Gaetano Lombardo medal 5000 5 years 148 days ago
I am very confused about the driver's mental statistics, especially about the experience, it is not even considered in the qualifications, often drivers with low experience get the pole. Those statistics seem to be completely useless in qualifying and races.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 5 years 148 days ago
sorry but this does not happen only with old IDs, since I researched and print here, and occurs with new accounts too, there are always 2 teams defined per league. How is being defined who is harmed that they should check. What is certain is that the current qualyfing system is in trouble, defining unfair grids. It would be very simple to solve, just give the manager the opportunity to make this qualifying lap or do the grid definition for the 5 laps we have. PLX JUST SEE ALL LEAGUES, ALWAYS HAVE 2 TEAMS WITH BAD GRIDS IN LAST RACES, ALWAYS THIS TEAMS in last of the chosen tire , DONT HAPPEN ONLY OLD ID.
Hi Lucas,
Thanks for clarifying. That would still align with the hypothesis of qualifying order, actually. I'm not sure what determines the qualifying order, but it could be another variable such as garage number, championship finishing order, time in the league etc. This could explain why it's not just team age, but most of the times it is. I will confirm with the sim developers and I still think understanding what determines the qualifying order and impact it has on grip levels is the most promising path to investigate.

Lucas Senna medal 5000 5 years 148 days ago
Yes I imagine. For me, every season, just as the system determines pit stop position, and car numbering, it also determines the order for the quick lap, and so, as you said, due to the rubberiness, unfortunately happen for this. Wouldn't it be the case to get the rubber off the qualyfing ? Thanks Jack for the reply and feedback.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 5 years 148 days ago
This thread was brought to my attention by José (community manager). I haven't read it, because I got the gist of it pretty quickly when I saw the link between older/younger teams. The main reason I didn't read through it is there wasn't really anything else I needed to know. When you get down to the level of thousandths of a second deciding results, I find it entirely plausible, that something like this could show up as a pattern. I'll make sure we look in to this because you might be on to something. I will explain why at the end, but first a disclaimer and clarification:
I don't work on the simulation of the races or qualifying, so I can only talk from a slightly more informed perspective than anyone else here, and many of you actually have way more data on the simulation than I do. I spend most of my time working on UI stuff and managing the team. I can tell you with total confidence that any effect like this is not by design. Let's make that absolutely clear. Any accusation that we've built in canned artificial effects designed to balance the game or something are simply wrong.
That said, here's why I think there might be something to this... the age of the team has a direct correlation to the numerical ID of the team. I also know that cars run qualifying in iGP in a particular format - one after another. It's possible that the qualifying order is determined by the team ID, and that in leagues where thousandths of a seconds count, this order may be impacting the qualifying performance in a marginal way. For example, perhaps the track is "rubbering in" as each lap is completed, giving those that run later a slight edge. Because this order may be determined by team ID, it could consistently show up in a pattern relating to team age, exactly as described.
I will run this hypothesis past the sim developers and see what they think, and whether there is something we can do about it, before getting back to you. For now, I just wanted to share my thoughts and that there are simulation based explanations for this behaviour, if it is happening. It's definitely not something canned or artificial outside of a simulation, because we don't have anything like that in the system.
Although i think you are probably correct about the order of qualifying etc having an effect i think there's more too it with this team (2012 team) than just that, i say that because look at the lap times gaps between my cars and the leaders in the first post, the gap between them is quite often huge, not thousandths but quite often 3-7 tenths of a second, thats what is not normal with this team, its like there's more than 1 problem.
To add weight to your qualifying order theory, this team always does much worse qualifying throughout a season when its running the number 1 & number 2 car numbers (even if you didnt win championship due to teams team numbers changing end of season randomly) compared to when they are running numbers in the 20's i've known this for many years, i see this with my newer generation teams (2018 teams) also and is a difference of thousandths like you say but it always hits my 2012 generation teams harder possibly because there is another issue with those teams on top of the qualifying order..

