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New changes today. All about $

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medal 5000
3 years 196 days ago (Last edited by Kylian Lesage 3 years 195 days ago)
Lets remember two things . 

First , the scooting in now free ( was 1 token before ) . So thats make sense to have a raise , maybe not that much . I think an increase of 1.5 tokens per talent will be much fair . (Instead of 2 right now)

Another thing is , you can literally earn 3 tokens per race for free . Thats 17 races to reach 50 .. yes the price increase hurts, but to call the game pay to win when you can get everything for free , It's a kind of a shame .

Lets remember this change was made for the accounts that put too many tokens in the game to have perfects drivers, and this change may seem a bit difficult (like i said 1.5 per talent would be more fair) , but thats not the end of the world .
medal 4769
3 years 195 days ago
At first I was a bit shocked at the prices, but thinking about it...

For top managers this will actually save you tokens. Think about it, before this you could easily spend 100 tokens trying to roll a T20 190cm+ driver. Now all you have to do is be patient for one to appear and spend 50.

But I do see this hurting the low-mid level managers. Low-mid level managers will easily roll a T20 driver in 20 tokens and sign them regardless of height (because the finer top level plays don't matter as much), costing them 35 tokens at most. So an automatic 50 token price tag is going to hurt them.

We must remember that we can still buy staff and drivers in the transfer market. Do what everyone else does and put time in to scouring the market for that "gem".
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago
This is absolutely ridiculous I just started this game and it looks like the greed from Devs just kicked in. Theres tonnes of features that I would like to see, making me question why am I even playing, instead of getting the Devs to fix other stuff we go for the money grabbing one first it looks like lol. I'll be watching here and quitting soon if nothing changes 
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago (Last edited by Daniel Lyons 3 years 195 days ago)
The reason for that is scouting being now for free. Every 48 hours a list worth 6 token prior of the update is now generated with no cost to find the next dream driver, given some patience. Of course it's more expensive now if the first T20 would've been good enough, but for everyone looking for certain traits even 50 token can be a bargain, but needs time.


An entire team can be recruited through the HQ now, which is a big shift in the balance of the game. In order for Transfers to remain relevant then transfers has to be the cheapest way to buy, followed by the academy, which indirectly saves cash and tokens via lower costs and wages, followed by editing directly (e.g. editing CD strength and weakness). That's exactly how it is priced, to land in the middle of the range of options.

For new players, youth are cheaper now than they used to be (under 15 Tokens to buy, 0 cost to scout them). In the middle levels they are 20-30 Tokens to buy, still with 0 cost to scout them. For 2/3 of the life of the game there has basically not been much change, and in each case you can reduce the prices further if they are less than perfect.

The transfers system is also being revised (WIP, not yet released) and will refresh every few minutes. Prices will not be changing on transfers, and there will be an abundance of auctions available, plus we will be returning tokens if you don't win an auction when it's done. In other words, once all the updates we're working on are finished, it all balances out.

We expected some level of response as we've gotten in this thread from level 15-20 players, who understandably look at the price on the button and can see it's higher. However, we know for a fact people were sometimes spending 100 Tokens in the old system to recruit the perfect level 20 driver, and that the overall average even at level 20 was much the same as where we've set the price now.

Ok. I know that some people do spend 100s of tokens just to get a 190+cm driver but most people don't bother cuz it's not really worth it. So most people spend  a max of 20 tokens to get a driver (plus 15 to promote) whixh is a 35 token spend with 19 other drivers that you could also promote. Now I can spend 50 tokens on ONE driver... makes sense.  

Now I don't like criticising the devs or the game cuz I think its got great potential however this update just doesn't make sense . Also why are you realising parts of an biggers update that causes knock-on issues rather than just having on big update?? 

The update its self is actully quite a good idea and I think it could work really well however the tokens is just to high! 
And if as tou say a future update to the transfer market will balance this out, why don't you lower the prices just now until the next update come out
medal 5443 CEO & CTO
3 years 195 days ago
I do see this hurting the low-mid level managers. Low-mid level managers will easily roll a T20 driver in 20 tokens and sign them regardless of height (because the finer top level plays don't matter as much), costing them 35 tokens at most. So an automatic 50 token price tag is going to hurt them.

The pricing is dyamic by level. E.g. at level 10 an ideal driver or CD costs 30 Tokens. At level 15 it's 40, around 35 in other words, not 50 as you had understood. That's the price for 20 talent youth CDs or drivers.

The other thing which hasn't been acknowledged is that you know the price up front. Maybe some people are shocked because the whole price is baked in now, whereas rolling the dice before you never knew what you would get. We wanted to change the experience though so that when you buy you know exactly what you're getting and have a clear purchase decision. There's no surprise, no obligation, and potentially cheaper alternatives like the transfer market.
medal 4769
3 years 195 days ago
I do see this hurting the low-mid level managers. Low-mid level managers will easily roll a T20 driver in 20 tokens and sign them regardless of height (because the finer top level plays don't matter as much), costing them 35 tokens at most. So an automatic 50 token price tag is going to hurt them.

