Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 314 days ago
Team Principal of Relentless Racing and Relentless Junior - Jamie Franklin is said to have sent his regards to 8PB, with all of the marriage talk going on.
"It's nice to see. It's something different amidst all of the technical and strategical talk during a season, and I wish them all of the best, as I'm sure a lot of the fans do as well,"
However, Jamie also had some competitve words for Lachlan Collins as well.
"They've been fantastic this season, and have pushed us this season at times. It'd be good to see them get some more podiums, and possibly a win, especially if it means giving our team the opportunity to close the gap to Simparts Racing in the remaining four races. I wish them the best of luck,"
When asked about the Elite league, Jamie was a little less upbeat about his chances, considering his position in the Championship.
"Well, it's been tough all season. Rusteze, Team Waycott, Team Brady and Idriss RCT have all been fantastic, and although we've been pushing hard, it hasn't always paid off as much as we thought. We've made some mistakes here and there, and despite some of our updates, we haven't closed the gap much since the two to three tenths we gained in Hungary. It would be great if we could push that barrier a little more into the realms of a podium, but if we're realistic, then it will be very difficult to achieve when the top teams are just so close in performance,"

Nick Randall medal 5000 12 years 314 days ago
I'm loving this thread.
Just wished I could write good to contribute :(

David Brady medal 5000 12 years 314 days ago
I'm loving this thread.
Just wished I could write good to contribute :(
Just make it up as you go....
Team Brady Racing is having commitment issues, having taking second in the championship he is now more interesting in getting drunk & chasing skirt than chasing results this weekend
Sources say Julie Roux is coming round to Party-Rock this weekend although Team Principal David Brady denies this and states it is due the numerous football & boxing matches being on the same day [Rangers, Chelsea, McCloskey, Shane Mosley & Floyd Mayweather Jr].. Girls & Alcohol are merely further distractions for the in-form manager

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 314 days ago
I'm loving this thread.
Just wished I could write good to contribute :(
Yeah, just make it up ;)
I'm glad that everyone's enjoying the thread though, let's hope it catches on! :D

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 314 days ago
According to sources, Relentless will be bringing more updates to this year's car, in a never ending search for more downforce and pace. This race's update sees a refinement to the sidepods, says Chief Designer, Ivan Soto.
"For the majority of the season, the team was working with an aggressive sidepod design, which used a twin floor system in order to try and positioning the sidepod at an angle, which would allow a nice positioning of the exhaust, whilst sending the airflow in the same way that a wing might. However, as soon as I came on board, I could see that this was quite an inefficient design. It had its potential, but would have taken a lot of work and effort to work as effectively as they might have wanted. So, since joining the team, I've been seeing what I could do to change this particular part of the car, as it's not easy to just scrap it, as it effects the floor, and the positioning of the exhaust, which could have exponential effects,"
"The new design consists of a much simpler approach, allowing a smooth undercut beneath the sidepod to increase the airflow underneath the car and eventually to the rear of the car. It's much less aggressive than the sidepods that the car has sported all year, and should give the whole car a much better feeling in terms of driveability and overall downforce. I think the positioning of the exhaust was possibly the most difficult change, and something we'll probably continue to try and develop in order to extract the car's full potential in the remaining races,"

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 314 days ago (edited 12 years 314 days ago)
With 3 races to go can Relentless JNR hold off Laval Racing for 2nd?
Will 8PB hold off Ebay Motorsports for 4th?
Will Ebay Motorsports hold off Booker GP for 5th?
And will Booker GP hold off Wickham Engineering for 6th?
Will Kamila Nowosiński hold off Patrick Mota for 2nd?
And what teams will we expect to blossom next season?
Spokesman for 8PB has said that they're in full strive for next season's designing as they started concentrating on this so late.
"We'll be out of the picture for next season's championship I would believe as we'll be concentrating on the following season.
Next season will be used to fine tune equipment, train the staff and drivers and earn some money for what should be an exciting season none the less.
Personally I believe Booker Gp and Wickham Engineering will take the championship's, i've seen them battle before and this should be an exciting one."
"I wish Simparts Racing and Relentless Juinor all the best for next season. They've been great competition and Simparts will do well. I'll be watching Relentless JNR to see if they're better than their big brother you could say."
"Unfortently for us in Pro we have Rusteze JNR coming up so that will be even more competition. But we'll see if Rusteze JNR is as good as their big brother and if Relentless JNR will beat Relentless."

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 313 days ago
This thread is becoming a serious threat to the actual game - or my game anyway.
I spend more time reading this than setting up my cars!!

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 313 days ago
Your cars can be assembled by a 5 year old kid. It's LEGO.

Jake Goodhall medal 5000 12 years 313 days ago
ROFL - yeh you are right - but I keep losing my bricks!