Francesco D'Angelo medal 5000 5 years 148 days ago
after careful analysis (I managed to block the page when the qualifications were not yet completed) I can certify that the order of qualifications reflects the seniority of the teams. First the old and then the young. The strange thing is that in our league (IGP Super Legend) it generally seems to benefit those who go down first on the track (therefore the older teams). We will do other studies and other analyzes if they can serve
Sorry for my bad english
Apri in Google Traduttore

Gian Michele Pisanu medal 5000 5 years 148 days ago
I thank Jack for the reply. A great manager with the story of Gary Collyer deserved an official response and I'm glad there was.
I believe that the order of qualification in order of seniority of the account can have some relevance when there are thousandths of difference on the lap, but when they are two, three or five tenths, with the skills all at 100, it is normal for everyone to think that there is something different, especially if this statistically happens above all to those who are ahead in the standings. Lucas has entered a lot of data, I also have many, but I choose not to include them, convinced that Jack has understood that there is an important problem and that it must be solved at the source.

Lucas Senna medal 5000 5 years 148 days ago
Jack, in my opinion the qualifying lap should represent the best car/driver set along with compound chosen and first stint Fuel. And remove the rubberiness criterion ... regards

Alessandro Bonifacivs medal 5000 5 years 148 days ago (Last edited by
Alessandro Bonifacivs 5 years 148 days ago)
I hope you are investigating the problem now, Jack (I'm sure about that). I mean, new tracks and other improvements are great but would be nice to consider this matter as a priority because it involves the key part of the gameplay.

Gary Collyer medal 5001 5 years 147 days ago
Along the same lines as Francesco i kept refreshing the qualifying page early on pc until some drivers showed up on qualifying results, there was 15 teams in the league and 6 of them were 2012-2015 teams & the rest were teams after Oct 2016.
12 drivers showed up on my first refresh that showed any teams and they were all the six 2012-2015 teams and no others, once i had quickly read them and refreshed again all 30 drivers were on quali page by that point.

It’s Derek medal 5000 5 years 147 days ago
I concur with others here regarding the qualifying problem. I feel it’s some RNG nonsense where, it should in fact focus on driver skill/talent, car development (more finely) and of course fuel amount/level.
Why fuel? I hear you all ask.
Well, my race is often compromised by those who are quite evidently on a 3 stopper whereas I am, for example on a 4. So, to counter this problem of being stuck behind a “slug” I choose to start on SS which, as most will know, isn’t the optimal race strategy (in fact it’s Softs for most of the races but, that’s another story :D). Anyways, where was I, ah yes, fuel - love the stuff - I have it on my cereal - ah, going off topic again!
Of course, you may say change your Push Level to get passed them, idiot! Well yes that is a “solution” of sorts but, often, the tyres will overheat as a result. And then, I’ll be back to square one (and crying) as I am trying to get my (overheating) tyre temperatures under control; and low and behold the “slug” will have passed me (again) as a consequence.
Alas, some of this was in jest but my point still stands. Qualifying is, at this moment in time, a lottery which, is quite laughable considering this is supposed to be a simulation game (it is, right?).
Other than that, the devs should be commended for making such a great game! ?
Just my two cents (which’ll probably get overlooked) ?

Marissa Metiva medal 5000 5 years 147 days ago
Been noticing this but usually only dragging me to midpack and finding a points spot by race end. Unfortunately, fuel loads do seem to alter qualifying spots as well as my lighter fuel load driver almost always outqualifies the heavier fuel load

