John Doe medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
Considero que es un despropósito. Estoy muy a favor de los cambios y las innovaciones, pero a mi entender, creo que esto lo está matando, creo que estaría muy bueno actualizar el juego con respecto a visuales y circuitos antes que modificar el time de las cubiertas.
Están volviendo loco a todos los manager activos, recuerden que detrás del juego hay una gran cantidad comunidad de gamers en distintos grupos de WhatsApp.
Con este cambio se está gestando un juego random antes que un juego de simulación real.
Ojalá no se equivoquen.
Please write in English next time.
Maybe I understood what do you think but the game was heavily penalized by the massive use of the Hard compounds that did not respect much the reality (they were much faster than other tires).
With these changes we want to adjust the Hard compounds and make you enjoy a much more realistic experience.

Fabiano Tomazini medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
I didn't test this tire performance update yet, but I suppose they should have at least a difference of 1 second time between them

Lucas Senna medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago (edited 6 years 180 days ago)
Good morning ... Congratulations. spoiled a game in which I was addicted and that before with the tire H privileged the gameplay! those who complained were those who did not know how to play and did not try to improve. Now anyone pilots just put SS or S and leave in the super conservative. Wow!!!! 100% strategy ... even offline wins a race..goodness 0% ... 100% runs with SS and S yielding better whenever the H with huge temperatures, even with super-heated and super-conservative tire! game got monotonous! No need to take care of temperature, cooling, tire, aggressiveness, suffice for a tire. The hard tire before literally differentiated who knew how to pilot and who did not know, you have achieved the feat of taking this out of the game.

Daniel K medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago (edited 6 years 180 days ago)
The SS/S compounds were definitely the best choice after the tyre update. But now the S are even faster than before and the H are even slower than before. I believe the H tyre is now as useless as the old Medium tyre. Why should we ever use H when the S tyre is now faster than before and easily holds for the most distances when you make 3 stops (100% race). Also we can now push more with the SS/S tyre as well so that will extend the gap to the Hard tyre.
I do only speak for myself but I think it would be an option to just give us 3 different compounds instead of 4 and balance those 3 more. I think it's quite hard to balance 4 different tyre compounds that they are good in every duration race. With only S, M, H I think it could be easier to handle.
But overall I'm very thankful that you are optimizing the tyre problems in iGP! Thanks for that!

Lucas Senna medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
Just let me know, if the intention is only to give strategy options in 100% races instead of gameplay, to warm up tires, to take care of temperature and to be aggressive, if that is the intention and they will maintain that great mistake that they have committed, I prefer to play others games that will give me gameplay and will demand knowledge, not just tires and let racing. But the goal must have been achieved since they rejoiced 70% of those who did not know how to pull the limit of a car and now just opt for a tire

Gary Collyer medal 5001 6 years 180 days ago
We also wanted to change the 'ideal temperature' of each tyre, however for technical reasons this was not possible without an app update, so instead we opted to adjust the way all tyre compounds generate heat. This was something we could do without updating the app and put live immediately. This achieves almost the same effect and should allow more push options on tyres other than Hards. In addition to the tyre performance changes, this will hopefully have the effect of balancing the pace between the tyres more evenly.
so this means that you will be able to cool supersofts & softs on level 1/5 push now? (like you could on Hards)
p.s- could you wipe my practice runs as i did several on Sunday night (only race 3 times per week) so they didnt get wiped so dont have many to practice and it might rain later so cant use the last few runs up....

Peter Man medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
There will be even more skill involved now @Lucas..lot more tyres to choose from :-))
Hards will still be the best tyre for high temperature and high wear iGP tracks (iGP Bahrain, iGP Italy, iGP Japan to name a few)
And you have to remember: Pirelli have chosen the HARD tyre only 6 times in the last 2.5 years. That 6 out of the last 55 F1 races.
It's very unrealistic that for a tyre Pirelli barely even chose, should be the default tyre in races.

Jack Basford medal 5239
CEO & CTO 6 years 180 days ago
@Gary - That was what we wanted to achieve by adjusting ideal temperatures, but couldn't. Since we were not able to do that without an update, our alternative method of adjusting all compounds means there is still a discrepancy on what push levels each tyre can run, but you don't always have to use the lowest push level now on SS or S to keep them alive. I have cleared your practice laps.

Mike K medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
@Gary - That was what we wanted to achieve by adjusting ideal temperatures, but couldn't. Since we were not able to do that without an update, our alternative method of adjusting all compounds means there is still a discrepancy on what push levels each tyre can run, but you don't always have to use the lowest push level now on SS or S to keep them alive. I have cleared your practice laps.
is there a specific reason in not releasing a proper update to incorporate this?
I mean, a lot of game apps get updated constantly.

