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LIVE NOW: Tyre update #3

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medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 143 days ago (edited 6 years 143 days ago)
Okay, now the update is live.

Apologies for the confusion earlier as we released then rolled back momentarily. Now it's really live and seems to be working as it should.

EDIT: To avoid any confusion about the update or anyone being misled preparing for their race tonight, I just removed posts from the brief period before we rolled back and re-released the changes.
medal 5000
6 years 143 days ago
Dear Jack,

Last night race, inter tyre is faster than dry tyre even the rain already stop for several laps.  It's is true?

medal 5085
6 years 143 days ago
Hi Raswan, inters are normally quicker until the rain level on the track falls below 0.3mm. Even if its not raining! Hope that helps!
medal 5000
6 years 143 days ago
iphone5s crash
medal 5000
6 years 143 days ago
medal 5882
6 years 143 days ago
I have a question about tires Supersoft and Soft,in normally the tires Supersoft after 8-9 laps lose performance,but some players make in Hungary 18 laps with Supersoft and frequently run in 1:18 and go faster for win,why some players have make different strategies or conservative strategies with harder or medium tires,but the haven’t opportunity to win or arrive on podium because some players use soft or Supersoft tires with 4-5 pit stops,is crazy,but,the question is you can change the Supersoft tires to lose performance of 3 or 4 second after  8-9 laps on all laps expect Monaco,some player take advantage with advantage with 5 pit stops with Supersofts tires to win  is crazy,and soft tires to lose performance of 1 second after 10 laps
medal 5000
6 years 142 days ago
    Thank you for the quick and constant updates.

    There are plenty of other aspects that we are perhaps not looking at.

    Along with speed and wear rate in races we have to look at how we can alter other things that can affect the game at parts that may be under utilized and over looked.

    At the car development part of the game, we all know what the "big 4" are. Acceleration, breaking, handling and downforce rule the development part but we should make the tire wear development to be of a bigger affect. I have noticed that when having a car that has 30% tire development or 100% tire development hardly affects tire rates. maybe 2% per lap on SS which would minimal for mediums and hards. I propose that a tire development from 0 to 100% can affect a car up to 10% on SS per lap meaning that a car that is not developed at all on tire wear has a wear rate of lets say 20% at a track like silverstone on SS but a car with a full tire development has only a 10% on SS at the same track. With that Soft tires would have a 7.5% wear rate at its worse, medium 5% and hards 2.5% at its worse making tire development paramount for strategies where managers would have to choose between qualifying speed and race pace.

    Similarly to above, fuel wear development should have a bigger effect. However, we should minimize the affect of fuel wear during the race, why? 1 stop hard tire strategies are useless since the car is way too heavy. However if someone chooses to develop fuel wear fully then perhaps the cars should not be so heavy regardless of strategy. 1 stopper, 2 stoppers should be a viable strategy at some tracks and the only way for that to happen is to have the fuel not to be so heavy and a handcap.

    Last but not least, lets make the cooling aspect of the game necessary as well. Make the gaps bigger so people either have to buy engines every race OR develop that so after 1 race a fully developed cooling car doesn't lose so much performance compared to one thats under developed. Lets use the aspect of the game that are under utilized more effectively.

    Reliability however is a lost cause unless you guys choose to add random break downs which may or may not be a good thing, its pointless to even try for reliability.

    Thank you for reading.
medal 5442 CEO & CTO
6 years 142 days ago
Hi Bernardo, I think that's a pretty solid idea of where we should take development of the race strategy once everyone is happy with the balance of tyres. Thanks for your feedback.
medal 5534
6 years 142 days ago

Hi Bernardo, I think that's a pretty solid idea of where we should take development of the race strategy once everyone is happy with the balance of tyres. Thanks for your feedback.

i think bernardos idea, mine ideas and some ideas of others are the solution to make everybody Happy.

in my view you are approaching the problem wrong.

i try to explain it a bit mathematical, because in the end thats how the Code will approach it.

the Input factors of the problem are, tyre specific ones lets Call them internal factors and öfter factors, car specific, environment and Track characteristics, lets call them external.
the output will be the optimal strategy.

