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LIVE: Tyre Performance Update

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medal 5000
6 years 180 days ago
So can I just ask someone to clarify what you mean by 100% racing? Is that referring to the push levels?

medal 5000
6 years 180 days ago
My God !!!! managed to get even worse today !!!! now yes just SS the whole race! Congratulations have taken the gameplay of H to let only SS walk the entire race without heating and almost no wear AHAHAHA ... Must be great 14v or 15v floor in SS Malaysia ... they changed one tire for another without opportunizing gameplay ... I left hand
medal 5000
6 years 180 days ago

Jack, I'm glad you guys are struggling to adjust this balance between compounds, it was really necessary and I think they are going a long way, but I have some opinions if it's just about 100% leagues.

I'll start with what I think is most important, which is the temperature of the race. It has to be fundamental, since it is the only element that is unpredictable and can vary from race to race in different seasons. Being well planned, we will see very different strategies like running in Monaco at 5C or running at 30C, for example.

On the tires, I think SS racing would hardly compensate for just 3 pit stops. You have to find a balance that forces at least 4 pit stops. So what would be decisive is the balance of his speed with the wear, compensating for some strategies that stop more. Perhaps an intermediate value to what is currently wearing and what was before, is fairer.

I am afraid that H it will become the obsolete compound of the time, after these changes. So I suggest you could seek a balance where there are interesting 2 pit-stop with these compounds, which is practically unfeasible at any track. But it would influence the fuel.

I think that's it, let's praise your efforts to improve our fun.

That's it. Perfect
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
So the latest change came as a total suprise (at least for me and most of my fellow managers in the league). The change has been made at 12:00 GMT, while the race in our league is only 3 hours after that. Most of our managers enter their strategy at the evening before. Their strategy got defaulted and hence they got screwed.

I'm fine with changes, but meaning the strategy will automatically be changed is unacceptable in my opinion. Please do not do this in this way ever again...

Some active managers in our league are already considering quitting the game because of this.
medal 5055
6 years 179 days ago
Well,  I support all the changes, coz from time to time we need changes to refresh a game.
Imo hard tyres were too close to mediums but I think in my league (50% distance) real problem is DRS trains. People on faster tyre are unable to overtake cars in train unless they use KERS. If they spend KERS on getting out of DRS train they will lose position on last lap when guys with full KERS attack. Also managers on faster tyre were unable to make a good gap because people with DRS benefit over 1s on every lap. I know that it is impossible to make everyone satisfied but situation with DRS train made tyre difference not so clear.

Since tyre wear update was introduced we had one league race in Spa. Seems that at the end of the race softs and hards were much closer than before – and that’s good progress. With current change we need about 3 races to fully understand new situation.
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
Has this been altered today as last nights race I was having to run in the lowest push possible if not my tyres was cooking ss within a lap and h within 3 laps wasn’t only me having these issues everyone in our league 
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago (edited 6 years 179 days ago)
100% means run in total GP laps, for example, race 70 laps on Hungary
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
i just have one quick response for those complaining about 100% vs the other distances, and also a note to the devs, i have to be honest i just thought originally before i started playing that either race distance was a different challenge, or it was just a different speed of race effectivly. Now it seems to he trying to be both. The tyre changes made tyres uniform across all distances.. So now its more like "different race speeds", but the fuel situation means harder tyres will still be more preferred because you cab do 1 stop races in shorter races, in 100distance which is what i do, to do a 1 stop is too slow to be good, 2 stop is close to 3, but 3 stops is almost always fastest, there needs to be a change so that at 100%, 2-3-4 stops are good options, 1 less so but may work, and for shorter races 1/2/3 stops are best options and 4 is less attractive, if this isn't possible then the only way is to change how fuel works and make the game more about if you want a quick 15mins race or a long 1 hour race or something in between, not about it being a completely different game for a different distance. Only by unifying the options on them all can a true balance be achieved for all, just my opinion
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
You guys could also think in work on wet tires. This compound, as well as privious SS, heats to much even using them in super conservative mode. It's push level could be updated as well
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
i play in a championship 100% and noticed that the strategy is changed from only H to only SS. Now to do 4 stops with SS is better than 3 stops with SS+S+S+S or SS+H+H+H or S+H+H+H.
I think that the only modus to have a variability about the strategies is to reduce the difference of times with the increment of fuel. In the real F1 every 10kg of fuel the car run 0,3-0,5 s slower (depends on the track), but here the difference is 1,3-1,5 seconds. So the only possible strategy is do many stops with fastest tyres (was H because the SS lasted 5-6 laps and now are SS that can last 1/5 of race).
As soon as the managers will understand that the fastest solution is to do 4 stops with SS the strategies will be even less variables than before.
medal 5014
6 years 179 days ago
Thanks guys this is most awaited update 
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
I think the hard tyre should be slower but SS should be faster but wear out quicker otherwise it’s just gonna be everyone constantly using mediums all races 
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
Im reserving judgement untill we actually test the new changes.For now it seems that you guys try to make it as the reall f1 that you see H only in sahara races mid day.I dont say its good or bad but it was clear that the M was short of "useless".Sιnce you cant run the same push as H because they got to hot you was at least one P down and you would choose  S instead.I will wait and see. Probably the M speed boost wasnt necesery but ill wait to test to tell for sure.Thnx for the Heads Up
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
6 years 179 days ago
is there a specific reason