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 313 days ago
This thread is slowly becoming an intergrated part of the game itself, whilst promoting Speed Series, it's fantastic :D

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 313 days ago
In a season, which has been less than decent in terms of Relentless Racing's average performance, they were able to pull back some of their magic, with Ryota Onishi pulling a stunning lap in qualifying to claim pole position by less than a tenth of a second, knocking Edna Dempsey from the top spot in the dying second of the session.
"It was the best lap of my life," Claimed Onishi. "The car had felt fantastic all weekend, with its revised sidepods, and I've never driven a car as good as that one. I'm pretty speechless right now, and I just have to say a massive thankyou to the guys here and back at the factory for providing me with this opportunity to take my first pole position of my career,"
Whilst Onishi bathed in the spotlight, his team mate, Itzel Santiago was halfway down the field in 14th, half a second behind Onishi.
"It was an odd qualifying," Said Jamie Franklin after the session had ended. "We thought that the new sidepods would be able to give us a tenth or two on our competition, and that was being quite optimistic. Since our last major update in Hungary, we've been about half a second behind the top spot in outright pace, and Onishi was able to close that half a second gap, whilst Santiago seemed to gain nothing from it. So we'll take a look at the data and see what we can find out from that to help Itzel in the future, and possibly even tomorrow's race,"
The race was another great result for the English team, as they were able to claim their first podium in almost an entire season, thanks to Onishi, once again. On the first couple of laps, the Relentless driver was looking good for the win, until Dempsey quickly closed up and then eventually flew into the distance.
"I'm very pleased with second. It's, again, the best result of my career to date, and the car was phenomenal again. The strategy was great, the car was great and the team is great. I love racing with this team, and I'm really looking forward to my home race in Japan," Said the Japanese driver in the post-race press conference.
Itzel wasn't able to quite get the same out of the car, consistently lapping 4-5 tenths slower than Onishi per lap, leaving questions as to why the Japanese driver was able to extract so much out of the car, compared to Santiago?

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 313 days ago (edited 12 years 312 days ago)
The 4 time championship team has been renamed to TEAC racing after rumours of contract negotiations.
TEAC are know as a major home entartainment system and are now sponsoring one of the best teams this season.
The rumours came round after Team Principal Lachlan Collins was spotted talking with TEAC finacial officers. This sponsorship comes just before the TEAC Racing Team had said that they'll be out of the picture next year.
"It's a great deal for us and TEAC, we both see ourselves as big competitors in our seperate areas. The team are very pleased with this and will be looking to capilatise on it in 2 seasons time. The deal also came with new technologies and equipment that should place us a step ahead of competitors when information is needed."
"After we sold our wind tunnel to make money we really needed a boost, well I think we just found that boost."
This has nothing to do with skills and want etc... Tuomo Ahonen said he doesn't want to race for the TRT any more as he feels he is letting the team down.
So TRT is now on a driver hunt.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 312 days ago (edited 12 years 312 days ago)
The 24 yr old is coming to the TRT, it wasn't the cheapest decision (costing 932,800 per race) Janis will be looking to settle in to his new team.

(money's low caz i constantly use it and my contracts are priced ridiculously high and I just brought him.)
He may be low in some areas but we hope for him to shine through.
This will cost alot of money but we may replace Nora Isaksen. The number 1 driver in the team has delivered and is now, unfortently looking for a new team.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 312 days ago
The team principal Lachlan Collins is now tight with his budget after going all our on drivers this week.
New Driver is listed below

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 312 days ago
14.8 millions for a driver ?!? That's insane. Not even Janis is priced that high.

Brendon Avery medal 5000 12 years 312 days ago
14.8 millions for a driver ?!? That's insane. Not even Janis is priced that high.
It looks like he intends on living the high life he has become accustomed to ;)
Good luck with your new signings Lachlan :)

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 312 days ago
14.8 millions for a driver ?!? That's insane. Not even Janis is priced that high.
It looks like he intends on living the high life he has become accustomed to ;)
Good luck with your new signings Lachlan :)
At least Brendon had simpathy :P
Janis is worse :P + Breno has heaps more talent then janis, HIGH TALENT=INCREDIBLE DRIVER :P i hope

Alin Costrasuc medal 5000 12 years 312 days ago
My Janis, not yours.

Lachlan Collins medal 5000 12 years 312 days ago
My Janis, not yours.
In that CASE you have a point :P But is your Janis' being paid 900,000 a race?

Jamie Franklin medal 5000 12 years 312 days ago
After achieving a pole position and a podium in Singapore, Relentless Racing were shafted back down the field, after qualifying 9th and 11th in qualifying, and only able to increase that position to 10th for the race.
"I'm really disappointed," Jamie said to the press after the race. "I was expecting to at least be fighting for 5th and 6th places, but somehow we just didn't have the pace, despite making adjustments to the chassis to better enhance the update we had in Singapore. I think part of the problem was that we had a massive loss of data on Ryota's side of the garage, meaning that he had a much less than ideal setup for this race, and I'm really sorry for that, considering it was his home race. This meant that he was half a second down on pole, when he should have at least been level with Itzel. I think the other problem is that the top 10 was covered by just 3 tenths of a second, which is astonoshing, and had Santiago been able to extract at least a tenth out of the car, which we think the car is capable of, it would have been a very different result,"
With only two races to go, it's unlikely that Relentless will be able to take 4th in the Championship, and so this will be their worst season in the history of the team, which might leave us wondering whether the team might be having a bit of a re-shuffle to keep them at the top of their game.