you tried so far to manage the internal factors, which did not worked so far and will Not work whatever you try. thats because the internal factors have to je different, that there will be a optimal strategy otherwise its pointless to choose a tyre. if you make adaptions to the internal factors you can have two possible solutions:
1. an absolute dominant tyre in case the internal factors are different enough
2. a solution where tyres are that similar that its pointless to choose

as we saw so far the external factors are slightly different and slightly variable.
that leads in sum to a mix of optimal strategies with two tyre types. h m s ss.
when you manipulate the tyre wear it will shift either to the left or the right. with update 3 you shift them to the left, like i saw yesterday in the race from a normally ss Track to a s track. just Made the s more dominant, Maybe the m might work now at some races nur you Made the ss close to obsolete.

to solve the problem you have to: 
either make the fixed external Parameters more different, i.e. the specific tyre wear of a Track in a range from 3-30%, like bernardos example, 

or in my view the best solution putting in variable parameters which lead in their nature to variable results. the natural opportunities would be the Air temperature, Maybe you could add then a track temperature too.
medal 5255
6 years 142 days ago
dear developers. since you are making an international game, you will bother to translate updates into all languages. in Russian-speaking forums there is no information at all. not everyone can read and translate English
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 142 days ago (edited 6 years 142 days ago)
At the car development part of the game, we all know what the "big 4" are. Acceleration, breaking, handling and downforce rule the development part but we should make the tire wear development to be of a bigger affect. I have noticed that when having a car that has 30% tire development or 100% tire development hardly affects tire rates. maybe 2% per lap on SS which would minimal for mediums and hards. I propose that a tire development from 0 to 100% can affect a car up to 10% on SS per lap meaning that a car that is not developed at all on tire wear has a wear rate of lets say 20% at a track like silverstone on SS but a car with a full tire development has only a 10% on SS at the same track. With that Soft tires would have a 7.5% wear rate at its worse, medium 5% and hards 2.5% at its worse making tire development paramount for strategies where managers would have to choose between qualifying speed and race pace.

Yes, I agree. Maybe Tyre Economy could also slightly influence the push behaviour. The simple solution would be just a bit faster and/or a little cooler with increasing TE but myself I'd prefer an asymmetric solution as with increasing Tyre Economy in 

PL1 (almost) same performance regardless the TE but running cooler, 
PL2 very slightly faster and a bit cooler, 
PL3 (neutral), slightly more performance and slightly cooler, 
PL4 a bit more performance and very slightly cooler and 
PL5 more performance at same temperature behaviour. 
So regardless of your TE your minimal performance and maximal heat building is about locked, but you unlock the ability to cool more effectively with low push and more performance with high.

So at low push it increases your chances to be able to use super softs (together with the less wear Bernardo suggested) and increasing your ability to work with them but they won't get much increased performance otherwise as their average push level is in the regions where the cooling effect dominates, Softs profit a bit more from the performance together with increased range and still better ability to work them, mediums get a bit faster and a boost to their short time performance with high push, hards with their high average push get the most performance boost plus some to their short term performance running at highest push but profit the least from the lowered temperature, never had a problem in terms of working them in the first place so no advantage here either and often can't really use the lessened wear, but at least they also still have no added problems with getting to and keeping their temperature.

@Bastian: I see where you're going and I think you're right. But as mentioned in another tyre balance thread about individual temperature behaviour curves for the different tyre compounds, that kind of change seems to often break the compatibility of the App versions towards older ones and thus, while the foundations can be laid now, the actual change will have to wait until the new version with those foundations in place reach a certain spread in the user base or else too many App users are faced with problems (also especially with older devices updating isn't always as easy as it should be).
medal 5534
6 years 142 days ago

At the car development part of the game, we all know what the "big 4" are. Acceleration, breaking, handling and downforce rule the development part but we should make the tire wear development to be of a bigger affect. I have noticed that when having a car that has 30% tire development or 100% tire development hardly affects tire rates. maybe 2% per lap on SS which would minimal for mediums and hards. I propose that a tire development from 0 to 100% can affect a car up to 10% on SS per lap meaning that a car that is not developed at all on tire wear has a wear rate of lets say 20% at a track like silverstone on SS but a car with a full tire development has only a 10% on SS at the same track. With that Soft tires would have a 7.5% wear rate at its worse, medium 5% and hards 2.5% at its worse making tire development paramount for strategies where managers would have to choose between qualifying speed and race pace.

Yes, I agree. Maybe Tyre Economy could also slightly influence the push behaviour. The simple solution would be just a bit faster and/or a little cooler with increasing TE but myself I'd prefer an asymmetric solution as with increasing Tyre Economy in 

PL1 (almost) same performance regardless the TE but running cooler, 
PL2 very slightly faster and a bit cooler, 
PL3 (neutral), slightly more performance and slightly cooler, 
PL4 a bit more performance and very slightly cooler and 
PL5 more performance at same temperature behaviour. 
So regardless of your TE your minimal performance and maximal heat building is about locked, but you unlock the ability to cool more effectively with low push and more performance with high.