Lucas Senna medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
... in 10 minutes I only received support in my comments in which you only spoiled the gameplay of the game, damaging who could extract the limit of the car to favor those who did not strive to learn to improve their skills, where is the overwhelming support of the 100% ??? gave tire choices rather than improving gameplay. I wish there was a league option with previous standards maintained, or if you are not going to change SIGNIFICANTLY the current wear and tear that gave the other tires warned right away because an improvement here or another low-grade does not change the big change they made, because if the choice will be to rejoice those who do not know how to play that is the great majority and even so can satisfy more people, and only give tires, opt to stop as many will certainly do, because the game left much to be desired and certainly have options which will challenge me beyond a simple tire choice, requiring me to seek the limit of a car, Not an eternal super conservative.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 6 years 180 days ago
@Gary - That was what we wanted to achieve by adjusting ideal temperatures, but couldn't. Since we were not able to do that without an update, our alternative method of adjusting all compounds means there is still a discrepancy on what push levels each tyre can run, but you don't always have to use the lowest push level now on SS or S to keep them alive. I have cleared your practice laps.
Does this temp change, change how the hard tyre works in terms of temperature or has this been completely unaffected by the change so i can still use the hard tyre push levels the same from before the update today.
ps. thanks for practice wipe.

Lucas Senna medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago (edited 6 years 180 days ago)
Get back to the wear patterns of the previous tires. Correct their performance, being more discrepant the performance while in good condition and temperature (counting that this is working, something that was not yesterday and today), BUT NEVER WEAR, much less the current standard used. or simply increased wear of the previous H by 25%. That alone was enough. I ask you not to withdraw the gameplay and aggressiveness and temperature maintenance of the game, something that H offered and no other is giving

Torsten Puls medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
Moin moin ..... auch mit den Reifen ist es echt gewöhnungsbedürftig aber mal was anderes .... kann man irgendwann ein richtiges Qualifikations Session machen!? Zb Q1 Q2 und Q3 !!!! Und geil wäre es wenn man ein safetycar mit einbaut .... für weitere Anregen stehe ich gerne zur Verfügung ... have was formel 1 angeht sehr viel Inspiration .... mfG toto

Ithalo Rocha medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
Hi, Jack, when are we getting the new update with the new cars?
I have another question. In this new update will the pilots make mistakes, or even happen accidents?
For example, if the manager asks the driver to have a more aggressive direction, and the tires have low temperatures, culminating in errors. Or collide with some other car. This could be implemented in-game. The driver who has little experience or has a low level in high speed corners could err on those high curves (just a example).
Is it possible to implement these features in the game?

Anthony Verda medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
Note for myself. Finish this Season, and probably leaving igp.
All races in conservative or super conservative with ss or s, no place anymore for managers who Plays with the push level and hard tyres
I'm not playing to see cars driving on a track and push on boost Button.
It's probably a good update, but it's not if push levels are not improve for all kind of tyres.
Push level IS the Key of the game .Not the hard tyre

L O L I T A medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
Note for myself. Finish this Season, and probably leaving igp.
All races in conservative or super conservative with ss or s, no place anymore for managers who Plays with the push level and hard tyres
I'm not playing to see cars driving on a track and push on boost Button.
It's probably a good update, but it's not if push levels are not improve for all kind of tyres.
Push level IS the Key of the game .Not the hard tyre
I totally agree with this.

Roberto De Brito medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago (edited 6 years 179 days ago)
Jack, I'm glad you guys are struggling to adjust this balance between compounds, it was really necessary and I think they are going a long way, but I have some opinions if it's just about 100% leagues.
I'll start with what I think is most important, which is the temperature of the race. It has to be fundamental, since it is the only element that is unpredictable and can vary from race to race in different seasons. Being well planned, we will see very different strategies like running in Monaco at 5C or running at 30C, for example.
On the tires, I think SS racing would hardly compensate for just 3 pit stops. You have to find a balance that forces at least 4 pit stops. So what would be decisive is the balance of his speed with the wear, compensating for some strategies that stop more. Perhaps an intermediate value to what is currently wearing and what was before, is fairer.
I am afraid that H it will become the obsolete compound of the time, after these changes. So I suggest you could seek a balance where there are interesting 2 pit-stop with these compounds, which is practically unfeasible at any track. But it would influence the fuel.
I think that's it, let's praise your efforts to improve our fun.

Jason Chen medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
Actually Jack, the supers will dominate every race in 100% racing. So I would suggest you to consider something for 100% races too because we used all supers for both singapore and japan gps. And the soft and mediums and hards were of no use as they're surely slower considering the full race distance.
We had 100% races in Singapore and Japan too since the first tyre update. From my experience though Soft and Hard tyres were the best race tyre. Supersoft heated up way too quickly at the lowest push level, rendering them slower than Softs.

Peter Man medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
Just finished a 100% race, with today's updated tyres (All tyres now heat up less)
Track: iGP Great Britain
Conditions: Dry, 14C, 15C
SS at 14C:
Push levels used: 1/3 for initial warm up, 1/2 up to 50%, and 1/3 for tyre under 50%
S at 15C:
Push levels used: mainly 1/3, some parts of the track 1/4
So to those who say that it's just SS, S at Push Level 1, at 14C and 15C, you are wrong. I was constantly changing the PLs throughout the race, as PL1 would even make the SS, and S tyre drop in temperature.

Fabiano Tomazini medal 5000 6 years 180 days ago
In a 100% races, using only SS tyres is very boring. As Antony Verda said, push level is the Key. Yes, we'd like to be able to use all kinds of tires, but I believe the weather temperture should have more influence on tires degradation, and consequently, on choosing the right tyre for each track and temperture. For exemple, SS degradation in Bahrein only 8% in 38 degrees Celsius... even in real F1 this tire is not used. I think you guys should update in this direction on making all tires useful depending on weather situation. I think that would bring more unpredictability for que game