Jack Basford medal 5784 CEO & CTO 6 years 111 days ago (edited 6 years 111 days ago)
Jack you've previously mentioned that the soft tyre's speed would be slightly decreased in the next update. Is this still happening or is the wear rate the only thing changing for softs?
Also, are there any plans to increase the SS speed? They feel slower since the 2nd round of tyre updates and I'm not sure if wear scaling the other tyres is going to bring the SS back into play much.
The Soft tyres will not be made slower and Super Softs won't be made faster in this update. We will see what impact the wear change has first. I seriously considered slowing Softs down a little but I have seen Mediums used successfully a few times in my own league, so I thought it might be best to wait and see before making more changes to them.
The changes today are only those listed in the original post. As I said there though, we're happy to tweak this on an ongoing basis until we get to a sweet spot that the majority are happy with.
Although there is some debate about *how* we get there, only we have all the data in front of us. We know the reasons we are not playing with the temperature ranges on the tyres and they are technical. We cannot mess with those until everyone has adopted 3.0 or later of the app - for technical reasons I highlighted when we first started making changes. In future tweaking we may well begin adjusting the temperature range of each tyre as well as pace and wear.
Will we get will we get more practice sessions to test the new tires?
Yes, I will wipe all practice laps from the last 2 days so everyone can run their laps again.