John Doe medal 5000 5 years 146 days ago
Hello everyone, I'm glad Jack that you decided to give importance to this big problem. I hope you can understand my words here, they will be written with the google translator. In our league we have decided that next season we will not let luck decide the starting positions of each car (at least for most of the season). We will solve it by adopting a rule that decreases the initial values of the car's abilities in a structural way. At the end of the season, league managers will leave and return with a "half-star" design chief, and then continue using their high-level design bosses as in a normal season. This will mean that everyone will start with the following values, which will be the same for all levels:
- 13 in the strength of the chief designer.
- 4 in the weakness of the chief designer.
- 9 in all other values.
This new standard has been approved 81% of managers through a survey, we wanted to avoid such high average values (50 in normal statistics except the weakness of the head of design) of the car due to the number of current tracks (20), which directly conditions the development of the car and would make us reach 100 in the big 4 in the 6/7 race ... we are going to partialize the qualification problems that we are all aware of, we do not want them to start being important from the 6/7 career onwards. The 10/15 best managers of the classification of our current season will have to leave and re-enter in the correct order, to minimize the differences and advantages of the different position in the pit lane. From the administration of the league we will supply the head of design to those who do not get one with the characteristics required for access .. We have worried a lot to solve this problem since our league is full of great players, and the trains that formed the Last seasons were really destroying the fun of the league and every day it became more boring and desperate for many players ... this new solution will grant many variations in the strategies and will not make the qualys many times decisive. Personally I think that the solution you propose to make a league of 14/15 races is not good, we have many circuits, everyone has something special and the problem is not in the circuits, the problem is in the few variants of strategies because of the similarity of the cars and in the qualys.as I already exposed here quite a long time ago, a car with 46 points less than mine qualified in front of me with the same strategy in Abhu Dabhi, I have even won the race from the Pole Position ... I have even arrived in Monaco with the most developed car in the big 4 in all seasons of the league and I never got the pole, nor being above position 3 behind cars with 10 puts less what is the use of working in the car excellently if after that job is not rewarded in the qualy and career? The oldest accounts of each league that get great results are gradually losing performance, I do not know why this is but it is something that I have seen in many leagues and many great managers .. I have already proposed several times that you should leave in hands of each League in a personalized way, the option of being able to reset the values of each car at the end of each season, by means of an option in administration settings .. the administrators can give the option to decide the managers with a vote and among all choosing the current option, or the one that I propose that I believe is something much more positive ... I hope to value my words and you will solve this big problem soon, in the meantime, we will do it our way.
Hola a todos,me alegro mucho Jack que hayas decidido darle importancia a este gran problema. Espero se puedan entender bien mis palabras aqui,seran escritas con el traductor de google. En nuestra liga hemos decidido que la proxima temporada no dejaremos que la suerte decida las posiciones de salida de cada coche (Al menos durante la mayor parte de la temporada). Vamos a solucionarlo adoptando una regla que disminuye los valores iniciales de las habilidades del automóvil de manera estructural. Al final de la temporada, los gerentes de la liga abandonaran y regresarán con un jefe de diseño de "media estrella" , y luego continuarán usando sus jefes de diseño de alto nivel como en una temporada normal. Esto significará que todos comenzarán con los siguientes valores, que serán los mismos para todos los niveles:
- 13 en la fuerza del jefe de diseño.
- 4 en la debilidad del jefe de diseño.
- 9 en todos los demás valores.
Esta nueva norma a sido aprobada el 81% de los gerentes a través de una encuesta, queriamos evitar los valores medios tan altos (50 en estadisticas normales excepto la debilidad del jefe de diseño) del coche debidos al número de pistas actuales (20), que directamente condiciona el desarrollo del automóvil y nos haria llegar a 100 en los 4 grandes en la carrera 6/7..vamos a parcializar los problemas de calificación de los que todos somos conscientes, no queremos que comiencen a ser importantes a partir de la 6/7 carrera en adelante. Los 10/15 mejores gerentes de la clasificación de nuestra actual temporada tendrán que salir y volver a ingresar en el orden correcto, para minimizar las diferencias y ventajas de la diferente posición en el pit lane. Desde la administracion de la liga suministraremos el jefe de diseño a quienes no consigan uno con las caracteristicas exigidas para el acceso..Nos hemos preocupado mucho por solucionar este problema ya que nuestra liga esta llena de grandisimos jugadores,y los trenes que se formaban las ultimas temporadas estaban destrozando realmente la diversion de la liga y cada dia se hacia mas aburrida y desesperante para muchos jugadores..esta nueva solucion otorgara muchas variaciones en las estrategias y no hara que las qualys sean muchas veces decisivas. Personalmente pienso que la solucion que planteais de hacer una liga de 14/15 carreras no es buena,disponemos de muchos circuitos,todos tienen algo especial y el problema no esta en los circuitos , el problema esta en las pocas variantes de estrategias por la similitud de los coches y en las qualys..como ya expuse aqui hace bastante tiempo,un coche con 46 puntos menos que el mio califico delante de mi con la misma estrategia en Abhu Dabhi,he incluso gano la carrera desde la Pole Position...incluso he llegado a Monaco con el coche mas desarrollado en las 4 grandes en todas las temporadas de la liga y no consegui ninguna vez la pole , ni estar mas arriba de la posicion 3 por detras de coches con 10 putos menos ¿de que sirve trabajar en el coche de forma excelente si despues ese trabajo no se ve recompensado en la qualy y carrera? Las cuentas mas antiguas de cada liga que obtienen grandes resultados van perdiendo poco a poco rendimiento,no se a que se debe esto pero es algo que lo he visto en muchas ligas y a muchos grandes gerentes..Ya he propuesto varias veces que deberias dejar en manos de cada Liga de forma personalizada,la opcion de poder resetear los valores de cada auto al final de cada temporada , mediante una opcion en ajustes de administracion..los administradores pueden dar la opcion de decidir a los gerentes con una votacion y entre todos escoger la opcion actual,o la que yo propongo que creo es algo mucho mas positivo...Espero valores mis palabras y solucioneis pronto este gran problema,nosotros mientras tanto,lo haremos a nuestra manera.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 5 years 145 days ago (Last edited by
Jack Basford 5 years 145 days ago)
Hi all, I have an update on the situation. Our investigation in to the simulation did not find what I expected. Though the cars always run in the same order in qualifying, there was clearly code to ensure that all cars had the same conditions for their laps. It should have been identical for all cars, at least that is the clear intention of the code in the simulator.
Given the strength of feeling among the community that something is happening, I am not satisfied with that answer. So I have instructed the team to randomise the order that cars run qualifying in from now on, to see if it breaks the pattern. If it does, then it will reveal that the running order is associated with the effect. If the effect survives this update, then it is likely something else.
We are now deploying that update to the service, over the next 3-4 hours, which ranomises the qualifying running order. It should be live for all races after this time. If there is an impact associated with the running order, which should be the only consistent thread between all the qualifying sessions, then we should start to see the pattern disrupted by this update. It will allow us to dig further in to the effect and locating its source.