The pricing is dyamic by level. E.g. at level 10 an ideal driver or CD costs 30 Tokens. At level 15 it's 40, around 35 in other words, not 50 as you had understood. That's only the price for 20 talent youth CDs or drivers.

The other thing which hasn't been acknowledged is that you know the price up front. Maybe some people are shocked because the whole price is baked in now, whereas rolling the dice before you never knew what you would get. We wanted to change the experience though so that when you buy you know exactly what you're getting and have a clear purchase decision. There's no surprise, no obligation, and potentially cheaper alternatives like the transfer market.

Ahhhh OK. That's cool then. I don't know what all the fuss is about xD

The 50 I quoted was for my level (20) btw. I was talking about top level managers there mate.
medal 4725
3 years 195 days ago

I do see this hurting the low-mid level managers. Low-mid level managers will easily roll a T20 driver in 20 tokens and sign them regardless of height (because the finer top level plays don't matter as much), costing them 35 tokens at most. So an automatic 50 token price tag is going to hurt them.

The pricing is dyamic by level. E.g. at level 10 an ideal driver or CD costs 30 Tokens. At level 15 it's 40, around 35 in other words, not 50 as you had understood. That's the price for 20 talent youth CDs or drivers.

The other thing which hasn't been acknowledged is that you know the price up front. Maybe some people are shocked because the whole price is baked in now, whereas rolling the dice before you never knew what you would get. We wanted to change the experience though so that when you buy you know exactly what you're getting and have a clear purchase decision. There's no surprise, no obligation, and potentially cheaper alternatives like the transfer market.

You can interpret your first statement in multiple ways, but as far as I can see (with my feeders) T20 drivers cost the same irrespective of the team's level.

This still means that lower-level managers that are trying to sign their first T20 driver from their academy (to save salary costs) still have to spend 50 tokens instead of the 15 (+ a couple to roll the dice of course), right? I can obviously only speak from my own experience but at that time I didn't really have that many tokens to spend... Thus this will make the 'journey to the top' for new managers harder, which in turn might lead them to quit and that's just detrimental to this game's survival...
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago
Firstly: Love the new update, big step forward especially the CD s and intuitive system.
BUT... While the CD pricings are on the whole very well balanced, 50 tokens for a new T20 driver is a joke! For new players (the main recipients of T20s) that's a cost of maybe 20 tokens max from a good academy to gift plus 10 mil back from the sale, all the way up to 50 tokens and only a net profit of 5 million of so (not to mention the added cost to buy on the other end!) Honesty though this is easily fixed, just slightly lower the price and on the whole, it is a great update ?
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago
For staff 50Token for a 5star member is reasonable but for drivers it’s too much….. driver 25 5star would be ok
medal 5001
3 years 195 days ago (Last edited by John Doe 3 years 195 days ago)
If one of the reasons behind this update was giving a new life to the headquarter then this update is a big failure. I rephrase me previous post. When a player has a low level, the staff will last 6/8 races at most if you want to be competitive. Where is the convenience of this new system??? Why should I waste my resources to upgrade my hospitality if I need many tokens to hire young staff for few races???

I'm not talking about drivers because I want to focus on another problem. If I cannot train staff members, the headquarter section will be a dead area of my game because I'm not level 20. My staff won't last seasons but only few races. That's the failure of this update!
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago
So before i could scout a driver for 1 and buy for another 15. Absolutely fine. Not broken.

Now I'm around 90 on average for the same. Absurd. Broken...
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago
One can discuss as much as they want, obs nothing will change and the update is to stay. The price increase is just humongous, i had been able to scout and promote a decent L20 driver for less than 20 tokens, *always*. IF i want a nba player (which is a unrealistic almost bug feature that is supposedly going to change anyway) I might go crazy scouting until I get that. But that's a very edge case.

The update is of course about the money. I don't think this turns it into a pay-per-win game, but it does increase the $$$ expenditure significantly and will render some who don't want to spend unable to compete against those who are willing to. So in some sense, yes, it is kinda-pay-per-win.

But what I feel it is a total rip off. Yes sure, we were warned (those who read the forum, some people didn't!) that prices would be higher. Higher as in double, maybe I expected? It has more than tripled the price! After the horrible fiasco earlier this year with the 3d mode side-effects of tracks no longer being f1 ones for licensing issues and all the aftermath that came with it (drs zones madness, gp lengths totally ridiculous, all strategies broken due to that...)? Prices tripled.

Sure, we all need to live of something, and "free" games don't pay their hosting on themselves. But x3 price is an INSANE increase in what we need to actually spend in order to stay competitive. I won't call it greed, but I still won't refrain from saying this is a massive rip off. No real advantages bought while prices sky rocketed.

medal 5443 CEO & CTO
3 years 195 days ago
You can interpret your first statement in multiple ways, but as far as I can see (with my feeders) T20 drivers cost the same irrespective of the team's level.

That's correct. Apologies, I misread the "T20" part of the message. Right after the update I was multitasking quite a lot, patching and responding to posts. At the time, I read it as top level for the manager for some reason.

