
4. Yes (after i cleared the cache, i was able to watch 2 adds, then it didnt work anymore)
5. No, Just one account
6. Romania
7. Nothing happends. it just seems to be loading
8. i was able to get 2 parts today after i cleared the Cache.

Thank you!
medal 5000
6 years 279 days ago
1 I have the app updated
2 yes multiple times
3 iPhone
4 I have cleaned the cache
5. It says daily limit exceeded, when I haven’t even watched one
6 United Kingdom
7 ‘daily limit exceeded’
medal 5000
6 years 278 days ago
I have problem with the videos
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Android
4. Yes
5. No
6. Hungary
medal 5000
6 years 278 days ago
7.The button is often locked, sometimes ads just don't appear and nothing else happens 
8.Used to be 10 when everything worked fine
medal 5000
6 years 278 days ago
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Android
4. Yes
5. This is the only one account
6. Croatia
7. The button free parts stuck in the loading mode
8. When everything worked fine able to get 10, last two weeks sometimes able to get 2 parts a day (mostly nothing) but last 3 days nothing
medal 5000
6 years 278 days ago
1. Is the iGP Manager application updated and current as of March 27, 2018?


2. Did you try to re-install the application?

Yes, didn't helped. 

3. Are you having the problem on Android or iOS?


4. If on Android, did you try clearing the cache?


5. Do you have more than one iGP Manager account?
Can your other accounts view ads and receive parts?

No, only one account.

6. What country are you located in?


7. What is the behavior of the app when you press the free parts button? After how many ads does this happen?

Button is faded out and stucked in loading animation. 

8. How many parts are you able to receive per day before an error appears?

Normally up to 10 parts per day. I'm having this issue now since 4 days, my warehouse is getting empty and help is urgently needed.
medal 5000
6 years 277 days ago
Yes, nope,
the 3 white dots circeling on the blue surface, like it is loading. Not able to click.

I have this problem the last 3-4 days, before at least it had worked on one specific wifi, now it doesn't. I had to buy tokens to get parts by tokens.

thx in advance.

hello, still got no answer, i managed somehow to get 10 parts yesterday, but is still not functioning. this is the 5th day without parts.

I kindly ask to aword some tokens to be able to buy parts or directly some ammount of parts that can compensate the days without and buyed tokens (by CD).

medal 5000
6 years 277 days ago

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Android
4. Yes
5. No
6. Hungary
medal 5000
6 years 277 days ago
2.yes 4.4
6 spain
7 the graph where you have to give it appears as when you saw the 10 videos in aul more clear
8 It took me 3 days without being able to see one

thank you
medal 5000
6 years 277 days ago

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Android
4. Yes
5. This is the only one acc
6. Lithuania
7. the button "free parts" stuck in the loading mode
8. usually 10

It looks like noone even cares to read this thread... The problem is still here, tonight will be the 3rd race in a row with a wrecked car for me.
medal 5002
6 years 276 days ago
1. Yes updated.
2. Yes re-installed.
3. Android.
4. Yes.
5. Yes.
6. Brazil
But is problem continue...
medal 5000
6 years 276 days ago
I got this problem since monday or tuesday, now I'm almost without parts...

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Android
4. Yes
5. No, I don't have other accounts
6. Italy
7. The bar with "free parts" is always loading and nothing happens if I click on it. It's permanent.
It's been happening for four days.
8. Yesterday one, today none, another day five, another day none. But all the time is loading without chance to click on it
medal 5000
6 years 276 days ago
 I need the parts, thanks. my answers are.

1. yes
2. at least 3 times
3. android
4. I did
5. no
6. Spain
7. 1 or 2 ads tops, then it shous the message of new parts with the 3 dots rolling.
8. 1 or 2.
medal 5000
6 years 276 days ago

If you're having trouble watching ads, please answer the following questions below:

1. Is the iGP Manager application updated and current as of March 27, 2018?
2. Did you try to re-install the application?
3. Are you having the problem on Android or iOS?
4. If on Android, did you try clearing the cache? WARNING: Only do this if your account is linked with an email and password or Facebook. Device-only accounts (those created by pressing "Skip" on sign-up) may be signed out by this process and cannot be recovered without contacting us for support. If you have a device-only account and would like to try this, please follow the instructions to add an email and password to the account first in the 'Settings' page.
5. Do you have more than one iGP Manager account? Can your other accounts view ads and receive parts?
6. What country are you located in?
7. What is the behavior of the app when you press the free parts button? After how many ads does this happen?
8. How many parts are you able to receive per day before an error appears?

Providing this information will help the developers greatly. By answering these questions I will gladly send parts to those who need them.

If you didn't receive any parts, you may not have answered all of the questions or did not answer some questions correctly. Do not edit your previous post. Make a new post correctly answering all questions. Please wait at least 48 hours before making a new post.

If you have multiple accounts that need parts, please post your request on each account separately. Thank you.


4. I do
7.No change
8.0 piece
medal 5476
6 years 276 days ago
1. It is.
2. I did, but it didn't work.
3. Android.
4. I cleared the cache, but the "Free Parts" button is still loading (as seen in 7.).
5. Yes, but one is dormant (Jackson GT) and the other one (Scuderia Bruni) has more than sufficient parts.
6. Austria
7. All I see is the Free Parts button and three white dots signalling that an ad is soon to be available. I have been unable to watch any ads for 2, maybe 3 days (I don't exactly remember).
8. As seen at 7., I can't watch any ads. (I already had to buy 5 parts for 6 tokens a few days ago).

I prefer investing my tokens in money and engines.
medal 5000
6 years 276 days ago
1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Android
4. No
5. No
6. Italy
7. Greyed out, can't get any
8. Zero
medal 5000
6 years 276 days ago
1. Yes
2. Yes, didnt help
3. Android
4. Didnt help
5. I have only 1
6. Poland
7. I cant get even 1, the buttom is still loading and loading and nothing. It is happening for few days. Before mosty i didnt have problems
8. 10 per day from ads
medal 5000
6 years 276 days ago

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Android
4. Yes
5. No, I've only this account
6. Italy
7. the button "free parts" have a loading loop (Like Davor Savic)
8. It's a first time that I've this problem, Yesterday I've got 10 parts

Thanks a lot!

I've the same problem since 3 days so I've lost 30 free parts, please help us :( 

medal 5000
6 years 276 days ago
Hi Yunus, I still have problems with the ads.

1. Yes updated
2. Yes reinstalled
3. Android
4. Yes
5. Yes, I have three accounts, but I can't get spare parts in any of them.
6. Italy
7. Allows me to see 2 videos a day and then tells me that I have reached the daily limit. I can only get 2 spare parts a day

Thank you very much
medal 5000
6 years 276 days ago

1. Tak 
2. Tak, nie pomogłem 
3. Android 
4. Nie pomogłem 
5. Mam tylko 1 
6. Polska 
7. Nie mogę dostać nawet 1, buttom wciąż ładuje się i ładuje i nic. Dzieje się to przez kilka dni. Przed większością nie miałem problemów 
8. 10 dziennie od reklam

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