John Doe medal 5000 5 years 145 days ago
I do not understand how something so important can be random ... the best cars should get better positions using the same tires ... also the most experienced drivers should influence, it has been shown that the higher this value and the older the driver, the worse the results gets in the qualy.

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 5 years 145 days ago
Ross, they are just randomizing qualifying order, not starting grid positions.
I think this change in qualifying running order won't show any effect, because in my opinion the start/finish line isn't the same for all game agents (cars). Remember the DRS bug (which still happens at Brazilian iGP), few cars get DRS one lap before because their start/finish line is offset and placed before the DRS line, thus for those cars it is actually lap 3 and DRS is enabled.
Giving the same start/finish line for all cars is very likely to fix this issue.

Jack Basford medal 5235
CEO & CTO 5 years 145 days ago
I do not understand how something so important can be random ... the best cars should get better positions using the same tires ... also the most experienced drivers should influence, it has been shown that the higher this value and the older the driver, the worse the results gets in the qualy.
As Gustavo said, we will still run qualifying normally, the only thing which has been randomised is the order in which cars will take to the track to set their qualifying time.
Previously, the cars would always set their qualifying time in the same order, and I believe it may be contributing to the pattern emerging in times. There was obviously some confusion on my meaning. I had not considered that it could be read another way. Was it also you that disliked my post, Ross? I'm just wondering if anyone isn't happy with the way we're trying to resolve it, or if my post was misread.

John Doe medal 5000 5 years 145 days ago (Last edited by
John Doe 5 years 145 days ago)
ok, sorry, don't interpret google translation well ... so what are the values that the game uses to decide the qualy? because without a doubt the car really is not totally decisive in this option ... It can make a lot of sense what Gustabo says about the finish line ... I have seen certain qualys with up to 7 tenths of difference with all cars at 100 in the big 4 ... I read the comment of the other day where you were talking about thousandsimas. ... I assure you that the differences are much greater and the strange thing is that it happens with matched cars ... if that happens with cars in Malaysia or Monaco, it is easier to understand ...could you explain more accurately how this system works?

It’s Derek medal 5000 5 years 145 days ago
High five Jack ? - ah sh*t, (I) missed your hand ?

Gustavo Heiden medal 5011 Super Mod 5 years 145 days ago
Could you explain more accurately how this system works?
I'd appreciate that too.

Alessandro Bonifacivs medal 5000 5 years 145 days ago
Ross, they are just randomizing qualifying order, not starting grid positions.
I think this change in qualifying running order won't show any effect, because in my opinion the start/finish line isn't the same for all game agents (cars). Remember the DRS bug (which still happens at Brazilian iGP), few cars get DRS one lap before because their start/finish line is offset and placed before the DRS line, thus for those cars it is actually lap 3 and DRS is enabled.
Giving the same start/finish line for all cars is very likely to fix this issue.
Hi Gustavo, what to you mean exactly with the same start/finish line? It's very interesting but I cannot understand how this would not affect for example the finish line for the end of the race... :)
Anyway, good news from Jack. Something is moving but I think more investigations are needed