Another thing we looked at was Top Eleven when revising the transfers system and scouting. Their scale served as a reference point as the most popular game in the sports management genre. They charge 39-69 Tokens for a "scout" (not even a youth) and have 11 players + reserves to fill. In comparison in iGP there are 4-5 positions to fill at 12-50 Tokens each. Of course, there are other factors at play such as the rate of levelling up (which is probably too fast in iGP at present) and ease of acquiring Tokens but overall the two represent a similar balance overall.

Once the new transfers system is in place everything will make more sense. I did consider holding back this update so they could launch together but there was so much more to this update underneath the hood that it didn't make sense to hold it back. The app optimisation update to accompany it will be in testing from next week and shouldn't take too long to arrive.
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago
Also I read someone saying saving up 50 tokens is not too hard, making some math as 50/3=17 (wrongly stated 16) races to be able to pay for one. But that would only be true if not because you will also need to spend some tokens regularly in order to buy the 20 engines you will need to supply engines to both your drivers, because for some reason my factories can pile up an infinite amount of parts but not so engines. So by the 10th of these 17 races you'll spend if you're smart and lucky with the giveaway deals, 16 tokens in engines. 20 if you are not. And that's assuming you don't need to add cash to your team (which you will when you keep employees for longer and their salaries reach 1.5m per race).

In order to keep your cars at max performance and your finances over red, you will be spending ~23 tokens every 10 races. Which was fine till now, because you'd earn 30 in the same period. So in order to get a new pair of drivers from academy you usually would have to save up some 40 tokens at a rate of 7 every 10 races, say 58 races. Oh wait, of course, in that period you might want to renew your staff, but let's ignore that for now.

I have played this game for almost 2 years, and I have only had enough to change a CD skillset (50 tokens each change) 3 times in this period. I could never afford more.

Now, I need 100 tokens for the same pair of academy T20 drivers, at the same rate of 0.7 tokens per race, which will be 143 races. Obviously in such long time I will have needed to renew my staff as well which I (so far) can do relatively cheap on the market, but still need some extra 18 tokens and some patience. If I want them from the academy (sorry, the HQ), then throw another 100 tokens at the price list and see my team renewed about never (300 races? if I play in a daily league that means a whole year)

One last thing: please don't compare the costs on this game to that of Top Eleven.
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago (Last edited by Bang Bang 3 years 195 days ago)
Edit: its being tweak already. I took a screenshot earlier to share with someone of the level 8 driver and the count down time had just a little under 48 hours. Now I check the same page for young drivers and listings and drivers/prices are all different and timer has been restarted.  "dynamic" maybe means... Edits. Either way, "as released" it could not have worked out. moving on!! Keep fixing thank you. 

 We will see how much it will change over the coming weeks.
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago
Its getting worse unfortunately. I made up a league of my own drivers. kind of made it all about managing the drivers. Not doing the driving for them to.. How its supposed to play to me.. Its easily done..
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago
Great new features Jack. Liking the CD and TD scouting mod.

Just a shame you priced out of the reach for regular folks.

Only those who are willing to buy a shed load of tokens will be able to use the new features..
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago
maybe we should half the current prices?
medal 5000
3 years 195 days ago

You can interpret your first statement in multiple ways, but as far as I can see (with my feeders) T20 drivers cost the same irrespective of the team's level.

That's correct. Apologies, I misread the "T20" part of the message. Right after the update I was multitasking quite a lot, patching and responding to posts. At the time, I read it as top level for the manager for some reason.

Another thing we looked at was Top Eleven when revising the transfers system and scouting. Their scale served as a reference point as the most popular game in the sports management genre. They charge 39-69 Tokens for a "scout" (not even a youth) and have 11 players + reserves to fill. In comparison in iGP there are 4-5 positions to fill at 12-50 Tokens each. Of course, there are other factors at play such as the rate of levelling up (which is probably too fast in iGP at present) and ease of acquiring Tokens but overall the two represent a similar balance overall.

Once the new transfers system is in place everything will make more sense. I did consider holding back this update so they could launch together but there was so much more to this update underneath the hood that it didn't make sense to hold it back. The app optimisation update to accompany it will be in testing from next week and shouldn't take too long to arrive.

Top Eleven as reference point? It all make sense to me now, when you use a Pay-to-win game as reference, this is the only possible outcome. This pricing system will scare mid level managers away and kill the already dead "pro" level in most league.

medal 5069
3 years 195 days ago (Last edited by Archie Bald 3 years 195 days ago)
Pretty confused why everyone is up in arms.

Last I checked, the auction section for 9 tokens still works. You don't have to use the scout system if you don't have the tokens or want to buy...

That's one of the beauties of the game, there is usually an alternative. Take 3D for example, I don't like it so I use the other option 2D.

Don't like the scout system, go to auction. Issue solved.

Please note my sentiments is regarding staff not drivers. For drivers, I'd agree with those that suggest halving the price to like 25 tokens.
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