So at low push it increases your chances to be able to use super softs (together with the less wear Bernardo suggested) and increasing your ability to work with them but they won't get much increased performance otherwise as their average push level is in the regions where the cooling effect dominates, Softs profit a bit more from the performance together with increased range and still better ability to work them, mediums get a bit faster and a boost to their short time performance with high push, hards with their high average push get the most performance boost plus some to their short term performance running at highest push but profit the least from the lowered temperature, never had a problem in terms of working them in the first place so no advantage here either and often can't really use the lessened wear, but at least they also still have no added problems with getting to and keeping their temperature.

@Bastian: I see where you're going and I think you're right. But as mentioned in another tyre balance thread about individual temperature behaviour curves for the different tyre compounds, that kind of change seems to often break the compatibility of the App versions towards older ones and thus, while the foundations can be laid now, the actual change will have to wait until the new version with those foundations in place reach a certain spread in the user base or else too many App users are faced with problems (also especially with older devices updating isn't always as easy as it should be).

you are right a read about them, thats why i suggested a couple of opportunities in my first post. the easiest One which is able to implement, because they either changed it in upgrade 1,2 or 3.
would be to make the tyres which are already sensible to temperature the dominant tyres. before upgrade 2, the s and ss were overheating after 2 just the ss is overheating, so if everything stays the same if you just would go back to the old heating level before upgrade 1 you would have an implementable solution which results in at least 3 different types. all the other more elegante and realistic recommendations, obviously take a greater Update.

medal 5000
6 years 142 days ago

I'm going to talk about a 100% league, today it's a Singapour race, the temperature is 27C, the wear of my tires SS 9%, S 4%, M 3% and H 2%, knowing the fuel consumption of my cars, and that from a certain fuel load it becomes very slow, my calculations tell me that I can do the same turns with S, M or H, this should not be possible if the temperature is 27c ?.

I think that tire wear rates, in this temperature range, should be more differentiated between S, M and H
medal 5000
6 years 142 days ago (edited 6 years 142 days ago)
I think the tyre update has made it worse, just seems every race is the soft tyre now. Boring!!

Maybe it needs to be made more like F1 with a mandatory 2 compound tyre rule and then it will be more the game I think it should be where strategy management will determine the result.
medal 5000
6 years 142 days ago
Fix the damm race viewer! It loads up and keeps giving up escepailly after it auto selects a car to follow. My tablet can't handle that. Fix it soon!
medal 5000
6 years 141 days ago (edited 6 years 141 days ago)
Jack, I think for 100% races you need to revert back to the original wear durations for the tyres.

Before the start of the wear changes we had tracks where a lot of different tyre combinations were close and balanced. There was within the same race cases where a 2 or 3 stop Hard selection or a 4 stop Soft were viable. You could even try a 6 stop SS if feeling lucky. And there could be even more variation within this with SS qualifying then onto Softs or Soft qualifying then onto Hards. Even if the choice wasn't the pure fastest it could be because you weren't going round with everyone else as you'd chosen differently.

This ultimately meant that races consisted of more pitstops (tyres don't last as long) and variation. Now we all go round together on a 3 stop Softs train.

The 75% change has maybe made it slightly better, however in my opinion it was balanced before the change so unless we go back to that then it will be out of whack until that time.

We're pretty experienced in our league in Elite and the active regulars are so far still racing on Softs. 

Now this is only my opinion and I am happy to be wrong, it has only been a couple of races and I am not against changes for the better. 

But I fear it was best beforehand.
medal 4987 Moderator
6 years 141 days ago (edited 6 years 140 days ago)
you are right a read about them, thats why i suggested a couple of opportunities in my first post. the easiest One which is able to implement, because they either changed it in upgrade 1,2 or 3.
would be to make the tyres which are already sensible to temperature the dominant tyres. before upgrade 2, the s and ss were overheating after 2 just the ss is overheating, so if everything stays the same if you just would go back to the old heating level before upgrade 1 you would have an implementable solution which results in at least 3 different types. all the other more elegante and realistic recommendations, obviously take a greater Update.