I said for technical reasons we couldn't adjust the ideal temperature of each tyre. Specifically, it would not be backwards compatible, and it would leave every past version of the app displaying completely inaccurate information about tyres. That would obviously cause a great deal more confusion than the way we have done it now, and as we can see, this is plenty of confusion, even at the snail pace we are implementing changes with weeks of forewarning.

The way it has been incorporated now maintains accurate information on the tyres in all devices.
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
6 years 179 days ago (edited 6 years 179 days ago)
just SS the whole race

I think it was pretty clear from the moment of the announcement today that we expected to need to make more changes to 100% races in particular. I mentioned it in the third post and the seventh post in this thread. As you are in a 100% league, everything you describe is what we anticipated, that softer compounds may have an advantage there (for now). Today's update is largely aimed at 50% races.

I checked the results of your race as well. The winner went with SS-SS-H-SS-H... so not SS the whole race. Second place used S-H-H-SS, and only finished 2 seconds behind, majority of stints were not SS. Third placed used S-H-H-H... no stints with Super Soft. So the majority of stints from the top 3 did not use SS. This wasn't what I expected to see when you said "just SS the whole race". Can you elaborate in a constructive way on what you meant?
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
We tried the second update.
Supersoft and medium have proved themselves in a balanced way. But with hard, it was probably too strict.
But I need a few races to confirm this
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
My Liga says it was be very cool when it gives more tyre selection z.b. hypersoft and ultrasoft .... and more pit stops in the setup settings.

 Saftycars, crashes, optical overhaul, when you see the Pit Stop Crews, 
or if league rules can be fixed
or if the cars have to carry fuel for the whole race
tank forbade
or if penalties can be set and punishments can be dealt by the admin

just a few suggestions.....

Sorry für tut Bad english
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
Just to share my experience, for the past two races someone 3 levels lower than me led the races using only SS, I finished second both gps with a time gap of 40seconds. I think that sums it up
medal 5239 CEO & CTO
6 years 179 days ago (edited 6 years 179 days ago)
Most of our managers enter their strategy at the evening before. Their strategy got defaulted and hence they got screwed.

Strategy was defaulted? That sounds like nothing to do with the tyre update. We did not revert any strategies. All strategies saved the night before should have still been there today. Can you clarify what you meant by that? and maybe make a separate bug report. I have heard a couple of cases of strategies not saving recently but not anything wide-scale on a league.

Just to share my experience, for the past two races someone 3 levels lower than me led the races using only SS, I finished second both gps with a time gap of 40seconds. I think that sums it up

Thanks for your feedback. It's another 100% league, so we will be looking at revising the balance there later this week.
medal 5000
6 years 179 days ago
Just had a look at the detailed report from 100% distance race earlier, and ran a 50% distance race just now.

Softs can do 19 laps/60 lap race, before hitting the 50% deg cliff. A bit too many laps/too little wear imo. Perhaps scaling to old 75% distance could be the next tweak (It would bring Soft to a 13 lap tyrespan before hitting the 50% cliff)

From 50% distance race, gap between Medium and Hard is about -0.100s/lap. Hard tyres do close in on Mediums towards the end of the stint, so I found they were very equally matched.
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