I see what you're aiming for, but I don't like going back to the old overheating softer tyres. While it could be used to give a 3rd compound more use those supers and often soft stints were just boring. That's why I didn't mind the hard dominance that much, because those you could manage at least while especially using supers was just leaning back and doing some chatting to pass the time. So I'd rather life with more engaging races and one or two dominating tyre(s) instead a choice of tyres which make for boring races, until the time is right to make those deeper changes.

I think 3 compounds might be manageable otherwise, though, for 100% races that is. Supers for the first stint and those special tracks, the first probably requiring them to be a little bit faster again and/or maybe adjust the wear closer to the softs, more like the others 1.5 times the durability of the next softer compound instead of the old 2 times that's only present between supers and softs anymore. The Softs remain the all rounder but the whole wear range could be adjusted that they'd just wear a little bit too much for a 3 stop (100%) on most tracks, especially with a supers first stint. Adjusting the mediums or hards to a pace making them just about competitive in a 3 stop, especially with the extra fuel needed, might again make them the best all rounder, but there're actually with (slightly less) fuel weight effect or adding one second or two to the pit stop times, to some tracks if adjusting individual ones is possible, two more screws to make longer stints slightly more viable without making harder compounds too fast.
medal 5534
6 years 141 days ago

you are right a read about them, thats why i suggested a couple of opportunities in my first post. the easiest One which is able to implement, because they either changed it in upgrade 1,2 or 3.
would be to make the tyres which are already sensible to temperature the dominant tyres. before upgrade 2, the s and ss were overheating after 2 just the ss is overheating, so if everything stays the same if you just would go back to the old heating level before upgrade 1 you would have an implementable solution which results in at least 3 different types. all the other more elegante and realistic recommendations, obviously take a greater Update.

I see what you're aiming for, but I don't like going back to the old overheating softer tyres. While it could be used to give a 3rd compound more use those supers and often soft stints were just boring. That's why I didn't mind the hard dominance that much, because those you could manage at least while especially using supers was just leaning back and doing some chatting to pass the time. So I'd rather live with more engaging races and one or two dominating tyre(s) instead a choice of tyres which make for boring races, until the time is right to make those deeper changes.

I think 3 compounds might be manageable otherwise, though, for 100% races that is. Supers for the first stint and those special tracks, the first probably requiring them to be a little bit faster again and/or maybe adjust the wear closer to the softs, more like the others 1.5 times the durability of the next softer compound instead of the old 2 times that's only present between supers and softs anymore. The Softs remain the all rounder but the whole wear range could be adjusted that they'd just wear a little bit too much for a 3 stop (100%) on most tracks, especially with a supers first stint. Adjusting the mediums or hards to a pace making them just about competitive in a 3 stop, especially with the extra fuel needed, might again make them the best all rounder, but there're actually with (slightly less) fuel weight effect or adding one second or two to the pit stop times, to some tracks if adjusting individual ones is possible, two more screws to make longer stints slightly more viable without making harder compounds too fast.

i am with you with the race Management, i preferred the old One, too. on the other hand the uncertainty of not knowing if i tyre will work is an interesting feature as well, which i just found with the supers so gar, i.e. in Spa i could use them at 21 degree and at 24 they were too slow.

i like your suggestion, i think it can work and will be way Better than the current One. just the improvement of the hard will Not work, then we would go back to the pre update Time.
there are a some good solutions, my point was just focused on bringing in a variable Parameter and in addition implementable in the current Technical environment. so a fast fix to have different strategies.
the optimal solution will be Working on all Parameters.
medal 5000
6 years 140 days ago

dear developers. since you are making an international game, you will bother to translate updates into all languages. in Russian-speaking forums there is no information at all. not everyone can read and translate English

Thats pretty demanding.. id say, since u are russian and ur english is pretty good for a russian, u take upon u the task (volunteer) to translate everything to russian for the russian forum.

For if u cant be bothered to help out, why should 'they'?

medal 5000
6 years 140 days ago
So 1 race down (100%) in Australia, one dominant tyre...Softs. quite a few started on Ss and gained a few seconds advantage lost in early pits in temps of 11oc....lets all jump on the softs train until the end with a boosting spar of a last lap....this in my opinion is making the game boring as every race apart from a few are going to be soft 3 stop...hards were about 2 seconds off the pace and meds about 1 second on average.

I concur that the original wear was better than the last 2 at least SS was quicker, yes we had the hards issue but there were more strategies being would be great to revert back to that, and then putting emphasis on track and weather conditions where tyres should or shouldnt work, we would be onto a winner.....
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